
The Broken Alpha | “Life is empty without truth”

Georgie and Emily have been friends since they were 10 years old. Georgie's family had to move to Seoul which made them separate. After the separation, there was never any communication between them, and various problems occurred especially in Emily's life. But fate brought them back together after 16 years apart, and everything changed, hatred was seen on Emily's face when she met Georgie, her little friend. Emily's parents were killed in front of her own eyes by an old Alpha without knowing why, she still remembers those red eyes when looking at her and since then, she hates Alphas, she faked her identity as an Omega because she didn't want to have an Alpha's mate. "Not all Alphas are like you think," “And nothing can change that mind”

inpeaceplace · Urban
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Chapter 3: The Beach

The first weekend for Georgie and his family living in Busan, so far he has never been to other places, only occasionally having dinner with Tom's family. That afternoon, Lisa had just finished cooking lunch for herself and Georgie, as Sam had said before, he couldn't join them this weekend because he had to take care of some business at his branch office. It's nothing new for Lisa and Georgie, they know how busy Sam is, but they always support him.

As an Omega, Lisa hopes Georgie can grow into a strong and confident Alpha like her mate. She was worried that if Georgie grew up as a Beta, she only wanted what was best for her son. While watching her son eat, Georgie suddenly turned towards his mother.

"Mom, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Georgie said he tried to touch his face but his mother grabbed his hand.

"Georgie, you know how much I love you, I wish you all the best," his mother said.

"Mom, I'm still 10 years old, still 10 years from getting that result," Georgie said.

"I hope you can become an Alpha like your father," his mother said.

"Alpha or Beta won't change me, Mom, I'm still your son right?" Georgie said and Lisa just smiled, they were enjoying lunch when the bell rang.

"Wait here, I will open the door," his mother said and walked over to the door to see who the guests were.

"Hello aunt," Emily said.

"Hey come on in, have you had lunch yet?" Lisa said and led Emily inside.

"Yes, I already ate, did I disturb you?" Emily said.

"Oh no it's okay I and Georgie are having lunch, come with me," Lisa said and led Emily to the dining table to meet Georgie.

"Hi Gigi," Emily greeted her friend.

"Oh hi Lily, have you eaten?" Georgie said and Emily nodded, she sat beside Georgie.

"Are your parents not home?" Emily said.

"Yeah, they left and I was left home alone, so I just came here," Emily said.

"Yes you can stay here to wait for them to return, Georgie will accompany you," Lisa said and Emily nodded with a smile.

"Aren't you going today? You should see the beach" Emily said.

"My dad is still busy so I'll wait for him," Georgie said.

"But the beach is only 10 minutes from here, I often go there myself," Emily said and Lisa just smiled seeing them in front of her.

"Are you going there? I think your father will understand," his mother said.

"Can I go there alone?" Georgie said.

"Don't you ever go out alone?" Emily said and Georgie shook his head.

"You can go with Emily if you want," his mother said.

"Really? I can go to the beach with Lily?" Georgie said and his mother just nodded with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, Mom, then after eating I will get ready and we can go there," Georgie said and Emily just smiled.