
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Farewell Oakhaven

The sun beat down on the training yard, baking the air with the heat of the afternoon sun. Arlo's question hung heavy in the silence, a desperate plea for answers echoing in the space between them. "But what can it do, Father? What is darkness truly capable of?"

Silas met his gaze, his voice a rumble, a distant storm in the stillness. "The one thing we know for sure is this: darkness allows you to merge with the shadows, become one with the unseen."

The words crackled in the air, sending a thrill down Arlo's spine. Merging with darkness? The image of him melting into shadows, becoming their living embodiment, was both breathtaking and terrifying.

He dreamt of exploring its potential, of unlocking secrets whispered in the wind. Perhaps, someday, he would even find another who also had a dark attribute aura.

"We don't know all the ways it can be used in battle," Silas continued, his voice softening. "Your darkness holds more than just shadows, Arlo. Learn to blend with them, and become one with the night. This power is a blade honed in silence, waiting to be unsheathed."

Silas gestured, and from the corner of the hut, a practice dummy sprang to life, its wooden sword dancing in the sunlight. Arlo closed his eyes, seeking the familiar pull of his aura.

This time, he didn't push it outward, but let it sink, and flow into the shadows that snaked around him. His skin tingled, a cool phantom replacing the sun's warmth. He opened his eyes, half-hidden within the shadows, their tendrils clinging to him like a second skin.

He lunged, a silent predator, his halberd a dark blur. The wood splintered with a satisfying crack, the dummy collapsing under the unseen blow. Exhilaration surged through him. This was more than hiding; it was becoming the shadow, wielding its power like a secret weapon.

Silas's gaze held a flicker of approval. "You've mastered aura control. Now, your readiness will be tested. Tomorrow, you and Kian will face two of the village watch. Prove you can stand alone." He added, "Gather what you need for your journey. I'll seek more details from Elder Thorne, beyond his basic clues about your next challenge. Where you go, is still a mystery."

Arlo's heart pounded, a mix of excitement and fear. This was just the beginning, a glimpse into the vast potential of their auras.

The path ahead was shrouded in uncertainties, a maze of shadows and blinding light. But with each sunrise, each clash of light and dark, they would forge their own way, unraveling the mysteries within, ready to face whatever trials awaited them.


The morning sun, a fiery blade slicing through the training yard, cast long shadows that danced with the clash of steel. Kian, a whirlwind of silver light, woven through Garret's practiced swings, his aura shimmering like sun-dappled leaves.

The seasoned warrior, beard as grizzled as the mountains, parried with his sword, his movements deceptively slow, yet precise.

But today, a different energy crackled in the air. Arlo, his shadow aura swirling like a living cloak, moved with a newfound grace. His halberd, an extension of his will, sang with each swing, each blow carrying the weight of a brewing storm.

Arlo circled Anya, the village's lightning-fast scout, his darkness a swirling counterpoint to her quicksilver steps.

Anya, used to leaving opponents in the dust, found herself suddenly on the back foot. Arlo's attacks, honed to a razor's edge, were as precise as they were unpredictable. His shadow aura, a living thing slithering around him, had managed to throw Anya off-kilter, its movements a confusing dance in the midday sun.

Across the yard, Kian and Garret locked in a dazzling display. Garret's sword, a veteran of countless battles, sang a song of steel against Kian's light aura.

The air shimmered with sparks as Kian's blade deflected Garret's blows with effortless grace. His aura, a vibrant beacon in the morning mist, extended in controlled bursts, momentarily blinding Garret with its brilliance.

But while Kian's control was undeniable, Arlo's possessed a raw, almost feral power. His shadow aura, a swirling vortex of darkness, seemed to dance to a different rhythm, a silent melody that only he could hear.

It whispered in the wind, flowed like quicksand, and erupted with unexpected bursts of power that left Anya stumbling and gasping.

The villagers who had gathered to watch gasped in awe. The two boys, once unpolished apprentices, were now warriors in the making, their auras painting the air with a dazzling display of power and control.

Yet, despite their similarities, their styles diverged, each a reflection of their unique personalities. Kian, a sunbeam slicing through the clouds, while Arlo, a silent storm brewing beneath a starless night.

As the sun climbed higher signaling the end of morning, casting the training yard in a warm glow, Garret and Anya finally yielded, their faces flushed with exertion and respect.

Kian and Arlo, their breaths ragged but smiles victorious, stood amidst the whispers and applause. They had come far, these two boys, and their journey was only just beginning.

The hardened veterans of the village watch, standing near the periphery, watched with a grudging respect that simmered beneath their gruff exterior.

