
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Into the Maze

Inside the hut, Eldred's words hung in the air like cobwebs, thick with unspoken meaning. Arlo and Kian exchanged wary glances, their unease buzzing in the silence like trapped bumblebees. The endless corridors stretched before them, mockingly inviting them deeper into the unknown.

A shiver ran down Kian's spine. "This place feels wrong," he whispered, his fingers tightening around his sword hilt. Arlo grunted in agreement, his jaw clenched tight. He faced Eldred, "This place…it's wrong. How can a hut be this big?"

Eldred chuckled, a dry rasp that scraped against the stillness. "Magic," he said simply, his eyes flickering like flint chips catching fire, "and the forest's playful whispers." His smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "But fear not, lads. This labyrinth holds no harm, only secrets. And besides, how else are we to escape the fog's clammy grip?"

Arlo and Kian couldn't argue with that. Escape was their only hope, even if it meant venturing deeper into the endless corridors.

With a shared nod, they followed him, stepping deeper into the heart of the hut, where secrets whispered in the shadows and the path ahead was as murky as the fog outside.

The endless corridors snaked and twisted, each turn a silent question mark mocking them in the flickering torchlight. Eldred, his face a mask of furrowed concentration, led the way, his boots whispering against the smooth stone. Arlo and Kian trailed closely, their steps heavy with unspoken worries.

"Eldred," Kian finally voiced the gnawing fear, "where are we even going?"

Eldred squinted into the shadows ahead. "I don't know, lad," he admitted, his voice a rough rasp. "But this way feels…right. Like it's calling to me, whispering a promise of answers about this cursed fog."

Arlo snorted, a harsh sound that echoed in the cavernous silence. "Answers? In this endless maze? More like a promise of getting lost forever."

But Kian, despite his own rising fear, felt a flicker of hope. Eldred, despite his gruffness, had guided them through the fog, through the woods. Maybe, just maybe, this labyrinth held secrets too, secrets that could lead them out.

Hours morphed into an eternity, measured only by the drip of unseen water and the rhythmic scrape of their boots. The air grew thick and stale, the torch flames dancing like nervous fireflies on the damp walls.

Strange objects, relics of forgotten lives, adorned the corridors – a dusty lute, a tarnished mirror, a book with pages as frail as butterfly wings.

Each corner, etched with age and forgotten stories, brought a surge of hope, only to be dashed by another dead end, another mocking turn that led them deeper into the maze.

Kian's stomach churned with a rising tide of panic. They were lost, swallowed whole by this endless maze. Arlo, remained silent, his jaw clenched tight. But even his shoulders slumped with fatigue and unspoken fear.

Then, the passage narrowed, walls pressing in like skeletal fingers. The air grew stifling, and the flickering torch flames danced wildly, casting grotesque shadows on the damp stone. At the end of the narrowing tunnel, a smooth stone wall loomed, its surface unmarked and impassive.

"Dead end," Arlo muttered, his voice tight and raw. Fear, icy and sharp, snaked down Kian's spine. They were trapped, lost in this maddening maze.

Suddenly, a groan echoed from behind them. A heavy slab descended from the ceiling, sealing their only escape with a finality that sent Kian's heart plummeting.

Panic clawed at his throat as the walls, now smooth and menacing, began to inch closer, squeezing them into a tomb of stone.

Time shrunk to a frantic heartbeat. Their breath puffed against the cool walls, forming fleeting ghosts in the torchlight. With a desperate gasp, Kian spotted it – a faint pulsating glow on the opposite wall.

As they watched, words materialized, forming a riddle written in cryptic symbols. Escape, if there was any, hung by the slender thread of this puzzle.

Their breaths mingled with the whispers of the ancient stone, each second precious and fleeting. Time was their enemy, squeezing them like the closing walls. Arlo's jaw clenched, determination replacing fear in his eyes. Kian, drawing a shaky breath, met his gaze. They were trapped, yes, but not defeated.

But as the riddle's cryptic symbols swam before them, Eldred chuckled, a dry rasp that echoed in the confined space. "A Fae trick," he rasped, his eyes flickering like flint chips catching fire. "To escape, lads, you must answer in their tongue."

He stepped closer to the glowing inscription, his weathered face etched with a grim resolve. "They demand the whisper of their kind."

