Various one shots Harry's various naughty adventures(or misadventures, depending on your angle), with women. Not for children. ———————————— *I do not own any characters in this fanfic. *I do not own this fanfic: [Credit: megamatt09] *I do not own this cover
The pinkish-purple sky of the planet the great warrior stands on makes her wonder what kind of prize her contact alludes to. The planet is rocky with very little signs of life on it. The only sign of potential habitation is a series of crudely made structures, almost like someone cobbles them together. Then there's the large dark building with no windows in it.
Brunnhilde keeps a hand on the blade she wields. She walks into uncertain territory, so naturally it may be an ideal thing to keep her wits about her. Each step sends her ever so closer to where she needs to go.
Bright blue lights illuminate the hallway. She notices several cells and then one at the end. Instead of the bars at the end of the cell, it's a clear glass cage. She walks forward to further investigate and sees a handsome man with the most vibrant green eyes. He dresses in fairly elegant clothes of the finest silk although one can see his strong body.
Brunnhilde most certainly cannot believe her eyes.
"When my contact told me that he had something big, I had no idea it would be you. It's you! The Dragon."
A smile pops over the face of Harry Potter.
"Yes, it's me. Congratulations, you've scored the biggest prize possible. It's...interesting to see how we're here and I wouldn't believe my eyes if I didn't see you myself. A living breathing Valkyrie, right before me. It's very impressive."
"Yes. But, I'm certain that bringing you back to the Grandmaster will make his day. Now how to open this cell?"
Harry casually swipes his finger against a rune stone on the cell. The invisible barrier fades and he steps out. Brunnhilde stands up to realize the prisoner's out.
"It opens from the inside. I think we can both agree that whoever created this prison most certainly deserves to be shot."
An attempt from Brunnhilde to physically attack Harry becomes futile. Harry holds her arm and turns her around. He pushes her up against the wall.
"You're curious now that you're here, aren't you?"
"I'm curious to why you didn't escape when you had the chance. What is your game?"
"Well, I'm sure you've heard the stories. I've been all over the realms, bedding some of the most powerful and beautiful women imaginable. My wives always encourage the continue spread of my seed across the nine realms. And when I heard that someone of your caliber worked for the Grandmaster and was to collect powerful warriors, well I knew that this would get your attention."
A frown crosses over Brunnhilde's face. She does not attack at least not yet. Sudden realization dawns upon you.
"You were the one who was my mysterious contact."
"Yes. Forgive me for the cloak and dagger, but I had to verify that the rumors were true. And they are."
The two stand face to face with each other for a very long moment. Brunnhilde finds herself less inclined to attack him now, at least not until there are some answers.
"And now that my curiosity has been satisfied, I'm sure you want yours. You want to know if the rumors, the stories, the legends spread throughout the universe are true. Don't you?"
She maintains a battle stance and for a second Harry just grins at her.
"You made a mistake if you think that I'm not going to do everything in my power to take you back to the Grandmaster. I have a job to do."
"And you do it well."
She blinks and now Harry's behind her. He does not touch her in any way. His presence is so overwhelming and powerful that Brunnhilde almost wonders if there's some kind of force sapping her self control. The strong Valkyrie stands tall before him and tries not to lose herself in him and most certainly lose herself in those vibrant eyes which continue to sap her self-control.
"And I do many things as well."
Brunnhilde turns around and she grabs him intending an attack. Instead, she smashes her lips onto his with an aggressive kiss. Pent up sexual frustration hits her full on. She pushes up against his body and tries to back him up against the wall.
Harry smiles, he prepares for everything and most certainly prepares for that. Roaming hands tug on each other's clothes and begin to tear them off when their lustful encounter reaches a boiling point.
A feeling of deep lust hits Brunnhilde head on. Her flesh sings for the touch of this powerful man. A man who makes women succumb to him. She never thought something deep down would hit her this hard. And yet, there's a very potent desire to have him and have him have his way with her in every single way possible.
