
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Captive of the Shadows

The eyes, cold and unwavering, held Arlo and Kian captive in a moonlit cage. A low growl, like rocks grinding under a glacier, rumbled from the darkness, sending shivers down their spines.

Kian hissed, "Stay sharp. We don't know what's out there." His voice was barely audible over the thunderous pounding of their hearts.

Arlo, his gut twisting with a mixture of fear and defiance, nodded curtly. His dark aura crackled, solidifying around him like a barbed shield. Kian, his golden aura blazing like a miniature sun, mirrored his stance.

Then, the creature stepped out, a midnight panther with fur like polished obsidian. It moved with a grace that defied gravity, each step silent and fluid. But its eyes, those silver pools reflecting the moon, held an intelligence that sent shivers down their spines.

The panther blinked once, vanishing like a wisp of smoke. Arlo and Kian stood frozen, their hearts hammering against their ribs. But before they could react, a voice, smooth as velvet and sharp as a honed blade, sliced through the silence.

"Greetings, younglings," it purred, the sound coiling around them like a serpent rather than traveling through the air. "Do not fret. I offer no harm... tonight."

The boys spun around, eyes frantically searching the darkness. Then, they found the creature closer, its sleek form materializing from the shadows.

It spoke again, its voice a melodic whisper. "I am intrigued by you, boy with the shadows."

Arlo, still reeling from the shock, stammered, "Who... who are you?"

The creature tilted its head, a playful glint in its silver eyes. "I am a moonstalker, child of the night. And I have never seen one like you before. You wear darkness like a cloak."

Kian, ever the bold one, squared his shoulders. "You'll have to go through me first, moonstalker or whatever you are!"

The creature chuckled, a sound like wind chimes tinkling in the breeze. "Feisty one, aren't you? But worry not, little warrior. I offer your friend a gift, not a threat. Though," it added, its eyes gleaming with moonlight, "a game must be played first."

Arlo's fear collided with curiosity, igniting a spark of defiance. "What kind of game?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

The moonstalker's smile stretched wider, revealing needle-sharp teeth like a predator's grin. "A test of your shadows, boy. Can you command them, become one with the very fabric of night? Show me, and I will teach you to weave tendrils of darkness, to bind and break at your will."

Arlo's mind reeled. Shadow tendrils? Another way to use his aura? This was a chance, a power beyond his wildest dreams. But what did the moonstalker want in return? And what dangers lurked in this game it offered?

He glanced at Kian, his friend's face pale but his eyes steady. "What do you say, Kian?" he asked, his voice tight with both fear and anticipation.

Kian, ever the loyal companion, squeezed his shoulder. "We face things together, remember? If this is your path, I'm by your side."

Arlo took a deep breath, his heart pounding like a drum. He met the creature's gaze, his own resolve hardening. "I accept your game," he declared, his voice ringing with newfound courage. "Let the test begin."

The moonstalker's smile widened, revealing a predator's delight. "Not so fast, young one," it purred, its voice dripping with honeyed amusement. "The game requires preparation. Worry not, "I'll find you the perfect venue."

With a hiss that sent chills down Arlo's spine, the shadows around the moonstalker rippled and writhed. They coiled and lashed out like vipers, their inky tendrils reaching for Kian with an unnerving hunger. Kian, engulfed in a protective bubble of light, met the assault head-on.

The tendrils, momentarily repulsed by the shimmering shield, writhed and snarled, their frustration echoing in the stillness. But their hunger was insatiable. They swarmed Kian, weaving a suffocating cocoon around him before he could even cry out.

"Kian!" Arlo roared, a primal scream laced with fury and betrayal. But the moonstalker merely chuckled, its voice dripping with syrupy malice. "Don't fret," it purred. "This is merely a twist to spice up the game."

With that, the moonstalker and its captive cocoon vanished into the night, leaving Arlo alone in the moonlit clearing. He lunged after them, desperate to chase the darkness, but the creature had melted away as effortlessly as a wisp of smoke.

He tried reaching into the darkness with his aura, searching for any trace, any whisper of Kian's presence. But the emptiness mocked him, a deafening silence in the wake of his friend's disappearance.

