
Chapter 1

Today was one of the biggest days in my life, I'm officially starting senior year. I have been waiting for this since I was 12. My brother and sister were huge students here and I hope not to break that pattern. I only have 3 friends, Stephanie, Jeremy, and Nelly. Those are the ones that I always count with, but deep down I always felt alone. Avoid that which I cant fill up. The only persons who know this is my mom and therapist. My dad was not always in the picture.

But this is not about my mental health, is about me. I'm finally going to get out of this shit whole known as high school.

See, people are always with high expectations when they come to high school, lots of friends, skipping classes, boyfriends, and girlfriends. But it's nothing like that. High school can be sometimes pain on the butt. Teachers giving too much works, classmates being annoying and friendship always breaking. If you really want to have the high school experience make sure to have those people you know you will count with. Now again is not about that is about the start of something new.

Like always from my past routine I get up around 5 am and be ready by 6 am. I don't have a car. But I take the bus with one of my friends Nelly. Nelly is one of those friends you know you can count with no matter what, but you are too scared to open. "Hi," she said. I reply with the same sentence and kiss on the cheeks. "Ready to finish this shit hole ?" I said, she chuckles and nods "Yes! is about time"

The bus arrived with some other students inside, I do know some but not all of them. I know Jessica, she was sweet, her skin was white as paper, and her long wavy hair color almond. She was pretty but not my type. We don't talk a lot, sometimes when we ride back from school but either than that is just a known person. We arrived at school me and nelly ordered our normal breakfast which is ham, cheese, and mayo which cost 2 dollars.

The rest of the day went normal, we went to our classes as she went to her. My other friends are Stephanie and Jeremy. Which the oy person I study with is Jeremy, Stephanie studies in another class but we keep in touch on social media.

Jeremy was always weird but he is a good friend. Jeremy is those people that know what happens to you even without you telling them but I did not tell him, I even try to hide the pain because I didn't want to worry him or either of my friends. "You good ?" he asked, I took a deep breath "Yeah, I'm just tired, I thought this day was going to be different but it turned out to be the same as always" he chuckles a little "same, but I know that's not what's bothering you right ?" he looks at me seriously, "I'm good Jajaja, that's the only thing, if there's more I promise you, you will be the first to know," I said changing my tone. "Okay," he responded.

Lunch was over, the pm classes were starting and my next was English with one of the sweetest teachers in the whole school, her name was May, like the month. She was like a mother to all the classmates and she actually has a daughter but she was not like she or we thought she was but that's another story for later. May always was kind and like I said sweet. she didn't give much work, only classic ones like where to find the verb or cause an effect. I always do her assistance for the class, she always counted on me and I knew I could count on her. "I have arrived!!" a familiar voice screamed. I looked and was no other than Bryan, I hated him so much. Remember those kids who used to bully me because I was fat, yeah well he was one of them. "Missed me May," he said, May looked and him and scoof, "sit down, stop being a clown" I laugh quietly and continued passing the assistance.

Class ended and it was now for my elective class, computer. This class was 2 hours long but the teacher only give us 1 hour and let us go or you can just stay there and enjoy the AC. Today's class was normal, he just gives us a review from past years and a test which I forgot to mention we got on all of our classes today. This test doesn't have grades it only test us how much we learn from past years and if we still remembered the basic things. "Pss, Jason" I heard and turned to see Stephanie. I went to see what's wrong, the teacher really didn't care. "What's up? everything good ?" I asked, she nods. "yeah I was just bored and I was wondering if I can stay ?, I have a free period so I'm done for the day" "Ok, sure come in". She sat down behind me and told some gossip about what happened today and they were good.

Class ended and mom decided to pick me up today because of my appointment with my therapist.. "How was school? the first day of senior year" Mom asked. "it was normal". she looked at me concerned "Everything good?" I hate when she does this. "Yeah, I'm just tired you know" I reply. she nods.

We arrived at the doctor's office where she dropped me off and head over to the supermarket, "Need anything before I leave?" she asked, "No, I'm fine". "Love you," she said, "I know".

I enter and notify the secretary and I was quickly inside, "Jason, how are you!?' she hugged me and I did back. "I'm good and you ?" .

"I'm good so tell me, I can see you are wearing your senior year t-shirt, how was your first day?"

this is going to be a long day....