"Did you purposely try to slave me even when you knew how to fly a Tross?" Aksel asked still slightly surprised as he leaned back against the bags that had been tied behind him. It had already been around fifteen days since they had left Sector 28 and since Aksel had been unable to take command of the flight just yet Yve had been the pilot this time.
"A person who has been resting for the past fifteen days doesn't get the right to say this," She smirked jabbing an elbow back making him wince as it hit him right in one of his healing burnt spots on his chest.
While Aksel had been healing from his wounds she had been practicing flying the Tross to take the reins. Therefore when he had healed enough to move around properly and do minor defense for himself they had taken up flight to the next city. In this span of time they had covered three more cities while Aksel rested with the birds and now finally he had been almost completely healed.