
The Bride Of Lancaster

A young woman meets the man of her dreams and settles down with him but this ideal marriage soon becomes her worst nightmares. Nalani Soren, a beautiful and talented photographer living in California falls in love with Davian Lancaster, a rich, mysterious and enigmatic businessman and they soon had an impromptu marriage. Nalani and her sister Nayah follows her new husband back to his hometown and moves into the manor he resides in with the rest of his family members. The century old Lancaster clan has it all; wealth, power, status and a seemingly close family bond. However, everyone in this family hides many secrets and the arrival of this new bride brings with her a whirlwind of mysteries and intrigues, forcing every member to reveal their truest nature in order to protect themselves. Nalani soon finds herself haunted by the vengeful spirit of a mysterious woman and as she try to find out what this family hides, she soon realized that nothing is what it seems in the Lancaster family and that behind their luxurious and perfect life hides horrifying crimes and the darkest secrets. Treading on a path fraught with danger and conspiracy, Nalani is determined to unravel the deep-rooted secrets and crimes surrounding this family and their connection with the woman haunting her. However, she will have to confront her husband who's determined to protect his own family, a mysterious entity, shadows of her own forgotten past as well as many hidden secrets that threatens to destroy her. Will Nalani be able to uncover the secrets of the Lancaster family or become another hidden secret?

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19 Chs

Chapter 1


On a chilling and glooming winter night, a horrifying scene that would send chills down one's back was unfolding in a big mansion.

A group of men surrounded the place holding dangerous and sharp weapons, guarding everywhere and ensuring that nothing unexpected would occur.

A gallow has been erected in the middle of the estate and hanging on it were the lifeless bodies of a middle aged couple whose eyes were wide open, refusing to close and their tongues sticking out.

Two men in black dragged a badly beaten and mutilated young man dressed in a wedding gown to the gallow. They put the rope over his neck and kicked away the support under his feet, suspending him mid air. The noose tightly wrapped around his neck, choking the life out of him as he struggled futilely.

He soon stopped moving and hanged motionless, having fallen into the cold embrace of death.

This grotesque scene will give anyone unfortunate enough to witness it, endless nightmares.

Kneeling some distance away from the gallow and watching the horrors unfolding, a dirtied, bruised and ragged young woman who was tied up watched as her loved ones were executed one after the other.

Her bloodshot eyes were swollen and calm as still waters, seemingly numbed to the pain, unable to shed anymore tears. Her gaze, filled with bone chilling hatred and murderous intent as she turned to glare at the perpetrators, wishing for nothing more than to eat their flesh and drink their blood. Even that would not be enough to wash away this grievance.

''You dogs will not be able to get away with this. The heavens have eyes. Even if i have to turn into a demon, I'll make sure you'll be punished for all your atrocities''. She cursed, struggling furiously to break free from her bondage.

Two men in their forties dressed in expensive suits who were the master executioners of massacre were sitting down on a chair, leisurely drinking whiskey and smoking tobacco while looking at what was happening before them with pride and excitement. Their inhumane actions doesn't seem to bother then at all.

''Big brother, did you hear that? She dares to curse us. Then let's give her more reason to wish she was dead'' One of the men spoke, laughing evilly.

He signals a guard with his gaze about something. The guard nodded, walked away from there and returned shortly carrying the naked and lifeless body of a young girl around fifteen or sixteen years. Her body was covered in bruises and wounds, evidently showing how much she had been abused to death.

Upon seeing her little sister's abused body, the young woman's eyes widen in horror, tears falling uncontrollably from her eyes.

''NAILA!!!!!!!'' she screamed, wailing in despair.

She felt like her soul was being stabbed by thousands of needles. She couldn't breath and had to struggle to catch her breathe, feeling like an invisible hand was choking the life out of her.


How could this monsters do this to her. She was so young and they dared to treat her this way. She struggled to get to her sister's body, wailing in anguish and crawling desperately on the ground but before she could get to her, her path was blocked by the domineering man who stood in front of her, looking down on her with contempt and unbridled arrogance.

He raised his feet and placed it on her head, pressing her face into the ground to eat dirt.

''Did you like my surprise? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. She tasted so delicious but still couldn't compare to you'' he remarked, smacking his lips with the dagger he was holding and licking his lips as though reminiscing about the taste.

His words caused her so much pain that she was trembling with rage. Her nails dug deep into the ground and she raised her dirtied face that was filled with murderous intent and spoke through gritted teeth,

''Mark my words. I'm going to kill each and every one of you. I'll never give you people a day of peace. I'll come back for all of you. I curse you all. You're going to regret sending me into the abyss of hell''.

Every word she uttered, carried the fire and indignation of the aggrieved. She hated her helplessness, her gullibility and stupidity. Her mistake had caused her family to fall into the hands of this monsters.

''Then have a nice stay in hell''. the man said and then stabbed her in the back with the dagger, staining it with her blood. She spat out a mouthful of blood and laid there on the cold, dirty ground dying.

At this moment, her body felt cold and numbed, unable to feel anything anymore and only felt the fire of vengeance burning and churning within her every being. She will not let any of them off. She'll give them such death that the heavens will shiver. This is her promise. Her thought stopped as life left her eyes.

She was finally breathed her last. Her eyes refusing to close

''Bitch, she died so easily? I was just getting started'' The man sneered.

Six pairs of eyes bared witnessed to this whole atrocious crime from beginning to end. After it was done, a figure covered in a black hoody disappeared into the darkness with a creeping smile.

Meanwhile, the extra eyes that were watching from afar were that of a young teenage boy who was sitting calmly on a big wooden box, looking at the entire horrific experience with a cold and detached expression as though, whatever traumatic events happening before his eyes had absolutely nothing to do with him. His lack of emotion made him quite terrifying.

Another pair of shocked and traumatized eyes stared fixated through the peepholes in the wooden box without blinking, seemingly having been forced to watch the horrors and looked to have gone into shock.

''Well, I guess we're done here so it's time to wrap everything up and leave. Father is finally going to see my worth''. The big brother said, looking to be in high spirits.

Every member of this family is nearly wiped out and that little one won't be able to get escape the same fate so there was nothing to worry about.

He walked over to the teenage boy and said softly, ''Did you see it all clearly?'' The boy nodded.

The big brother smiled, ''You do know what to say to your grandfather later, right?''

The boy nodded again and then curtly said, ''Congratulations to securing the position of Heir, father.'' His voice cold and devoid of any emotion.

Hearing this the big brother laughed heartily.

''Good...Good...Good. You truly are my good son''.

The boy didn't say much. He got up from the box and ordered his personal guards to carry it back with him.

Curious, the father asked, ''Son, what's in that box?''

''My property'' he replied coldly and walked away.

At a young age, he already commands a noble yet terrifying presence.

''Brother, please don't forget about me when you're at the top'' the man flattered.

''How can I forget you after all your help. You truly are my good brother. All this years I didn't dote on you for nothing'' the big brother grinned.

''Cleaned this place up. Don't leave anything behind. Make everything go up in flames'' big brother ordered. His expression serious.

The little brother nodded.