

Prussia, July 4th 1800

11:32 AM

Lukas, Violett and the others had finally arrived to the mansion of the Santen house, in Königsberg.

As Lukas left the carriage, even though he had already seen that mansion before, he couldn't help but still be impressed by how lavish the building was.

Only this mansion alone was probably considered more expensive than the whole compound that Lukas had ordered to build already, and that hadn't been cheap at all.

As everyone else left the carriage, they were truly impressed by its size and grandiosity. Not to mention the architecture and the details.

Lukas was the first one to left the carriage, and he had a truly tired expression on his face. Travelling for so long sure was exhausting, and Lukas knew that he was going to take much longer trips in the future all the time.

Lukas stretched his body as he grunted in frustration. "I don't wanna make the whole trip back to Austria!" he complained.