
The broken Queen

A story about the Demon Queen who hs to marry the celestial king to save the other races from genocide by him ad the humans. I'm actually writing a prequel and current with H.E.M so check out both giving feedback.

Michele_Mays_7238 · Fantasy
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173 Chs

Chapter 152 part of Layla's past

Layla felt warmth and security radiating from the cocoon of vines, she steps closer placing her hand on top of the cocoon that hums happily. May smiles then walks over as her body glows white and the vines start unraveling from one another, a woman's naked body was inside of the cocoon.

" mom" Layla said reaching her hand out as the vines wrap around her hand preventing her from touching her, May smiles softly when she looks at the sleeping woman.

" she's in a deep sleep in a few weeks she'll wake up and then we both will leave this place and you will rule, I'm showing you this in case there is a situation that you'll need to use this willow tree to prevent someone you love from perishing." May said as she waves her hand and the vines wrap around her mothers body making a cocoon, May sighs then sits down on root that is shaped like a chair then motions Layla over.

" for this process to work you must feed the tree people" May said pointing at a gaping hole that looks like a side ways mouth with large thorns that look like teeth, Layla stares at it then shudders at the thought of feeding living people to this tree.

" May I don't know if I could do that " Layla said shaking her head, May nods in understanding and then life force was burning out, I couldn't and I sighs, she stares at the cocoon.

" I said the same thing until last year when your mother's⁰ won't let her go. I love her so much and if she dies then so will I regardless of my promise to her, I fed people who were evil or was committing evil acts to the tree and all of those eighty people who betrayed us was fed except for Hailey and Dylan " May said, she stands up waving her hand where the vines opened and the path appeared, May stops walking then looks over at Layla.

" I'm going to let you deal with your brother, if you don't do it soon the ones you love and even your own life will only suffer while he is still breathing. This is also your mother's wish or I would have dealt with him years ago, she always hoped that the boy that use to be so kind would come back and I told her his heart is black even before the acts he committed to you was not the only things he done. If you remember all those cases of rape and murder that happened across our kingdom...it was him he is still doing but it's kept from the public with the help from Syls father, she brings me all of the evidence that I store in that case over in the corner across from the cocoon so no one can find it." May said as they walk off the path and it closes again, a barrier falls away that prevents people from seeing where they went or the path.

Layla remembers all of the details she heard about the young ladies that survived and all the torture they went through, Layla can believe all of this since she has experienced how much of a scum the man is.

" your right about having to take care of him but the time isn't right for it now, we need to smoke out all of the ones who are working with him and Hailey seemed like like a stranger. Have you figured out what they've done to make her this way, is there any way to fix her" Layla asked as they walked through the side door.

May pulls out a necklace that has a star shaped gem that was a light blue color that looks like a choker, May hands it over to Layla.

" this should clean the magic he used on her out of her system he basically created an alter ego to Hailey " May said as Layla made her way down to the dungeon, she entered a cell with two guards who garbs Hailey holding her still while Layla attaches the choker, when she was let go every time she tried to touch the choker it would shock her to where her whole body would shake.

" I'm sorry Hailey this is for your own good and I'm sorry for not protecting you that won't happen again " Layla said, as she looks at two guards.

" you two will stay by this cell with your eyes trained on her while I'll have four more guards on the sides here as well...two days you six will watch that's an order " Layla said as she puts six guards by the cell and in front keeping their eyes surveying like hawks since they've heard about the disappearence of eighty others who betrayed Layla.

Sid and his two sons brought chairs in the hallway sitting watching the Guards, Sid is now the guard captain that is in charge of all the palaces soldiers and one of his sons is being moved up to a General, he's being trained by the top generals and keeping his eyes out for anymore traitors.

The kingdom is being revived with new laws and strict rules especially in the castle, Layla wants to drive out all of the people who are secretly doing evil things to her people and she has toughened her persona so no one she loves will be hurt and the women in the kingdom has a better chance. The first step is to drive out the male council members, if they won't leave voluntarily then she will make sure none live.

Two days later Layla hasn't had more than four hours of sleep while going over her spies findings and not only does she have Syl as a mole but others who are working for the council members.

Sid knocks on the door and Layla tells him to enter, he enters and has Hailey walking behind him and Layla rushes over pulling the girl into a tight hug. Hailey was bawling her eyes out, she starts slapping her own face and Layla pins her arms on her side.