Kian, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs, leaned forward. "The Fae?" he whispered, the word tasting unfamiliar on his tongue.

Eldred's weathered face softened for a fleeting moment. "Tricksters, weavers of dreams, forest guardians" he rasped, his voice painting a picture of unseen magic. "They whisper in the rustling leaves, play in the moonlight, and guard the secrets of the wild."

A thrill of hope battled with doubt in Arlo's chest. "Eldred," he breathed, "you…you know their language?"

Eldred chuckled, a dry sound that echoed in the oppressive silence. "Learned a few things in my travels, lad. Now listen closely".

He closed his eyes, his voice dropping to a soft murmur, a melody woven from leaves and moonlight.

Eldred's words were unlike anything Kian and Arlo had ever heard. They flowed like wind chimes, tinkling with laughter and secrets.

They tasted of dew drops and starlight, carrying a whisper of ancient magic. As he spoke, the air crackled with unseen energy, the symbols on the wall shimmering and blurring.

Then, silence. Eldred opened his eyes, their depths flickering with a newfound fire. A faint smile, like a wisp of smoke, played on his lips.

The pulsating glow on the wall subsided, replaced by a darkness that seemed to breathe. And in that darkness, a hidden doorway materialized, a passage swallowed by shadows beckoning them forward.

Arlo and Kian stared, mouths agape, at Eldred. He opened his eyes, a flicker of triumph in their depths. "There, lads," he rasped, his voice hoarse but filled with a newfound strength. "The path is open. Follow me, and let's see where this Fae whisper leads us."

He stepped towards the gaping maw of the hidden passage, torch held high. Kian and Arlo, shaken but resolute, exchanged a silent glance.

They had come too far to turn back now. With newfound hope flickering in their hearts, they followed Eldred into the unknown, the weight of the closing walls fading into the whispers of the Fae tongue.

They followed Eldred, stepping into the newly opened passage, the air abruptly turning cool and damp. The torchlight, once a flickering friend, sputtered and dimmed, casting long, eerie shadows that danced along the rough stone walls.

The passage dipped, descending deeper into the labyrinth's belly like a hungry serpent swallowing them whole.

Silence, thick and suffocating, pressed against their ears. Kian's heart hammered against his ribs, each beat echoing in the cavernous space.

The darkness ahead seemed to stretch forever, a bottomless pit swallowing the meager glow of the torch. They were entering the heart of the unknown, where whispers of ancient magic clung to the air like cobwebs.

Suddenly, Eldred slammed his hand up, halting their advance. "A trick," he rasped, his voice barely a whisper against the oppressive silence. "The path divides."

Two tunnels lay before them, branching off like the veins of a withered leaf. One, to the left, was narrow and dark, its entrance shrouded in swirling shadows. The other, to the right, was wider, with walls adorned with strange symbols that pulsed with a faint, sickly green light.

Fear gnawed at Kian's stomach. Each path felt wrong, a fork in the road where both options led to peril. He looked at Arlo, his brow furrowed in concentration. His friend's face was a mask of stoic determination, but a flicker of doubt flickered in his eyes.

"Eldred," Kian whispered, his voice barely audible in the oppressive silence. "Which way?"

Eldred, without speaking, approached the pulsating symbols, their sickly green glow painting grotesque shadows on his face. He studied them, his brows drawn together in intense concentration.

A moment stretched, each second echoing like an eternity in the suffocating darkness. Finally, he straightened, his eyes burning with newfound conviction.

"Fae symbols," he rasped, his voice rough yet firm. "The green," he continued, "It harbors danger, yes, but also... answers. The fog, the labyrinth…they all lead to the same source. This," he tapped the glowing symbol, "is the path to its heart."

Kian and Arlo exchanged a hesitant glance, fear warring with a desperate hope. They had ventured into the endless maze seeking escape, but Eldred's words painted a different picture. The labyrinth wasn't just a prison, it was a riddle, a twisted path leading to the heart of the fog itself.

With a shared breath, they stepped towards the pulsating green tunnel, the torch lighting a frail beacon in the encroaching darkness.

They had come too far, faced too many dangers, to turn back now. The fog's grip was suffocating, but perhaps, within its swirling heart, lay the key to their freedom, a glimmer of hope in the endless maze.

What is at the heart of the maze?

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