The position reverses with Brunnhilde pressing against the wall. Her clothes come off with Harry running a hand down her dark skin which taints with sin and sweat. The beauty of her cannot be denied, and it matches her fierceness. The two of them grab at each other with one of Brunnhilde's legs sliding him his side to grab onto him.
"I must see you!"
Brunnhilde rips at his belt and his pants. She can feel a promising start of this warrior exposing himself. The Dragon's massive cock comes out into her hand. It's long and thick and she decides to grab onto it with both hands to tug on it to make it grow to its full size.
A groan follows with Brunnhilde stepping up the actions of her hands against his cock. Both stand before each other. Their slightly torn and mangled clothes lay on the ground. Brunnhilde jumps at Harry and wraps her legs around his waist. Harry holds onto her strong and firm legs and causes a pleasurable scream to come out of her throat.
Then, without any other preamble, Brunnhilde sinks down onto him. The tightness of her pussy closes around her lover's hard cock. Which only seems to expand and fill her completely, in the way which she wants it to. His hands rest on her back the second Brunnhilde spikes down onto her.
"It must have been a long time for you."
"Go ahead. Have me. Take me in the way you want."
Brunnhilde takes his cock deep inside of her body. She squeezes it between her pussy walls and releases it. Harry grabs onto her and pushes her down onto him. Her breasts dance in front of Harry's face.
Those dark nipples bouncing in front of Harry's face beg to be sucked and beg to be touched. They call out for attention and Harry lavishes them with all of the attention they desire. The cries of content coming from the woman shows she enjoys it. Harry's strong legs hold them both up as she rides the standing man.
Brunnhilde throws her head back. Engaging in the sins of the flesh is not something she expects. And yet, given all of the stories regarding how the Dragon's able to charm himself between the legs of even the most frigid women, she suspects it's only inevitable. And her body calls out for more. More touches and a greater sampling of the power of the Dragon.
She tightens the grip around him. Harry refuses to break first. He can tell she's not experienced any pleasure.
"I'm going to make you recall what it's like to live, Valkyrie! You're going to feel every moment of this. And you're going to want to feel it all over again."
No doubts, only pleasure, for this moment, Brunnhilde's contentment reaches a new level. She finally feels alive for the first time in the long time. The pleasure accounts for a drug that numbs the pain of a life of tragedy, but perhaps it's time for her to move forward or at least latch onto something which makes her feel real good.
The tightening of her loins shows how much she wants it. The Dragon goes deep inside of her with those balls promising a load to be deposited inside of her strong body.
Those dark thighs contrast with Harry's in the most beautiful way possible. He holds onto her tight ass and guides her down onto his cock. A soft moan comes from her body the deeper she clamps down onto his massive tool. Her body pressing up against his most certainly lights a fire in Harry and causes him to keep touching her in all the ways which light her up.
Everything lights up inside of Brunnhilde. She completely stuffs the object of her affection deep inside of her. It touches all the way on the inside the second it squeezes her. Powerful squeezes send her flesh spiraling out of control. Years of pent up sexual aggression return themselves. She tightens her legs around her man while also sliding down onto him.
"You should just let this go. It's not good to be this pent up. Trust me."
Brunnhilde trusts him and cums for him. She cums all over his invading tool and allows her body to just size up in a constant wave of pleasure. He's constantly pounding her from the inside and reducing her insides of jelly.
She reaches around and grabs his neck. His face disappears inside of cleavage. The nibbles and sucks set a fire underneath the Valkyrie. The likes of which she's never really felt in her life, at least in a long time. There's a cloud which shifts from her mind and the feeling that something is going to break.
Harry can feel her going with him and clutching onto him. Soon, she bends finally, and she releases herself. His cock receives a coating of cum which causes it to slide into her with ease. He pounds her more deeply for the second round. The feeling of her nails brushing him and encouraging him to go on only causes Harry to do that and so much more.
He reaches behind and clutches Brunnhilde's hips to properly drive her wet pussy down onto his cock. She smacks down onto him and a moan follows from her. She's slowly losing a bit of the moment from earlier given the second huge orgasm racks her body.
