
Who is Ryan

What Diana didn't know was that Ryan was the billionaire genius behind Global Tech company. Despite his young age of 26, Ryan has accomplished so many accolades due to his knowledge and intelligence that many reporters claimed to me unmatched. Ryan was born in a family where he was the only child and found himself on the lower side of the society because his parents were poor. His parents decided not to have another child so that they could be able to at least afford taking care of him and meeting their needs at home. At a young age, Ryan was seen to be learning so much in a short time, something which made his parents hopeful that he would be able to use his brains in life and make the best out of life. By the age of nineteen, he had finished his high school in one of the low class schools in the neighborhood. He managed to get the highest score in the whole state, something that attracted someone into sponsoring him and taking him to one of the most prestigious universities in the world where he managed to graduate with a degree in economics and also law, both of which he studied at the same time and still managed to get first class honors. During his time in the university, Ryan started a small organization that dealt in various sectors, one of them being the stock market. At the age of 22,most of the world's stock market had slumped reducing the value of so many shares. It was then that Ryan used his intelligence and formulated the possible trend in the stock market. He later took one of the biggest risks in his life when he gathered up all of his savings and some loans he took from a few banks which amounted to nearly ten thousand dollars and waited for the right time to buy the shares. He used his projections to buy them just about two weeks before his proposed date when he had predicted the stock market would be revived and the shares would have cost more than a hundred times their current value. It took exactly three weeks for the stock market to start coming back to life and it was at this moment when Ryan's shares grew in profit, more than he had even predicted. He used this money and invested in different places but specialized on growing his company into a tech giant in the market. By now, he had met Christian, his now best friend who had also taken the same risk as Ryan but decided to venture into the cosmetics business, something which proved to be quite marketable as well. They helped each other and their companies grew into multi billion companies before they even graduated from the University. Despite their immense wealth, they both decided to live simple lives trying their best not to attract so much attention. By the time of their graduation, their companies had branches worldwide and their identities were still kept on the low with most of the work in their companies being done by their trusted personal assistants. Ryan had chosen to come to Georgia since he wanted to go somewhere where he wasn't known that much and that's why he established one of the main branches of Global Tech in Georgia. Ryan walked back into the building just as anyone else would do and schedule an appointment with the personal assistant.This was one of the ways that both Ryan and Christian kept a low profile and checked in their offices once in a while.

He had a lot on his mind and one of them was Diana, whom he had shared a booth when out to get his coffee. He admitted to himself that she was really beautiful but the moment he saw her show no interest and not impressed when he paid for their coffee, he knew where to draw the boundary. To him, paying for the coffee wasn't a way of trying to impress her, rather it was just a way of showing his gratitude. He anxiously waited for his personal assistant to come down from whatever he was doing and pretend to pick him up for the appointment with one of the senior members of the company. He tapped his fingertips on the glass table while thinking about how he had risen to such great power and not a lot of people knew who he really was. He even gave it a thought about how the two receptionists at the desk would react if they knew that their boss was just standing in front of them waiting his turn like a normal client. He admired the decor and interior designing that had been done in the building. The building, was a skyscraper which went to the thirtieth floor and had a roof with a helipad on it. In the whole company, the only people who knew who he really was were his personal assistant, his executive committee which made decisions on his behalf but only implemented them with his approval, and a lady he appointed as his acting CEO and founder who would represent him during the company's functions and meetings with the staff.

After waiting for around five minutes his personal assistant, Rodriguez Delacruz finally came. He walked quickly to where he was and walked to him heading for the elevator.

"Took you long enough" Ryan said

"I'm sorry about that sir, we were just finishing up a meeting with the marketing department with the help of Olivia" Rodriguez said. Olivia was the lady that acted as the CEO and founder of Global Tech

" And what has been the end game of that meeting?" Ryan asked

" It has been agreed upon that we should hire at least ten more workers in that department to really sell our agenda to the people of Georgia. With this done, we are looking at a possibility of net profit growth of around 200% within the next two months. Nearly three times more than we had originally planned for." Rodriguez answered him as they walked into the elevator

"Well then, make sure that you and Olivia see that through" Ryan told him