
Chapter two

Christian and I woke up with the sun shining bright as a lot was going on to the innocent souls lying lifeless all over the streets . Only the sound of birds and moans from the people where heard as they struggled in pain with no one to help.

Christian and I stood up as we started walking silently down not in an awkward one though since we had nothing to talk About as we followed the path heading to the road nearby.

Small droplets starting falling as the rain blessed us with its presence as if we had any place to find shelter in. We saw a path that led to the forest , we took the path feeling scared to death as we knew there was no place safe a forest where the planned there bloodshed . We took a sit from the shrubs to hide from them. Hours passed before we knew it, it was dark .

“ I am feeling cold.”, Christian said trembling from the cold that when I noticed he was shaking had a been in my head all the time . I took my coat off remaining with only a vest , I had to take the responsibility . I pulled him close to make him warm so he won’t catch a cold

“ you feeling better now” he nodded in response as he didn’t say much but I was glad I had him with me to comfort.

Christian feel a sleep later on in my arms as I couldn’t find sleep I started singing a melody to nobody

*Nkumbuye umwana twareranwe nkumbuye umwana twareranwe , buri joro ndamurota . Icyama ngo tubane

Nkumbuye ka kajisho , nkumbuye ka kajisho na gashyi ko kumatama wankubitaga twicaranye**

I sung in a soft voice tears falling down my face as I remembered old times with my best friend , who used to play with me , making jokes.


It was a bright day , early in the morning I was sweeping in the playground waiting for Ange to come , she came after a few minutes calling so loud that I fear she could wake everybody.

“ Hope....., hope where are you “, she called as I responded right here . I quickly ran to her catching her off guard in a tight hug . Ange I missed you “, I said to her excitedly. She smiled showing off her dimples that complimented her .

She broke the lovely union saying , One day I am going to go abroad and I will always sing our song while thinking of you . I laughed it off as I knew it will never happen as she was only joking.

End of flashback

I cried not only cause I missed including my family but because I didn’t know where she went as things happened so fast making have no time to look for her , am just hoping wherever she is she’s okay. I was so deep in my thoughts until I had something crack .

I had something crack as it was followed by footsteps. I tended stopping singing because I was so sure whoever was there heard me and the stopped , I knew deep down I wasn’t going to survive them cause they would hesitate to kill us .

I had voice not far from where we were, men’s voices talking, I managed to catch a few of the conversations,

One of them said, “ Did you hear that “,

“ Hear what? “ the guy responded . I knew they heard me singing, I was so dead .

Quickly I shook up Christian putting a hand on his mouth so he won’t make a sound as his eyes opened up he quickly stood up in fear making a sound .

One of the men come to where he heard the sound as got to us in no second the others following along as he stood there,

Six feet tall with broad shoulders , he stared deep through my eyes with cold eyes so dangerously I started shaking as my heart raced up .

The other caught up with him as they appeared behind him one buy one making them three in total.

The one in front of me smiled wickedly, “ look what we have here” , he said.

The other behind him came in front holding a machete in his hands with blood flowing down on it as I started shaking in fear bringing Christian behind me to protect him.

“ The night just got fun”, he said staring down at us like some scared little puppies . His eyes told me a different story like he hated our guts so much he can’t even bare the sight of us without throwing up.

He started walking towards us as we crawled behind trying to escape, one of them grabbed down my leg dragging me to him as I kicked and screamed for dear life but no one was around to help me.

They grabbed Christian from behind me as he screamed “Hope please help me “ I tried making my way to him as one the men standing held me down from going with so much force he punched me in the face as I split the blood coughing falling down as he grabbed my leg dragging me away from the as the other took Christian from me .

Christian’s voice faded away as we went the last thing I heard was him saying “please don’t kill me “ in a breaking voice and a sound as something hitting the ground , he grabbed my arms as he tied me up on the tree , the rest of the guys came back as they reached were we are ,

I saw the lust they had in their eyes and I knew what instantly was going to happen, they approached me as one of them tore off my clothes, grabbing a hold of my breast in his hands , the other went for my legs , screaming as I pushed them off of me , the one not doing anything was just standing there watching with predator eyes as if it entertained him that much

I remember give in as I let them do what they want , the pain was endured as I bled down , my legs becoming sore next thing I know, my eyes started closing as I passed out.