
The Boy with Scars

Xiao Zhan is a 17-year-old boy forced to grow up too fast. When Zhan was five years old, his UNCLE came home drunk. His life was never the same after that. His aunt left and his uncle blamed him. Zhan never got a break from being used like a slave; he wasn't liked by his family. He would be beaten every day. He was a quiet boy who was abused by his cousin and his friends, but he did not hurt a soul. Until he met the hybrid. WARNINGS: This story contains bullying, abuse, eating disorders, self-harm, panic disorder, harsh language, rape, and alcohol abuse. This book will be very sad but with a happy ending and please don't read it if it triggers you.

Daddysjewel · Celebrities
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63 Chs

The Voice.

As I closed my eyes, like my father taught me, my mind was consumed with a single thought: Wang. In that moment, all distractions vanished, and all that remained was the name that echoed through my thoughts.

Holding Liu's hand, we ventured deep into a forest, vast trees towering above us. Nature's sounds filled the air, creating a symphony of melody and rhythm.

Suddenly, my attention was drawn to the scene before us. A large black wolf, its fur shining in the moonlight, was pursued by men. Arrows flew from all angles, peppering the ground and the air. The wolf, displaying remarkable agility, dodged the projectiles easily.

In response to the relentless attack, the wolf let out a deep growl. With a swift turn, it faced its pursuers, its eyes filled with determination. Once again, the arrows flew, but this time, they were met with resistance. Using my hand, I blocked each arrow, causing it to fall harmlessly to the ground.

"Why are you protecting the beast?" a growl echoed from nearby. I turned to see a man, his face twisted with anger and grief. "He almost killed my sister!"

His words hung in the air, catching me off guard. "I understand your pain and anger, but I cannot let you hurt him," I replied calmly.

Before I knew what was actually happening, I heard the distinct sound of an arrow being released from its bowstring. Instinctively, I turned my head towards the source of the sound, and that's when I saw it pierce through Wang's rib.

The impact caused Wang to growl in pain and anger. Without hesitation, he charged towards the man who shot him. However, I quickly positioned myself in front of him.

As Wang approached the man, I raised my voice and shouted "Wang, please stop." Unfortunately, my words went unnoticed. Instead of heeding my warning, he lunged forward, his teeth gripping my arm.

The pain from his bite was immediate and intense. I hissed through gritted teeth, trying to pull my hand away, but Wang's grip was unyielding. The sharp teeth pierced my skin.

"Liu, stop!" I mumbled, as he wanted to push Wang away. "I can handle this."

Blood seeped through my torn skin, and my hand throbbed with pain. 

However, I did not push him away. Instead, I moved closer and gently cupped his face. "Wang, it's me, Zhan. Your husband," I murmured softly.

He continued to growl and sank his fangs even deeper into my flesh, causing me to hiss in pain. Despite the agony, I held my ground and whispered, "It's me, Zhan, your green-eyes love."

Wang's eyes flickered with an array of emotions, but anger lingered deep within them. In one swift movement, he pushed me aside and took off, leaving me stunned and disoriented. Liu's voice rang out behind me. "Don't let him go".

Instinctively, I wanted to chase after him, but I didn't want to use magic. The process of turning him back into a human is painful, and I wasn't sure if I could bear that kind of suffering for him.

However, as I stood there, contemplating my options, I realized I had no other choice. With a heavy heart, I made the difficult decision to use magic to change him into a human.

I pulled Wang back with a flick of my hand, suspending him in mid-air. His confusion and anger were evident, but I couldn't afford to care. I needed my husband back, and if it meant enduring his wrath and pain of transformation, so be it.

The transformation was excruciating, both physically and emotionally. Every cell in his body fought against the change, resulting in intense pain and overwhelming energy. As the magic coursed through Wang's body, he let out guttural growls of agony, each one echoing through the air and piercing my heart. I wanted to look away, to spare myself from witnessing his suffering, but I knew that I had to stay strong and see this through to the end. But as I channeled my magic, I could see the anger dissipating from his eyes, replaced by a flicker of confusion and sadness.

Once the process was complete, I gently guided him to the ground, making sure he was stable. Liu, who had watched from a distance, ran towards us, relief evident on his face. 

Wang. Liu whispered and rushed to him and hugged him tightly, but Wang slumped into his arms and passed out. The people who chased Wang, including, were speechless. They couldn't believe their eyes. 

I removed my jacket and put it on Wang as Liu held him.

One of the men, obviously confused, asked, "Is he human?" Their faces contorted in fear. Unable to comprehend the situation, they remained silent.

I turned to face them, speaking quietly, "Where is your injured sister?"

In a soft murmur, one of them replied, "Back at the camp."

"Take us there," Liu hissed, his tone becoming harsh and urgent.

We walked to their camp quietly, but they constantly stole glances at us. As we got to their camp, we saw his sister lying on a mat. Someone was seated beside her and carefully tending to her wounds.

Can I see? I politely asked. She smiled and graciously stepped aside, allowing me to observe the situation.

I noticed that her skin has deep bites marks with many scratches on her face. The wound seemed infected, but not severe. I silently recited a few incantations, concentrating my energy on the area. She cried out in pain, but her skin healed.

I flicked my hand up into the air, confident in my ability to erase any memories of what had transpired. By the time we left camp, I was sure no one would remember anything.

Enjoy the rest of your camping, I said with a smile as I teleported us back to Wang's estate. The feeling of nostalgia washed over me as we lay Wang in our bedroom. It was exactly as I left it that evening 13 years ago. It was as if time stood still. Not a thing changed.

I lay beside Wang, taking a long sniff. He smelled ofearth, wet soil and fresh-cut grass. His scent was there, but faint. I pulled him closer, and my senses were immersed in his aroma. As my eyelids grew heavy, I drifted off to sleep.

In the depths of my imagination, I was transported to a picturesque landscape. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow on the surrounding scenery. The air was crisp and invigorating, filling my lungs with a youthful vitality.

As the dream unfolded, I found myself standing alone on a towering cliff, overlooking a vast and mesmerizing ocean. The water below danced and sparkled, its waves crashing against the rugged coastline. The sight before me was breathtaking, evoking awe and wonder.

Then, out of nowhere, a soft and gentle voice echoed in my ear. It whispered, "this is a beautiful dream" and he hugged me from behind sending shivers down my spine. It was soothing and melodic, its tones evoking tranquility.

As the dream continued, the voice grew louder and more insistent. I found myself compelled to answer. With a voice barely above a whisper, I replied, "Yes, it is."

Suddenly, my dream shattered, and I abruptly woke. Confusion washed over me as I struggled to regain my bearings. The gentle whisper of the voice spoke again, "I don't want this dream to end."