it’s only after you lost everything that your free to do anything as a man boards transoceanic flight 37 after his whole career went up in flames not knowing how his life would be forever changed
Stop Trying to control everything And Just Let Go!-Tyler Durden
This is AMAZING!! i can finally…..finally be ME swinging his tail in excitement as the saliva began to drip down his jaws
This 8 foot tall reptilian giant is Waylon jones when he was born instead of receiving the hands of a loving mother she was utterly disgusted by his appearance that once the doctors left she tried to suffocate him under a pillow
That was the start of the sad existence known as Waylon jones
On many occasions did she try multiple methods but none worked wheater it was a gift or curse he was born with incredibly tough skin and a strong immune systems he would never know
Hidden from the world since birth Waylon was only allowed to ever leave at night a rule given by his horrible mother until he learned to master his transformation to a human a temporary fix
But if you where to ask him if he's still loves his mother even after all that he would say"She's my Mom You only ever get one"
Under all that tough exterior is just a boy hoping… wishing… praying that his mother would love him back
Moms gonna get mad that I ripped my clothes but maybe…if I win that money things will be different !yes! That what am going to do as he turned towards the man in the green shirt
"I'm Going to hurt you Now"diving towards him he opened his jaws wide before locking on to his arm
And tearing it off his being
A crocodile? or is it a alligator? Whatever it is it's not going to stop me from getting that case…honey am taking you to that trip he thought driven to please his wife he didn't care what he had to do or how he had to do it
This love stricken fool is Thomas Haden growing up he was a prospect to become the next big thing until it all came crashing down when he vanished off the face of the earth
Or so people believed in reality he fell in love to a beautiful woman name Dorothy Watson
Everything was going perfect until she contracted dementia as her memories began to fade he worked harder to replace those forgotten memories in hopes that she would never forgot their love….
Hmm maybe I should start dressing up more stranger like I don't know a bib maybe hmm sounds like a good Idea to me he thought as he nodded his head completely unaware of the 8FT monstrosity heading his way
-TIME [1:00AM]-
"This is going to be easier than I-"In a coughing fit he grabbed his throat as the arm that he ripped off began to change into sand as it seeped down into his esophagus
"Hey that's my arm"impossible Waylon thought as instead of a bleeding mess the man stood nonchalant as sand began to drip on the ground only to have his eyes widened as he looked at his torn shirt
Coughing the last bits of sand out he glared at the sand man or whatever he was
"My wife loves this shirt you overgrown lizard!"Thomas yelled as the lower part of his body became a vortex of sand while a blade like object protruded out from his arms
As a barrage of Sharp attacks where sent flying towards Waylon he didn't bother to dodge
This is getting annoying he thought as the oncoming attacks weren't doing a thing grunting he got on all fours as he rushed towards Thomas
Launching himself in the air Waylon grinned as his claws came crashing down on Thomas
"YOUR GONNA FUCKING DIE YOU PEICE OF SHIT!!!"watching as his shirt was torn into shreds while Waylon grinned in a devilish smile
He raised his hand as a vortex began to grow in his arm he launched it at Waylon
As the surrounding began to be sucked in the crowd screamed until
A flame barrier circled around Killer Croc and Sandman
Meanwhile Waylon didn't have the luxury of being outside the barrier as he was flung around by the living embodiment of SAND
Where is he!!!waylon thought trying to get a clear view but it was hopeless
"STOP HIDING YOU COWARD AND FIGHT ME!!"yelling in frustration he didn't see the giant fist come crashing down behind him until it was too late
Getting launched to the ground as multiple Giant fist proceeded to pummel down on Waylon a vague outline of eyes glared down at him
Tough bastard can take a hit that's for sure thought Thomas as he tried to bring down Killer Croc but was ultimately failing as he just continued to get back up without a scratch on him
"ENOUGH!!!!!"getting sidetracked he noticed steam start to radiate off Killer crocs body
Smashing through Thomas attacks before they can even hit he was pissed if that was an understatement
Then it hit him a silly idea sure but what if he spun around really really fast wouldn't that blow away the sand grinning he decided to put it to the test
What is he doing?thought Thomas until he noticed he was getting faster and faster "OH SHIT!!!"
Trying to stop him it was too late as his tornado was completely blown away by the spinning Giant
"Got you"jumping toward him Waylon slashed at his body as his attack would just go through him as Thomas would regenerate those missing pieces
"You suprised me but buddy I'm made of sand you can't-"slashing through his mouth Thomas glared at Waylon
ILL JUST HAVE TO ATTACK FASTER THAN HE CAN REGENERATE he thought as he claws slashed faster and faster
I shouldn't have played around so much at this rate am gonna be nothing more than a vile of sand!!!! Sharpening his gaze he decides to go blow for blow with the giant reptile
Morphing his arm into a sledge hammer he struck Waylon in the solar plexus
"That tickled"Waylon said as he was barely pushed back an inch
Shooting his arm through his head Thomas launched himself in the air
"Your Unpleasant but you have my respect you damn Lizard [Sigh] if you live through this You truly are A PAIN IN THE ASS!!!"
As the sand began to converge a woman made of sand appeared behind Thomas as she clasped her hand smiling towards Waylon
In a instant before Waylon could even move it was to late as the full might of Thomas stuck him in a instant
Panting he collapse on his knees as the place where Waylon was standing on was now covered by a woman gently clasping her hands
"Now that- before he could speak he was interrupted by a loud noise
"LET ME OUT AM NOT DONE"smirking Thomas begun to laugh
"I was right you truly are a pain in the ass"as the flame barrier began to disappear
The crowd went crazy
-TIME[12minutes 30seconds]-
"This is insane"whispered Sage as a smile never left her face
"No this is just Fight Club"said Tyler as he patted her shoulder
this fight was a bit tricky to write after all Waylon aka killer croc was so durable that Thomas aka sandman attacks would basically do nothing that why even in the end he was still conscious but trapped that why the win went to sandman