
Chapter 20

He smiled when he saw it was a message from Luke, and opened it.

How desperately do you need me back?

Jamie huffed a laugh at the message. He was about to text a reply, when he thought of something else.

“Hey, Sofia,” he said, coming around the counter. “Shall I send your dad a picture of you making dinner?”

Sofia looked up with a grin. “Yeah!”

Jamie turned his phone on its side to get a good picture. “Say cheese!”

“Cheese!” Sofia shouted happily.

Jamie laughed, and snapped a few shots. “Okay, great. I’ll send this to him. Is the first pizza ready?”

“Not yet!” she said, and went back to her toppings.

Jamie noticed she’d snuck some pineapple chunks onto the pizza with the salami and mushroom. Good thing he didn’t mind pineapple on pizza.

He texted the best photo to Luke, along with the caption, hurry, or you’ll miss dinner!