
The Broken Mind of a Mad Man

A young man was having the worst week of his life... his life before this was pretty chill though. Working at a 9-5 office job took up a lot of his day. Most of it was spent working while a smaller portion was working out or relaxing with his white and black cat. He didn't sleep much because he just didn't have the time. His parents had driven out to a bordering state, about 2 hours away, and decided to go sight seeing. They had driven up and got hit by a semitruck just as they started getting off the highway, leaving no survivors in the small car. Dean was devastated, his life slowly fell apart into shambles. He lost his job from taking days off to mourn, his cat had gotten sick and was currently laying, wondering when his last days were, and the people outside wouldn't just shut up about some "apocalypse" that was happening. Wait a minute.... what is that rumbling.

Duck_ManBird · Fantasy
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Last day on the job...

"I hope you have more luck at your next office job!" Dean's manager yelled as he watched Dean storm out of the office building. They had just fired him because he had given them his 'ultimatum'. He had been wanting to get more time off before this but he had been denied even though it was months ahead. 

Especially now that he had to figure out how to bury his parents... or what the state patrol had manage to scrape off of the highway. It wasn't even enough to fill a full coffin with what was left. The truck driver had been drinking and pushed them about 20 miles down the highway going 70 because the police pulled him over. 

He had told them that either he would get some time off or would walk out the door in the next five minutes, and walk he did. They just laughed at him while letting him walk away. "You are replaceable," "Why would we help YOU?" And many more jeers left the building as his 'co-workers' watched him leave along side his managers.

It took them so much time that the truck driver had managed to go 20 miles while almost hitting someone else before his parents could be 'rescued'. But none of that mattered right now, with barely any money in his savings and his parents donating all of their savings to charity all he had left was a ton of debt and a funeral to plan. 

His only other family, his sister and her family and his brother, had moved away a long time ago because of all the toxic attitudes that his parents gave them. Hopping in his beat up truck, Dean drove home to take care of his sick cat, who was on his last legs. The drive home was silent and slow. Being pulled over would be the last straw on this horrible day.

He just wanted to be with his cat and relax before they were kicked out of their apartment because he didn't have the rent. Not that he had any furniture that belonged to him either, just his clothes and some personal items. Pulling up to his assigned parking spot, he could see his landlord standing in front of his door. 

"Afternoon Dean, I assume you know why I'm here, right?" His landlord started. He had gotten luck with his landlord who gave him a couple months to try and get something working. "Hey Mr.Hillford. Yeah I think I know why," Dean said as he walked up and greeted the man, shaking his hand while trying to not cry right in front of him. 

"It's been a couple months that I've let you live here rent free, you've been a good tenant these last couple of years and your cat truly is the cutest, but I can't keep losing this much money letting you live here for free." His landlord said after sighing. "No, I understand. I don't have the money and I don't think I will for a long while so I'll start packing up." 

"Alright then, it's been great having you live here. Always minding your own business and paying your rent early, until recently. I'll give you five days till I need you out, is that enough time?" The old landlord asked. They had been close and often played boardgames on Thursday nights, which lead to the two bonding. 

"Yeah that's plenty, I'll probably move out before then to be honest." Dean said while holding in his tears. "Alright, have a nice night Dean. If you need in the future I'll let you know when a job opportunity opens up within my view." Mr.Hillford said. "Thanks, have a nice night," Dean said as he entered his apartment. 

He walked inside and set his keys and lunch bag on the table, still uneaten. He walked past his bedroom and into the kitchen where his cat usually slept, but he wasn't in his usual spot. "Falcon, where are you!" He said trying to call his cat out into the open. "Meow," A low and slow meow from the bedroom echoed into his ears.

"There you are Falcon," He said as tears started to fill his eyes. Laying on the bed he could see his best friend struggling to get up on his own. Seeing his best friend in this state broke him a little, "It's alright falcon, just lay there for a little while, I'll get you some food and then we can relax and sleep all day, just like you want to."

It was their little ritual for Falcon to lay on him and howl when he tried to get up and leave. It was the cutest thing ever and helped Dean get through his shitty days. "I'll be right back Falcon, you just stay there." He got up from his bed and went to go get the cat food that was easy for Falcon to eat. 

Falcon was his childhoods family cat which had been there for the majority of his life. He was his best friend through and through. No human can or would ever know him like his cat did. He went to his small cabinet and pulled out the feeding dish and some food for them both to eat. He prepared himself a sandwich and some water too for the both of them. 

Balancing the sandwich, cat food, and two cups of water in his hands while he slowly walked back to their room. "Hey Falcon, I have some yummies for you." Dean said in the high pitched voice that he did when he was speaking to his cat. "Hey sleepy head get up," 

Looking at his life long best friend sleeping on the bed, panic slowly filled his heart. "Falcon, hey wake up." He said as he lightly shook him. "Wake up!" He yelled as he fell to his knees. He put his hand in front of Falcons nose to see if he could feel any breath... but there wasn't any. "Damnit... DAMNIT!" He yelled as he threw the glasses and plates to the ground. 

He started punching the hardwood door, the ground, the table, anything that he could get his hands on. But nothing could quench the rage that built up in his chest. "Dean... DEAN, open the door! Are you alright?" He could hear some of his neighbors and Mr.Hillford trying to open the door.

Hearing their voices made his calm down slightly. But then the tears started to fall. He had just lost his best friend and no one in the world cared. No one but him. Finally they managed to open the front door with a master key and hurried inside, seeing Dean on the floor.

"Hey Dean, is everything alright? Why is there glass on the floor? Did anyone break in?" One of his neighbors wives asked him ask Mr.Hillford glanced inside the bedroom. "Oh god Dean, I'm so sorry." Mr.Hillford saw what had made him angry and went to his side. Putting his hand on his shoulder, he tried to calm the grown man who was crying without a care in the world.

"He was a damn good cat," He said. Still trying to calm down Dean, but all he got was sobs and half answers. "I *Snif* got food, and *Snish* he was just asleep," Dean managed to get out. "I thought he was just asleep *Snif* but when he didn't wake up," Then he bursted back into crying. "I know Dean, I know, he was one of the best of us." 

Dean cried for around ten minutes before he finally managed to calm down. He had red eyes and he gripped his palms so hard they had started to bleed. His landlord had given him his condolence... for the second time this week... and left. His neighbors had left almost as fast as they had arrived. 

Now he was truly left alone. His life just couldn't get worse... "What the hell... I'm all alone now. What do I even do..." He stood up and walked over to the kitchen table, trying to find something to do with his life. But then the ground started to shake...

They had the occasional small earthquake but they usually ended within a couple minutes. Dean was concerned when this one lasted for more than a couple. Then they started to get more violent. "MICHAEL get inside," He could hear many of his neighbors get inside as they all ran into their buildings. 

Then the buildings started to creak and break, everything was falling apart. Screams filled the air as the smell of blood flowed. It smelt horrible, making Dean want to throw up. He ran outside in a panic and started looking for something to take cover under. He saw his truck and dashed back inside to get his keys.

He ran as fast as he could back inside and saw his keys on the floor next to his lunch pail. He grabbed them both and ran back outside to his truck. He tripped a few times but he managed to make it about half way before a blue circle appeared in his vision, and then everything went black.

Hello people. I've finally got a start to a book that I like and will (Hopefully) continue with it for a while. I am thinking maybe 2 chapters a week or something around there. Thanks for giving my book a try and happy reading.

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