
The bride that never was

When her meticulously crafted marriage to Elijah Rossi shatters on her wedding night with a brutal revelation: "There is no us, Imogen. There never was." Imogen is abandoned by her husband and further faces an even crueler twist when her husband refuses a divorce. With the arrival of Isaac Rossi, Elijah's revenge-driven stepbrother, Imogen strikes a clandestine deal with her brother-in-law to navigate a dangerous game of deceit, seeking to outmaneuver her indifferent husband. As loyalties are tested, Imogen must decide which brother is right for her. The one she was made for or the one she burns for.

Fair_Child · Urban
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Ignite 2


The meeting room emptied as the women filed out, their murmurs fading into the hallway. Victoria Sutton approached me, her eyes gleaming with warmth and sincerity. "It's a shame we didn't get to talk more," she said, her voice smooth as honey. "I might not be in the same age bracket as my cousin Deborah, but I sense we could be very good friends."

I met her gaze, a genuine smile tugging at my lips. "I would never say no to a friendship like the Suttons. Perhaps you might even have some tips on how to keep one's husband from looking outside."

A thud echoed through the room as Deborah's purse slipped from her grasp, landing on the polished floor. Victoria's brow creased, her eyes darting between her cousin and the fallen purse. "Deb, are you alright? You've been tense all through the meeting."