" Hailey it's ok we're ok, I promise from now on I'll protect you and no one will hurt you again " Layla said while Hailey stares in her eyes then sobs.

" I could of killed you Layla, you should put me down so I'll never be able to do so " Hailey said while crying into Layla's shoulder, she looked at Sid who bowed then closes the door behind him.

"you'll be staying in the room beside me from now on and working as my assistant, no one else shall order you around you'll have say in what or who you'll be around and if Dylan comes near you...your guard who will stay by your side and has permission to do whatever it takes to protect you." Layla said as she looks at the gem on the choker that was now black, she was instructed by May to take it off today and put it up for her to check the signatures to see who the magic came from.

Layla takes the choker off then places it inside of the case when May knocks on the door and enters, Hailey looks up to May like a mother and she wouldn't raise her eyes up to meet the others. May stands in front of Hailey then pulls her into a hug kissing the top of her head, she pulls back making Hailey look up at her by grabbing her chin.

" my child you did nothing wrong, I should of paid more attention and I am more to blame than you are, were going to fix all of this and these men will no longer rule our kingdom" May said with a soft smile on her face, she goes over opening the door where a girl with short black hair walks in wearing a solid black pants and shirt.

" this is Eri who is a leader of a group who stays in the shadows that will protect all of you and take care of any threat. They are twenty that she is leading each one of you will have one assigned for your protection and the rest will take on certain missions" May said as Eri calls in six girls who stood in line, a brown haired girl with shoulder length hair smiled softly at Hailey with a soft blush on her cheeks that May picked up on.

" you what's your rank and name" May said as the girl bowed then steps forward.

" my name is Nine and I'm the sixth best warrior in our group " Nine said with a bow, Hailey was smiling at the girl when May pulls her next to her, she watches them shake hands then smiles at Hailey.

" you will stay next to my daughter Hailey and keep her safe" May said when Hailey heard what she said her head snapped towards her with tears in her eyes while May smiles softly at her..

" well will you help my daughter move into her new room beside mine" May said while rubbing Haileys back, the girl nods then follows Hailey out of the room and Layla looks over the girls.

" well we need to pick Syl, Margo, Viv and Cynthia guardians as well" Layla said looking the girls over, she looks over to the leader then clears her throat.

" tell me your ranks and names " Layla said when a curly blue haired girl at the end steps forward, she bows then stares at the floor and then shyly looks up at Layla.

" my name is Fray and I'm the fourth ranked in our group" Fray said while Layla studied her thinking of who she would get along with, Layla nods at the girl next to Fray that has dark purple hair that was straight down to the middle of her back.

" Tsk I'm Dala and I'm fifth ranked with a special skill of invisibility " Dala said and instantly she knew that the attitude and also having the skill to stay invisible would be good for Syl when she is around Dylan or her father. Layla nodded to the girl that had dark green and blue hair that was cut in a bob style haircut.

" it's nice to meet you my name is Sarea I'm the third ranked and I hope we can get along well " Sarea said with a smile, she looks at the three then nodded to the one standing next to the leader. The girl had silver hair with dark red eyes and had fangs, the girls presence was hard to notice it seemed if you'd take your eyes off of her she'd disappear.

" I'm Zorean " Zorean said as she stared into Layla's eyes, she will be the one who will be by her side and she'll have the leader by Cynthias side.

" ok Zorean will be by my side while Sarea will be my Viv, Dala will be by Syls side and Eri will be by Cynthias side...Fray will be by Margos side, these people mean the world to me and I hope that I've made the right choice of having their safety in all of your hands" Layla said as May turns to her, she takes the case that is holding the choker as she motions for the girls to follow her.

Zorean stays in the room with Layla and stands there not speaking a word and just watches her, Layla smiles at her then sits down at her desk and points to the sofa for her to sit in.

" have you had lunch yet....here's the thing I want you to be comfortable around us and when we sit and eat I want you all to do so as well get to know us " Layla said with a smile as she gets up from her desk walking out of the room with the girl following close behind her, they walk down to the dining hall and she sees everyone sitting down at the table.

