
Right Reason, Wrong One

General point of view

It's evening and Diana and Mitchell were in their apartment just watching some movies and enjoying some good time. While at this, Mitchell was also working on the computer trying to see if she could find another part time job in order to increase her income.

"So, how is it going with Ryan?" She asked Diana without even looking at her

"It's going good, I mean we have had some meet ups here and there but I can say it's all good" Diana responded

" You know I don't want that kind of answer. I'm asking like have you done anything yet that he can't do with anyone else out here? " Mitchell asked

" I know what you meant to ask and that's why I didn't answer you. Wait, are you already having gitters about your car? " Diana teased. She could see that Mitchell wasn't looking at her but she knew that the car she had put on the line would be one of her most prized possessions. Personally she didn't care if she won or lost, at the end of the day she wouldn't take her car just because of some stupid bet. But all she wanted was to prove to Mitchell that dream guys don't exist. She didn't believe in the context that men could actually love one woman.

"No I'm not, since it looks like you don't believe me, do you even want me to put that bet into writing?" Mitchell asked

"There's no need for that but just to give you a heads up, I think I already found something on Ryan that will guarantee me a win for sure " Diana boasted as she filled her mouth with a handful of popcorn and gulp it down with a soda. When she looked a Mitchell again she could see the questions written all over her face. She knew that she wanted to know more about what she had found but didn't know which questions to ask or whether she could even ask because they had a bet.

"I know you want to ask me what I found out" Diana beat her to the question

" Of course I want to know, spill it" Mitchell said as she closed her laptop and became keen on what Diana was saying

"Well, you remember that night he slept over?"

" Of course I do, I'm the one who asked him to come in the first place "

"Sure, during the night his phone kept ringing and ringing but he wouldn't pick it up. Then when he finally picked it up, it wasn't the same person because his attitude changed from 'stop calling my phone ' to 'oh that's new' really fast"

" But what if it's just some trouble on his side? Maybe even work" Mitchell reasoned

" I thought the same but the person who he talked to mentioned something about some woman and Ryan definitely tried to keep it on the low with me. He just brushed it off. I mean, who calls you in the middle of the night to talk about some woman unless you have something going on? " Diana asked

" Maybe it's just his past, you can't be so quick to jump into conclusions " Mitchell said as she went to the kitchen to grab a soda

"Wait a minute, are you defending him?" Diana asked as she started laughing," you're defending him because he could be the reason whether you walk to work or drive to work"

" No I'm not, I'm just saying " Mitchell defended herself as she came from the kitchen with a soda and some French fries. Diana knew that if she trusted her instincts they would probably be right and Ryan could have someone already by his side. All she had to do was to play along and draw Ryan close enough just to get him hooked. She knew she was a beauty so it wouldn't be much of a hard task to do so. If indeed Ryan had someone by his side she wouldn't feel like she lost something that would have led to something of value. But she had to admit, despite it all Ryan was a handsome guy. Pretty good looking and had a good body physique. In the following days after the sleepover they had hang out a few times and he was quite charming. He didn't rush into things and just took things at a good pace. Among the most guys she had met, Ryan actually cared and listened to her whenever they were together. He was polite, even to the people around him. And not once had he tried to invite her over to his place. Something which still shocked her because most guys would've already gone for that move by now. As she was thinking about him, she received a text from him inviting her to a date but he didn't say where. He asked her if she would be happy to join him that evening with the meeting place and time set. Diana flashed the phone in front of Mitchell.

"It looks like you don't even have to try, he's doing all that for you" Mitchell said," so are you going to go or not? "

"Of course I'm going, who would miss the chance of a good meal" Diana said as she replied confirming that she'll join him

"By the way, let me ask you something. What if he actually falls in love with you?" Mitchell asked with a serious face as she went back to her laptop

"I feel like you've already asked this question before and most likely you'll keep asking it again and again. So my answer will be this, if he falls in love with me it'll just be a case of 'right reason, wrong one' " Diana answered as she air quoted the last part

"Now, help me choose what I'm going to wear for tonight. I hadn't thought of that before I accepted his invite" Diana said as she jumped and ran into her room dragging Mitchell by the arm