
The Boy with two Hearts

The story of Daemon the 13th son of the Wandee family, and his journey bring he’s cultivation to new level. ( a updated synopsis will come as more chapters comes out. ( no spoilers for future development tehe )

Krampus · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Rose chocked by Vines

The next morning.

When Daemon woke up, he was the only person left in the room but there on a delicious scent in the room, when he look around there freshly made meal waiting for him with a note. [Daemon reads to note] (Welcome Back, hope to see you. 10th sister.)

With a belly full of food, Daemon leave his room and walk down the corridor, where shortly after he meets 7th mother ( the mother of 10th sister , Daemon greets her first "Good morning 7th mother" 7th mother reply " hmm is that my daughter's cooking I smell on your breath,( Daemon can smell a sweet fragrance from 7th mother) you know you're the reason she been inspired to learn how to cook, but I let you know in secret my little rose choke by vines, I agreed with your mother if anytime you get kick out from the family, I would take you and my daughter back to my family, Remember Daemon you always have a place with the lotus family."

And with that 7th mother walk off, Daemon remembers that 7th mother took a shine to him because when Daemon was 4 years ago, he saw 7th mother trying to grow roses, so Daemon took a book from the library that was about growing flowers and gave it to 7th mother, that the moment she took a liking to Daemon.

After that Daemon starting walking towards his fathers office , so they can finish there conversation from yesterday.

(Daemon arrived at front of his father offer) as the Daemon got closer to the door, the door opened and the elders walk out from gen's office, 3 of the just walk past without acknowledginge Daemon but the last elder stands over Daemon saying " if my granddaughter Mzia didn't like you as Much, I would been the side to kick you out, but for a person with no zen affinity to actually get to grade two human let alone even enter the human level, keep this up you might change the minds of us elders." with that all the elders leaves, but with that elder said gave Daemon more motivation to get stronger. (Daemon finally meet back up with his father.)

When Gen sees his 13th child Daemon again when immediately starts the conversation by hugging his son, ( after the hug Gen went back to his chair at his desk and daemon in the visitor's chair.)

Gen " so what happened to you son, you're gone for a month and a person with zero zen affinity, suddenly is now at grade two human" Daemon answer " I found a place after running from" Gen interrupts him " son, that enough, if this place holds a secret that let's a person go from not able to cultivate to how are you now in less than a month, I think it should be your secret alone, plus I might let you catch up to the rest your brothers and sister, but I'm not sure if you go there anytime soon because your mother and Mzia probably won't let you leave there sights... plus [gen grabs daemon hands and put them together and looks Daemon straight in the eyes] (gen says this part really quick because his embarrassed) your mother is really scary when she angry and.. and I don't know how to confront it, sorry son."[Gen takes in a deep breath] ( Gen starts talking normally again) " but if or when they eventually let you go outside, I will make up any excuses so you can cultivate with out worry of them freaking out, it been hell for me since you been gone" ( with that the meeting between father and son was over because Gen had more business to deal with so Daemon left his father to his work and went outside his office.)

Has Daemon was outside Gen's office, he suddenly found himself upside and looking at a person with sparkly skin, and what looks like damond necklace embed to there skin, a voice says" oi you brat, where you looking at [ the person that grab him starts shaking Daemon while his upside] ( while been shaking he realise it his 5th mother) 5th mother speaks again " you're whore of a mother stoled my spotlight I was meant to be Gen's 2nd favourite wife, but what does your mother do, she got have two children with Gen, is it because she has magic, why can't I have two children with Gen I love him more than that Ice wench, hmm[ diamond claws start retract from 5th mother hand that free and bring it to Daemon neck] if I kill you now, then my troubles might go away" [loud voice from Gen office ] " Agatha" in quick respond 5 th mother replied " coming dearly" [ immediately drops Daemon and go to meet Gen].

Daemon was left confuse, as what just happen. "Guess I'm lucky father was nearby", as Daemon was thinking to himself, can't wait to get stronger, so can stop been bullied so much.

With the talk with his father finished, Daemon wanted to find his 10th sister to thank her for breakfast, so he heads to the library because that where he would normally meet her there.

(Daemon arrives at the library) the Wandee family's was surprisly large, though the only visters were mainly Daemon and his 10th sister for everyone else would going after strength rather than knowledge and be out cultivating, as Daemon walks in he finds his 10th sister in the middle of the library sitting at large table.

10th sister,

10th sister was reading a book, then she spotted Daemon walking into the library she waved him over and offered a seat next to her, ( these two siblings were born on the same year, and when there were 4 years old, 10th sister found Daemon in library reading a book, she saw how Daemon looked so immersed into the book, she tried to copy Daemon, so she grabbed a book and sat next to Daemon and tried to read,

but when Daemon looked over he saw his 10th sister struggling to read so Daemon put down his book and asked if he could help teach her to read, so that day forward Daemon helped teach 10th read and after the two would spend a lot of time reading together. But a year ago 10th sister wanted to thank Daemon for spending time with her everyday. ( This meant a lot to her because she was born on the same year as the rising star 12th sister, engulfed by her shadow and the feeling of been overlooked by the family, making 10th sister feel lonely a lot of the times.) So she read a lot of cooking books and practiced cooking when Daemon wasn't in the library, so that she could cook for him.) as Daemon sat down he thanked 10th sister for breakfast, then 10th sister ask Daemon " I'm going out tomorrow to help buy food for the family wondering if you want to accompany me ( Daemon nodded) yay [10th sister started to blush] hmm when we're out you mind calling me by name " Daemon reply "okay Tamora" ( as Daemon said 10th sister name Tamora, he noticed one of the library windows started to get fogged up by what looks like steam) as he looks back to where Tamora was sitting, he sees tamora has quickly ran off.

Later in the afternoons,as Daemon happily finished reading a book, he thought it's time to focus on cultivating and thought 13th Elder's realm would be the best place, but as he tried to leave the estate and every time Daemon did he was stop by either his mother or by Mzia, even when he was helping with Tamora shopping, he felt the gaze of those two.