
The Boy with Scars

Xiao Zhan is a 17-year-old boy forced to grow up too fast. When Zhan was five years old, his UNCLE came home drunk. His life was never the same after that. His aunt left and his uncle blamed him. Zhan never got a break from being used like a slave; he wasn't liked by his family. He would be beaten every day. He was a quiet boy who was abused by his cousin and his friends, but he did not hurt a soul. Until he met the hybrid. WARNINGS: This story contains bullying, abuse, eating disorders, self-harm, panic disorder, harsh language, rape, and alcohol abuse. This book will be very sad but with a happy ending and please don't read it if it triggers you.

Daddysjewel · Celebrities
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63 Chs

killing spree.

Come with me. Urza gestures for us to follow him with his hand.

Liu, Jackson, and I exchanged glances before Liu stepped forward, followed by Jackson and me.

As we walked down the empty streets, my mind raced with violence thoughts. The urge to kill pulsed through my veins, and I could hardly remember the last time I engaged in an intense fight. The urge to channel my energy into a physical confrontation was overwhelming.

We entered a mysterious store with advanced technology. Urza got phones and SIM cards using the money the old lady dropped. In mere minutes, Urza sent us a message containing different names and addresses.

Yes, finally! I am thrilled to sink my fangs into people's necks. The anticipation has been building for some time, and now, the moment has arrived. 

We will meet again back here, all of you had better stay alive. Urza sighed before he disappeared.

Urza's words hung in the air. Liu sighed before Jackson broke the silence, "Do we hunt together or separately?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"Together," Liu replied, "we will start with Wang's list. We need to stick together to increase our chances of survival and complete our mission."

After entering the first address on Google Maps, we followed the directions and made our way to the location. As we arrived, the sight before us confirmed that this was not going to be an easy mission.

The place was like a clubhouse, filled with thugs and guards, some of whom are shifters, and the rest are werecats.

"Is Mr. Shen around?" I asked, peering through the dimly lit room, my voice barely audible over the raucous laughter.

"He's in the VIP lounge," who is asking. One of the thugs replied, eyeing me suspiciously.

That was all we needed before we charged at them, fangs blazing and adrenaline pumping through our veins. We had come prepared to take down Mr. Shen and his gang, and nothing could stop us now.

We were fast and angry. We moved with purpose and determination, fueled by an unyielding rage. Our actions were swift and merciless, leaving no room for hesitation or mercy. We killed without mercy. Our victims were mere pawns in our game of destruction. Some were drained dry, their life force slowly siphoned away as we reveled in the power we wielded. Others we simply snapped their necks, their lifeless bodies falling lifeless to the ground. None were spared. Our thirst for blood was unquenchable, and we left a trail of destruction in our wake. We were consumed by darkness, a force of nature to be feared and respected.

The intoxicating aroma of blood filled my nostrils, heightening my senses and intensifying my excitement as anticipation coursed through my body. We moved from address to address, meeting some people at home, while others were not present. Despite these challenges, we completed 95% of our three lists.

When we finally met Urza at the agreed-upon spot, it was already 5am. The darkness of the night had gradually yielded to the rising sun, casting an eerie glow upon the scene. As we approached, we were immediately taken aback by the sight of blood covering our bodies. The violence we had experienced throughout the night was evident on every inch of our skin.

I'm glad you all survived. Urza sighed heavily.

We nodded in acknowledgement before I spoke, but we didn't get to meet all the people on our list. I gritted my teeth as I spoke.

Urza sighed before continuing. Same here, they left this place. Tomorrow, we will hunt for the rest of them."

Killing them doesn't make me feel better, it only makes me angry. I growled in frustration and vented my ire. The act of taking another life has no sense of satisfaction or relief. It only fuels my rage. Violence intensifies my emotions, leaving me consumed by anger.

I don't even want to think about what they did to my husband. The thought of it fills me with an overwhelming mix of sorrow and vengeance.

It wasn't for the sake of feeling better, it was because they had to die.Liu seethe.

When we got home, we heard faint voices coming from the boys' room, but we decided to let them be. We all entered our respective rooms, and I quickly headed to the shower. The emotions were overwhelming, and I couldn't control my tears. I just let them flow freely under the running water, which lasted for 30 minutes.

After finally getting out of the shower, feeling cleansed both physically and emotionally, I dried myself off and made my way to bed. Exhaustion took over, and I fell into a deep sleep, hoping to find solace in dreams.

In the afternoon, I woke up to the sound of intense conversation surrounding the massacre that took place in various areas. As I listened attentively, I could hear Zhan, Cheng, and Yubin discussing the incident. Zhan sighed deeply, and the gesture made me feel uneasy. However, his words brought me some solace. In that moment, he said, "What they did to us, they won't be able to do to anyone else anymore."

As I walked into the living room, everyone was seated and eating something. However, my attention was immediately drawn to the trio seated closely together and engaged in hushed whispers. From the corner of my eye, I noticed them exchanging glances and leaning toward each other. Curiosity piqued; I inched closer to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Hi Wang," Yubin and Cheng say.

Hi, I replied with a smile. As I approached, I noticed Yubin and Cheng nudging Zhan on both sides, trying to get his attention. However, Zhan shrugged it off, still engrossed in his own thoughts. Undeterred, Yubin and Cheng nudged him again, until finally Zhan turned towards them and said, "Hi Wang." His voice was barely audible, but thanks to my heightened senses as a vampire and werewolf.

Hi, Zhan. I replied sweetly, feeling a rush of excitement as his voice reached my ears. It had been so long since I last heard him say my name, and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear like a high school girl. How I had missed the sound of his voice.

Happiness was an understatement. I found myself lost for words, my emotions running wild. I was completely elated, but I wasn't sure where to sit. After careful consideration, I decided to sit between Jackson and Liu.

As I sat between them, I couldn't help but feel excitement and nervousness.

Suddenly, Zhan's mom gave me a quick glance, and I knew exactly what she meant. My cheeks flushed crimson, and I could feel the heat rising in my face. Embarrassment washed over me, but I couldn't help but smile.

I kept looking at Zhan until Urza cleared his throat and spoke. "We leave tomorrow at first light. Get whatever you need before then. He dropped an ATM card on the table and left with his wife.

"Do you guys want to get anything?" Liu asked.

"No," Cheng replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "We just want to leave this place."

Liu nodded and smiled. "Tomorrow," he assured them.