
The boy who hates Love

Shivani_rajput · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Ep 1 - A dangerous Man

ep 1 - Dangerous Man

Saksham obroy was a man whose face alone was good. Saksham was the only son of his parents and the only heir of the obroy Group. He was so handsome that anyone who saw him once would just keep looking at him.

Many girls had tried to woo Saksham, but Saksham had humiliated them so much that those girls were never seen around Saksham again. He was a cruel person who had no pity for anyone.

One September night, a very loud sound of someone screaming was coming from a cell in the dense forest.

Saksham was sitting on a big chair in a black room. There was no expression on his face. ,He was holding a gun in one of his hands and the man standing in front of him was begging for his life but Saksham had a devil smile on his face and there was not the slightest feeling of pity on his face.

After a while, the man fell down on the ground with the sound of a bullet.

Saksham said in a stern voice - "Take him away and go and satisfy the hunger of the wild animals."

One of Saksham's men picked up the dead man and started carrying him outside. Then a girl's voice came to his ears - "Did you kill him?"

As soon as everyone standing there looked in the direction of that voice, they were surprised. A girl wearing a black suit was standing scared at the door. That girl was so beautiful to look at that even the darkness of the night was not able to diminish her shine.

When Saksham saw the girl, he said in an angry voice - "Catch her."

When Mansi realized that she would be caught, she quickly started running away from there. One of Saksham's men ran after him to catch him. Mansi was running very fast because she was a very good sports player in her college.

But still the man running behind him was about to reach him when his foot got stuck in a vine and the man fell on his face on the ground.

Mansi took advantage of this and went far away from that man. After coming a long distance, Mansi took a sigh of relief and started panting loudly.

Then suddenly someone placed a hand on Mansi's shoulder. Mansi's breath got stuck in her throat. Frightened, when she turned back, she could not see the man's face because of the darkness.

Then the man said - "Mansi, where did you go?"

Hearing that man's voice, Mansi heaved a sigh of relief and hugged that man. He was none other than Mansi's boyfriend Yash.

Tonight Mansi and Yash, along with some of their friends, had come camping near a lake on the edge of the forest. But when she went some distance into the forest to look for wood, Mansi suddenly got lost in the forest.

When Yash saw Mansi so nervous, he lovingly caressed Mansi's head and asked - "What happened? Why are you so scared?"

Mansi did not want to say anything at this time. She just wanted to relax in Yash's arms for now.

Yash took Mansi back to the place where they were staying for the night. As soon as they reached there, Sneha and Tanu, who were Mansi's best friends, came running to them.

Tanu asked a little worried - "You have come! We all were very nervous! Where had you gone after all."

Then Yash said - "I will bring water for Mansi! Both of you take care of her. She is very scared."

Saying this Yash went to get water for Mansi.

Both Tanu and Sneha saw Mansi's face and understood that she was very scared. Sneha jokingly said to Mansi - "Oh! I found you.I thought that perhaps you had gone for a picnic with the forest animals. ,

Tanu scolded Sneha and said - "Shut up."

Yash had also brought a glass of water for Mansi. He made Mansi sit on a comfortable place and gave her a glass of water.

On the other hand, the man who had not been able to catch Mansi was now standing in front of Saksham. His body was completely trembling. The man said in fear - "Boss, please forgive me! I was about to catch him but...."

The man was only able to say this much when Saksham signaled another man and then two men came and picked up the man. The man kept shouting but Saksham did not feel the slightest pity on him.

Just then a man came in holding a ladies purse in his hand. The man said - "Boss!Perhaps this is the purse of the same girl who was here just now. ,

Saksham ordered - "Check it properly."

After checking the purse the man found a card in it. That man handed that card to Saksham. Saksham looked at that card carefully, this card was the identity card of some college. It contained Mansi's name, her photo and all her basic details.

While giving the order, Saksham said - "Pick up that girl tomorrow."

On the other hand, Mansi told Yash, Sneha and Tanu everything, whatever happened to her in the forest. All three of them were surprised but then Yash took out his phone and dialed a number.

Yash's father was the SP of the city, so Yash wanted his father to handle this matter as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, Yash said to Mansi - "Don't worry! Papa will personally handle this matter."

Hearing this, Mansi just shook her head.

Next morning he packed his things. But Mansi was not finding her hand bag anywhere. Then she remembered that she had left her bag somewhere in the forest.

Now where will she find that bag in such a dense forest? Mansi was standing worried when Yash came to her and placing his hand on her shoulder said - "Let's go."

Mansi said worriedly - "Yash, I have lost my bag somewhere in the forest! What should I do now? My college identity card was in it."

Yash said - "Don't worry, I will get it remade for you! After all, Yash Saxena can handle so much."

Mansi smiled after listening to Yash. Yash dropped Mansi at her house in his own car. After that Yash bid goodbye to Mansi and left from there.

Mansi was at some distance from the gate of the house. She was slowly moving towards the gate of her house, but suddenly a car stopped in front of Mansi and in the blink of an eye someone pulled Mansi inside that car. Mansi suddenly did not understand what happened to her. He regained consciousness only when he found himself in a car.

She suddenly got scared and looked here and there and shouted - "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

Mansi was very nervous. Those men did not give any answer to Mansi. There were four men. Two were sitting in the front, one was sitting with Mansi and one was sitting at the back.

Mansi was screaming and trying unsuccessfully to get out of there. But none of them paid attention to him. Her screams were now causing pain in the ears of those men. As Mansi's screaming increased, the man sitting near Mansi placed a handkerchief on her mouth due to which Mansi became unconscious.

When Mansi became unconscious, a man said - "This girl is very beautiful! Who knows, the boss might like her?"

After listening to that man, three people sitting in the car started laughing loudly. One of the men said, "Don't you know the boss's temperamentWho knows how many girls have tried to seduce him and the condition of those girls has become very bad. ,

Then the other man said - "There would hardly be any girl in this world whom the boss would allow to come close to him."

The third man said - "Okay, leave all this, first call the boss and tell him that we have caught the girl."

On the other hand, Saksham was sitting in his luxurious cabin in the big building of Oberoi Group. He was doing some work very seriously on the laptop.

Suddenly the ringing of the phone distracted him. Saksham looked at the phone angrily but as soon as he saw the name of the caller, he quickly picked up his phone.

Saksham said in his arrogant voice - "Speak."

The man on the phone said - "Boss! We have caught that girl! What should we do with her."

Saksham ordered - "Take him to my villa."

And after that he disconnected the phone. Then Saksham took out a cigarette and started taking long puffs while thinking about something.

When Saksham reached his villa at night, he went straight to his room. As soon as he left, he first took off his coat and then started taking off his shirt. While taking off his shirt, his attention suddenly went to his bed.

His bed, which was always empty, today had an angel-like girl sleeping on it. The girl was wearing a white suit with a red scarf and she looked like an innocent child sleeping.


What will happen next?

What will Saksham do with Mansi?

Will Saksham's heart melt for Mansi or will an unmatched hatred begin?