Rage and fear gnawed at his insides, a poisonous cocktail fueled by his own reckless acceptance of the game. Kian, his friend, his brother in arms, taken in the blink of an eye.

The weight of his decision, the crushing responsibility, settled on his shoulders like a mountain. He had to find Kian, no matter the cost, no matter the game.

Hours bled into the night, each search proving as futile as the last. The moonstalker, a specter cloaked in shadows, remained maddeningly elusive. Exhausted and despair gnawing at his insides, Arlo stumbled back to his campsite, finding only fitful solace in a restless sleep.

Morning bathed the world in a pale, unfeeling light. As Arlo packed, his hands were heavy with Kian's abandoned supplies. The familiar weight bore a new significance, a constant reminder of his friend's absence. He resumed his trek towards Emberton, a flicker of hope igniting in his chest.

The moonstalker, a cunning predator, must have followed them for a while, knowing their path. If he continued on the trail to Emberton, the same trail the creature anticipated, maybe, just maybe...

But dwelling on uncertainties wouldn't bring Kian back. Right now, the only weapon he wielded was his own will. He had to hone his skills, to become one with the shadows, to win in the moonstalker's game. To do that, he needed to push his limits, to master the art of merging with shadows. The creature's cryptic words echoed in his mind: success, it seemed, was the key to their survival.

With newfound resolve, Arlo practiced, his movements sharpening, his connection to the darkness deepening. Every step, every breath, was a vow etched in defiance, a promise to bring Kian back from the clutches of the creature.

If beating the game was the key, if it held the promise of Kian's return, then Arlo would do anything if it meant saving his friend.

With a grim resolve, Arlo set off down the trail, every step a vow, every shadow a potential teacher. He'd realized not all shadows were the same. Some clung to him like damp cloaks, while others swirled and danced, beckoning him deeper.

Days bled into nights, the sun a distant memory as Arlo embraced the nocturnal world. His exhaustion was a dull ache, a whisper compared to the roar of his determination.

He honed his skills under the watchful gaze of the moon, his shadow-merging technique reaching new heights. He felt a deeper connection to the darkness, a fluidity in his movements that bordered on flight.

He felt a shift, a deepening connection to the shadows. Speed. That's what the darkness offered, a chilling rush as he wove through its embrace, unseen, unheard. It made him wonder.

Could this be one of the moonstalker's secret, its predatory edge in the game they were forced to play? The dark aura, he realized, hummed with a different rhythm as the sun dipped below the horizon, its power swelling like a tide under the moon's watchful eye.

Other travelers passed him, their eyes like startled deer in the headlights as he flickered in and out of sight, a phantom woven from night. Their hushed whispers clung to the air, fear a tangible mist around them. But Arlo was a hurricane of purpose, his mind and heart fixated on a single beacon: Kian.

He pushed himself further, his body a whisper in the wind, a shadow gliding through the whispering grass. One night, while practicing with the darkness, a tremor snagged on his senses.

A flicker, too subtle for eyes, but a ripple in the fabric of the night. His breath hitched, a jolt of lightning sparking through him. The moonstalker. This was the next move in its twisted game.

His senses sharpened, sight morphing into a tapestry of sound and vibration. He felt the creature's presence, a cold, calculating pulse thrumming beneath the skin of night. It was close, padding through the undergrowth with a predator's stealth.

He stalked forward, a silent mirror to the moonstalker's movements. He tasted the fear of small creatures fleeing the approaching darkness, felt the tremor of the earth under the creature's paws. Anticipation clawed at him, a bitter tang on his tongue.

Then, the moonstalker stopped. It stood in a clearing bathed in an eerie silver glow, its obsidian fur shimmering like spilled ink. Arlo held his breath, his heart a frantic drum against his ribs.

The moonstalker turned, its silver eyes piercing the darkness where Arlo lay hidden. Then, it spoke, its voice a silken snare in the still night.

"Welcome, young shadow," it purred, a sound like claws scraping stone. "The game begins now."

A ripple of fear danced down Arlo's spine, but he wouldn't falter. He had come too far to turn back now.

He would face whatever this creature threw his way, even if it meant stepping into the heart of darkness itself. Kian was waiting, and Arlo, the boy who learned to dance with shadows, would not fail him.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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