The pleasures of the flesh become very likely the deeper Harry drops Brunnhilde down onto his hard cock. A couple more pushes bottom Harry out inside of her. She smacks down onto his balls with desire going through her.
"I must have all of you!"
The primal scream follows Brunnhilde sinking his cock deep inside of her body. She refuses to become broken and weak even at such a powerful entity. She becomes more of a believer with each pump the stories of the Dragon are true and likely understated. His touch sends her into fits of pleasure. It's a high which cannot be described by mere words.
It brings her a level of fulfillment Brunnhilde shuts herself off from a long time ago.
The sounds of flesh smacking about flesh continue. Her thighs smack down onto his balls. The squishy and delightful sound of her wet pussy taking in his rod and clutching onto it for deer life feels so good. Their bodies merge together. One leg drops to the ground. Harry holds onto the other leg and hammers her until she reaches another peak.
Each climax shows just how much he gives to her. The desire from the Valkyrie makes her want to give it back and then some more. Her hands hold onto the back of Harry's neck and he keeps pumping his way inside of her.
The positions switch and now Harry backs her up against the wall. One leg drapes over his shoulder and the other rests firmly on the ground. He leaves her body, something that he can tell she intends to correct in due time. Teasing her is the order of the day right before she loses it.
"I can't...I need you!"
A smile crosses Harry's face. Her thighs spread. The arousal shows how much she wants it and Harry finds himself back between her legs. The meeting of their two powerful sets of loins only increases the lust both lovers share with each other. Harry pulls almost completely out and drives into her.
Finally, they meet again. Brunnhilde finds her entire body just shoot with pleasurable spasms. Harry backs her against the wall and the thought he could easily put her through this wall when fucking her really accelerates her desire. She moves a bit closer to the edge and moans in his ear.
Their bodies meet several times. Flesh meets flesh and Harry moves his hands all over her body. He always keeps this woman, or any woman, guessing with the touches. Her tantalizing chest sticks out for Harry to fondle and make her breath heavily in his ear.
The continuing indulgence in each other spark a lust which neither can hold back from. The position shifts ever so slightly for Harry to gain the leverage to drive his hard cock into Brunnhilde's tight pussy. She clamps down onto him and gives a moan of pleasure. Harry puts a finger on the back of her neck and keeps going to town inside of her.
Her skin burns and calls for something. She can feel the release coming along. And she needs him to release just as much as Brunnhilde suspects this great warrior needs to release himself.
"Yes, I'm close. But, are you going to earn your true prize?"
A prize more valuable than anything she hopes to go for, the seed of the Dragon. Brunnhilde's head snaps back. He holds her firmly and kisses the woman. She returns with a hungry kiss. Their tongues jam together in a furious duel for domination. Harry wins the battle as per usual.
The breathing increases with the next orgasm striking the woman.
"You held me back!"
These last few words end up being the last coherent words the Valkyrie speaks before sexual bliss explodes through her body. Harry impacts her hard and deep with constant thrusts.
The final prelude to his orgasm shows just how much pleasure she needs to feel. Harry soaks in the strong warrior just finally giving into her more primal nature and cumming hard all over him. Harry slides himself inside of her. Her legs lift back up and lock Harry into place to ensure he does not leave.
Never does the thought cross the mind of this powerful warrior. His eyes flash as the edge comes and her intense orgasm milks one of his own inside of her.
"It's time."
Her hips thrust up to make sure his divine rod sheaths inside for the milking process. The first splatter of seed lights the fire once again. Several more pumps bury a virile load of seed inside of her hungry womb. Brunnhilde throws her head back and moans as he buries his seed inside. His hands hit all of the itches as well and touch her body all over in a way which it longs to be touch. She becomes just as sensitive in the act of carnality as she is strong in the art of battle.
Finally, Harry finishes and he allows the warrior to drop to the ground. Another woman drops to the ground with satisfaction on her face which only grows.
The question of what will happen now comes to mind.