
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Whispers of the Missing

As the final shard of distorted reality flickered out, Arlo stood on high alert, his celestial armor pulsating with golden light but firmly in place, emanating an otherworldly glow in the moonlit forest. The elusive being he'd glimpsed at the training yard now stood materialized before him; its enigmatic form bathed in soft moonlight.

The ethereal tendrils of vines and leaves trailed like silent tendrils of smoke, framing a body vaguely akin to a human's. Where a face might be, swirled in a vortex of vibrant green, its depths reflecting the constellations, the rough bark of ancient trees, and the fleeting dance of fireflies.

Eyes, the color of moss dappled with sunlight, met Arlo's, piercing through the shadows with ancient wisdom.

Questions swarmed Arlo's mind, making his voice hoarse as he rasped, "What are you?"

No words came. Instead, a wave of understanding washed over him. He saw the ancient trees, their roots weaving through the earth like veins, felt the pulse of lifeblood beneath the soil, the whisper of wind through leaves, the silent roar of a winter blizzard. Then, just the words resonated in his mind: "Forest spirit."

Sensing no ill intent, Arlo retracted his golden armor, the air itself seeming to ripple with the shift. The ethereal being seemed to shimmer in approval, its swirling depths hinting at ancient knowledge. Arlo gazed at the shifting form, his brow furrowed. "Why me?"

The spirit responded with a tapestry of visions. The clearing where his celestial power first blossomed, bathed in emerald light, then a fleeting image of him unleashing a burst of golden energy at the training yard.

Arlo's breath hitched, understanding twisting in his gut like a knotweed vine. He needed to tread carefully, his power a beacon in the dark.

"Where did the shadow beast come from?" Arlo's voice rasped, urgency knotting his stomach.

The silent story shifted, revealing a vision of encroaching darkness, its touch festering into wounds upon the world. From these bleeding points, tendrils of negative energy pulsed, some drawn to the forest, coalescing into the shadow creature.

A shiver chased down Arlo's spine, icy fingers gripping his bones. "So that… creature was just a symptom of the world's hurt?" he whispered, the word gritty and bitter on his tongue. "And how did you know I could help?"

The spirit conveyed a deeper understanding: all living beings possessed auras, imbued with elemental affinities. Arlo's aura, radiant and potent, pulsed with the light attribute, a purifying energy capable of cleansing the shadow's taint.

But before he could delve deeper, another vision unfolded before him – swirling energy coalescing like storm clouds above the village nestled in the valley below. Oakhaven. His home.

As quickly as it had appeared, the forest spirit vanished from wherever it had emerged, leaving Arlo alone with the weight of its cryptic messages and the chilling vision etched in his mind.

The silence pressed down on him, heavy with unspoken warnings and a call to action. This night, the forest had whispered its secrets, and now, Arlo had to choose his path.


Arlo retraced his steps towards the village, his mind wrestling with the visions he'd witnessed. The familiar path now felt haunted by whispered secrets, shadows lurking behind every rustling leaf.

As he crossed the village border, a prickling unease crawled beneath his skin, tightening his chest with an inexplicable foreboding. The air itself crackled with tension, a silent scream he couldn't quite decipher.

Reaching the watchtower, he choked back his usual greeting to Bartleby, the usually carefree guard. An intense, almost haggard look gripped Bartleby's weathered face. His gaze, etched with concern, raked over Arlo. "You look like death warmed over, boy," he muttered, his voice a low rumble.

Before Arlo could stammer a reply, Bartleby leaned closer, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper. "Mara and Finn... gone, Arlo. Vanished since the harvest. No trace." His words hung heavy in the air, punctuated by a heavy sigh. "I've been turning a blind eye to your nocturnal strolls, lad, but with this..." He trailed off, frustration knotting his brow. "I can't anymore."

Arlo, stunned and reeling, could only mumble incoherent responses as Bartleby's warnings slammed into him. The echoing phrase "be careful" felt branded into his mind.

A gnawing unease twisted in his gut. He vaguely recalled seeing Mara, the baker's promising apprentice, earlier that day, her flour-dusted cheeks glowing with pride. And Finn, the jovial farmhand who'd brought laughter and ease to the harvest, his booming voice a constant in the fields. Now, they vanished without a trace, they were gone the instant eyes turned away.