They had seen these boys grow, their raw talent blossoming under Silas's tutelage. Now, they were no longer just promising youngsters, but formidable adversaries, their skills honed to a razor's edge.

Kian and Arlo, their bodies slick with sweat, their breaths coming in ragged gasps, stood panting, faces etched with the satisfaction of a well-fought battle. They had pushed each other, tested their limits, and emerged stronger, their control over their auras more refined than ever before.

They may not have been masters yet, but they were no longer boys playing with sticks. They were warriors, each with their own unique dance of light and shadow, ready to face the challenges that awaited them on the path ahead.

As they walked away from the training yard, a sense of unspoken understanding settling between them, they knew their adventure was about to begin.


Later that same day, their eyes devoured the weathered map pinned to Silas's table, fingers tracing the path to Emberton, a city nestled on the banks of the Azure Flow where the river narrowed into a churning gorge.

They were still within the Whispering Woods, close to the forest's eastern edge, yet the map ignited a spark in their hearts, a promise of bustling streets humming with tales of legendary quests and mythical beasts.

Silas, his gaze holding a flicker of pride masked by a touch of hesitation, cleared his throat. "Today, boys, you depart. Your training has honed you into fine blades, ready to carve your own path in the world. Elder Thorne informed me that major cities like Emberton boast portals controlled by the Adventurer's Guild, gateways to the maze of trials waiting to be conquered. You'll take your first steps in Emberton. Are you both ready?"

A jolt of excitement crackled through Arlo. Emberton, a city humming with tales of mythical beasts and legendary heroes, promised a world beyond the hushed whispers of the woods.

Yet, a knot of anxiety tightened in his gut. Would his dark aura, still a swirling mystery, find acceptance in the bustling city? He swallowed, forcing down the doubt. "Ready," he said, his voice firm.

Kian, his light aura dancing like summer fireflies, grinned with his usual easy confidence. "As I'll ever be!"

Elara, Arlo's mother, pulled him into a tight embrace, her voice choked with emotion. "Remember your needlework, Arlo, whenever you have a moment." Arlo, touched by her concern, quickly agreed, promising to keep his needle and thread close.

Captain Darian joining Silas in his home, had parting words of his own. They piled supplies high on the table, including coin for their journey.

Captain Darian, his booming voice softened with paternal concern, reminded them, "The journey should take two weeks, give or take some resting and camping. If the weather throws a wrench in your plans, send us a letter when you can. We'll wait two months before worrying but keep us informed of your safety."

The farewells were bittersweet, a tapestry woven with smiles and tears. Silas, his gruff voice cracking, wished he could join them, but duty to the village held him back. He assured them, "You're blades honed sharp, lads. No need to worry."

Leaving Arlo's home, more goodbyes awaited at the village gate. Mara, her cheeks stained with tears, pressed a pouch of honey cakes into Kian's hand, a silent sweet wish for his journey.

The village children, who had trained alongside Arlo and Kian, their eyes wide with admiration, lined the dusty road, waving farewell to their heroes.

The boys walked, the whispering woods a verdant tunnel around them. They knew the landscape would shift soon, the familiar trees giving way to new horizons. Challenges, they knew, awaited, but together, they were ready.

Little did they know, across the kingdom, in the same Starhold Observatory Arlo had heard mention of, a different kind of storm brewed. This haven of scholars and stargazers, where intellects stood beneath the vast canopy of stars seeking wisdom and knowledge, was witness to a sight that shattered the night's serenity.

A young student, his eyes wide with awe and a tremor in his voice, found his teacher amidst the star charts. "Sir," he stammered, "there's something in the sky, something I've never seen before."

The teacher, a man seasoned with years of celestial observations, scoffed. "Well, you haven't seen much, lad, so no surprise there." His voice dripped with condescension.

The student, however, refused to be dismissed. "Please, sir, come quickly," he pleaded, a tremor in his voice.

Grumbling under his breath, the teacher finally relented. "Fine, fine," he muttered, "lead the way, and let's see what marvels your untrained eyes have conjured."

Stepping onto the observation deck, the teacher's nonchalant air evaporated. His jaw dropped, his eyes widening to mirror the immensity of the starry expanse. What he saw, etched in the celestial canvas, sent a tremor through his seasoned core.

The wonder, the fear, the absolute impossibility of it all, threatened to topple his well-ordered world. This was no figment of a young apprentice's imagination; it was a harbinger of change, a celestial omen that promised to rewrite the very stars.

What do you think they saw in the night sky?

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