" I've assigned seats per your order " May said sitting down beside Hailey, Nine is on the other side of her and then Syl beside her with Dala sitting beside her. Cynthia and Viv are the only ones not seated at the table with spaces beside the ones who are going to be their shadows already sitting down. Viv and Cynthia come into the room with looks of anger written on their faces that change to confusion when they see new people and the seating arrangement. Viv smiles then walks over kissing Layla on her lips taking the seat beside her, Syl and Cynthia let their face fall for a second before correcting it. Eri caught on to that as she glances to her left when Cynthia sits down beside Sarea who is sitting beside Viv, Margo looks over to the girl sitting beside her right then holds her hand out.

" hi my name is Margo and you are" Margo said while Fray smiles shaking her hand.

" Fray " she said with a soft smile looking at Dala who rolls her eyes, Hailey was whispering and smiling with Nine while the food was being brought in. May smiles at seeing Hailey happy and she is glad they chose Nine for her.

" well I want you all to get use to the girls they are going to be by your side at all times until we get rid of the dangers around us. Eri is the leader of this group, these six are the best from her unit that will have other tasks to complete and Eri will start with introductions " Layla said while taking a drink of her wine, she leans back smiling watching everyone.

" well my name is Eri and my charge is Cynthia " Eri said sternly as she stood up then sat down after she spoke, the second to speak was Zorean.

" Zorean I'll be with Layla" Zorean said as she starts to eat right after.

" Sarea and I'll be with Viv and I'm third in rank, that doesn't mean that one of us is better than the other it's just about how we joined by the way" Sarea said as she smiles at everyone.

" Hello, I'm Fray and I'll be with the lovely Margo " Fray said looking over at Margo with a smile, Margo smiled back then chugged her wine down with one drink that made Frays eyes go wide, she picks up the bottle then fills her glass again drinking it down in one drink and she was about to fill it again when Fray took the bottle moving it out from Margos reach.

" Names Dalla and I'll be watching her" Dala said pointing her thumb at Syl who stares at her for how rude and blunt the girl is then glares at Layla who laughs at her friend.

" this is Nine and she is mine~" Hailey said with a wide smile making the others smile at how she is being with Nine, she even was cutting Nines food up on her plate, Nine happily let her.

Dala rolled her eyes at the two while Syl done the same thing drinking her wine, Zorean was sitting beside Layla and May while Viv was on her other side.

Everyone was done eating chatting with each other while enjoying the wine, Fray was watching Margo after pouring her one more glass.

Viv leans closer to Layla and takes her hand intertwining their fingers, Eri watches both Syl and Cynthia scowl while watching Viv with Layla and she smirks at them. Both the girls caught Eri smirking and quickly adjusted their faces while drinking the rest of their wine.

Viv gets up then looks over at Layla, she smiles softly while pulling her up from her chair and then looks at Zorean then to Sarea.

" um I'd like to spend time with my girlfriend alone how will we go about this " Viv said with a blush on her cheeks, Zorean stands up as well as Serea who glance over at Eri.

" well they'll be by your door, they have excellent senses so they'll be able to sense someone thirty feet around your rooms and I also have the rest of our group patrolling inside and outside the castle" Eri said watching Cynthia and Syl dink their seventh glass of wine. May stands up and motions to the maids to take the wine away, Cynthia quickly grabs the bottle as well as Syl doing the same making May roll her eyes.

" go to your rooms, everyone has been relocated to our floor that includes a side room where the girls will be by your sides" May said walking out with Hailey and Nine following behind her, Hailey was holding Nines hand and Layla was happy of how Hailey is with Nine.

" well I'm going up with Viv to our room" Layla said, Cynthia quickly stands up and walks quickly to Layla.

" is there any way I can speak to you before you sleep" Cynthia said while Syl starts drinking from the bottle staring at them with a frown.

Layla nods her head glancing at Cynthia then at Syl, her heart felt like it was being torn looking at how sad they were.

" I'll come to both of your rooms before we sleep to speak to you about our conversation we could not finish a couple days ago" Layla said while they both nodded, she looks over at Margo who is now hitting on a blushing Fray who keeps smacking her hand away from her leg.

" Margo can I stop by your room later" Layla said and Margo smiles while looking at Fray then sighs.

" I guess I won't be busy " Margo said winking at Fray who quickly looks away from Margo, Eri likes these girls and she feels like she made the right decision now taking all of her girls away from the organization.

Viv glares at the two girls and stops when Layla looks back at her, when they walk away Viv sticks her tongue out at Cynthia causing Margo to burst out in laughter.