The weight of these disappearances, coupled with the forest spirit's cryptic visions, pressed down on Arlo like a physical burden. As he turned towards home, the village that had once felt like a haven now appeared shrouded in uncertainty.

The path ahead, once clear, and familiar, was now twisted and obscured, leading him not to the warmth of hearth and home, but toward a looming darkness he could only dimly perceive.

A gentle touch on his shoulder met Arlo at the doorstep, pulling him from his tumultuous thoughts. "You're late," his mother, Elara, whispered, her voice a blend of relief and worry. Her kind eyes, the color of autumn leaves, searched his face, sensing the turmoil beneath his stoic facade.

Elara, the village seamstress whose skilled hands clothed them for all seasons, had also stitched into Arlo a deep appreciation for quiet contemplation and keen observation. "What happened out there, Arlo?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern.

Caught between protecting his newfound celestial power and the unsettling visions, Arlo felt apprehension coil around his throat. He chose silence, simply murmuring, "Just the usual practice, Ma."

Elara, sensing his evasion, turned to Silas with a hint of frustration. "You know you've been turning a blind eye to his late-night wanderings, Silas."

Silas, perhaps unwisely, cleared his throat. "He's a young man, Elara. Needs his training. Besides, these are..." he hesitated, his gaze flitting towards Arlo, "uncertain times. We might all need to be ready for..." He trailed off, frustration twisting his gruff features.

Arlo, a sliver of curiosity piercing his apprehension, pressed, "Ready for what?"

Silas shook his head, his voice low. "There's word from the capital. News of a search, rumors of heroes... an academy."

Arlo frowned. "Academy? What academy?"

"Hold that question, son," Silas said gently, placing a hand on Arlo's shoulder. "Right now, there's weightier news hanging in the air like storm clouds. Disappearances, whispers of darkness... We'll talk academy another time when things settle a bit."

The tension in the room tightened, a stark counterpoint to the flickering lamplight. Arlo, burdened by his encounter, the missing villagers, and whispers of a distant academy, stood on the precipice of an uncertain future. The familiar warmth of home was now laced with anxieties, yet within him, a quiet resolve simmered, waiting to be forged in the coming dawn.

Sensing the shift, Arlo sought to tread lightly. "Have you ever fought with a halberd, Father?" he asked, his voice a gentle distraction.

Silas, surprised, stared at him. "A halberd? Why do you ask?"

Arlo shrugged, feigning casual interest. "Just saw one at the watchtower. Never seen one in action before."

Silas chuckled, a rare sound that warmed the room. "Back in my day, we all trained with them. Fine weapon, a halberd. Long reach, good heft… can cleave a man in two, if you need it to." He glanced at Elara, a silent apology in his eyes.

Elara, turning to Arlo, said, "Training's good, but don't forget your mending practice. I can see the tears in your gear from here. Fix it before wearing it next. I wouldn't want the village gossiping about the tailor's son walking around in rags."

Arlo, sheepishly realizing his neglected mending, excused himself and retired to his room.

Alone, the shadows danced menacingly on the walls, amplifying the anxiety growing within him. Sleep offered no solace, haunted by fragmented visions of shadowed figures and whispers of missing faces. The image of Oakhaven, his idyllic home, now hung heavy, a beacon of vulnerability amidst the encroaching darkness.

He knew he couldn't ignore the unsettling events any longer. The forest spirit's cryptic message, Bartleby's warnings, and the undeniable feeling of foreboding all coalesced into a single truth: danger lurked close, threatening the very fabric of his life and his village.

But how to proceed? Arlo clutched his once again ordinary staff, its reassuring weight a grounding force in the swirling storm of his emotions. He needed answers, and he needed them fast.

Armed with the fragmented knowledge gleaned from the forest spirit and his own growing intuition, he had to act. Yet, his path remained unclear. Who could he trust as an ally in this uncertain landscape? The village, seemingly oblivious to the encroaching shadows, offered little guidance.

In the quiet solitude of his room, Arlo knew his journey had just begun. He was alone, yes, but not powerless. With each beat of his determined heart, resolve firmed. He would find answers, he would find allies, and he would protect his village, even if it meant facing the shadows head-on.

Introducing Arlo the very part-time seamstress.

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