
The Broken Road to Redemption

I’m an assassin, i killed so many people, that i don’t think hell will be enough punishment for me, but ween i died, i’ve got another chance, a new world, I’m going to claim that chance and won’t do the same mistakes,so what the adventures is waiting for me? And can i live a happy life throwing all the mistakes and the sins away?

rove_content · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 17: The enchanted elsysium forest pt6

"Yo, we meet again, tramp" he said

"You are that sacred person from the sect," I said

"Oh, you still remember me," he said

We were talking in a dark room, i felt like it was a endless, and the person I was talking to was hidden, but even though I couldn't see him I could sense his aura, which was followed by a sense of danger.

"I am Malphasor, one of the lords of the infernal abyss of Termentia, and possessor of the sin of lust." He said

"Woah...why would someone important like you want to talk to me?" I said

"The situation you're in is dangerous, with your current strength, you won't be able to survive," he said

"What do you want to say?" I said

"Let's join forces, if I do that, we can get out of this situation in the blink of an eye," he said

"...Why, why would a fine demon like you want to join forces with an ordinary person like me?" I said

Listen to me carefully, you're a person with three lives inside," he said

"Three??" I said

"Yes, three, the first is me, the second is yourself, and the third is someone I don't know, but I'm sure he's someone on the same level as my father," he said.

"Your father???, Be patient , you will know everything soon, the important thing is that if you die, the three of us will die, so if you make a deal with me, you will take the second half of my power" he said

"Second half???, you're talking as if I already had the first half" I said

"Yes, I did in the first meeting between us, listen, in order for you to be able to fully control my strength, you must go through situations in which you can show your feelings, in the first half show the feeling of pain, and in the second show the feeling of tenderness, as if you remembered an old person from your past, anyway you still need 2 more" he said

"I have a question, you said to unite our powers, we shall make a deal , what kind of deal is it , and how can I trust that you will not possess my body?"

"First, the deal we are going to make, is a blood deal, we will share our blood, which makes our mana unite, but you will only be able to use the second half of my strength which you unlocked and we will share our memories, you will know everything about me and I will know everything about you, As for your second question, no, I can't control you," he said

"... Why??" I said

"To control you I must dominate and overtake you. If it were you alone it wouldn't be a difficult task. But your third soul is a problem, because it is something greater than me. I cannot describe it well but I feel a heavenly presence in him" he said.

At first, I didn't trust this demon, but given the circumstances I was in, I had no other choice

"Okay, let's do this contract." I said

After uttering these words, a black aura surrounded me, which was lifting me up into the sky, and was entering from everywhere in my body, entering and exiting, over and over again, and every time, doing this process, I feel that my body, or rather my muscles, is getting bigger and bigger. Gaining strength, and the veins of my mani are so smooth, after about 20 minutes it finally finished.

"I didn't expect that you would get rid of my sinister mana, is it because of that third spirit, it doesn't matter,we are lucky now even the priest won't be able to sense my presence, we will now start the ritual of remembrance," he said.

After he finished speaking, I passed out and felt as if I was inside a dream. I saw everything that happened between this demon and his father, and I knew what happened in the eternal nightmares war, and in return he knew everything about me, to be honest with you, this bothered me a little bit because I wanted my past to be kept a secret, but I had no choice.

After that I woke up in the woods, as if everything that happened with the demon was just a dream, but I could feel my body has gotten stronger

"Oi ,chief of the tribe, this person seems to be strong," one of the warriors said

"Finish it quickly before the soldiers come," said the chief of the tribe

Then one of the orcs came rushing towards me, jumped with his hammer and trained me with it, but I was able to block it with only my hand, I took out my sword and then

Arcan Blade Style: first form: arcan strick

His head was cut off in a second. My enemies sensed danger. The eyes of anxiety appeared on their faces.

"I advise you, Come to me in one go because if you don't, you won't be able to kill me even if you try for a hundred years," I said.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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