
The Boy Who Fought Back: A Story of Revenge and Redemption

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project) Synopsis: Liu Feng was a normal high school student who had a peaceful and happy life. However, everything changed when he witnessed his parents being killed by a mysterious assassin. He swore to avenge them and find out the truth behind their deaths. He was then approached by a mysterious voice that claimed to be a system, offering him a chance to gain power and skills by completing tasks. Liu Feng accepted the deal, hoping to use the system to achieve his revenge. However, he soon realized that the system had its own agenda and secrets, and that his revenge was not as simple as he thought.

ex_berfect · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The System’s Offer

Liu Feng ran as fast as he could, dodging the bullets and explosions that came from behind him. He had just witnessed his parents being shot by a masked man in a black suit, who then threw a grenade at their car. Liu Feng barely escaped the blast, but he knew he was not safe yet. He had to get away from the scene and find a place to hide.

He turned into a dark alley, hoping to lose his pursuers. He saw a dumpster and decided to jump behind it. He crouched down and tried to catch his breath. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and looked down. He saw blood seeping from a wound on his left shoulder. He had been grazed by a bullet. He cursed and pressed his hand on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

He felt tears welling up in his eyes as he recalled the image of his parents lying on the ground, lifeless. He couldn't believe they were gone. They were his only family, his only source of love and support. They had always been kind and caring to him, encouraging him to pursue his dreams and hobbies. They had never done anything wrong to anyone. Why did they have to die? Who killed them and why?

He wanted answers. He wanted justice. He wanted revenge.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He swore to himself that he would find the killer and make him pay. He would not let his parents' deaths go in vain. He would not rest until he avenged them.

As he made his vow, he heard a voice in his head.

[Hello, host. I am the Revenge System. I have detected your strong desire for revenge and have decided to bind with you. Do you accept?]

Liu Feng was startled by the voice. He looked around, but saw no one. He wondered if he was hallucinating or going crazy.

[Who are you? Where are you? What do you want from me?] He asked in his mind.

[I am the Revenge System, a special program that can help you achieve your revenge. I am currently in your brain, communicating with you through your thoughts. I want to offer you a deal. If you accept, I will give you power and skills that will help you complete your revenge. If you refuse, I will leave you alone and you will never hear from me again.]

Liu Feng was skeptical and suspicious. He didn't know what this system was or where it came from. He didn't know if it was telling the truth or lying to him. He didn't know if it was a friend or a foe.

[How do I know you are not lying to me? How do I know you are not trying to trick me or harm me?]

[You don't. You have to trust me. I have no reason to lie to you or harm you. I am only here to help you. You can choose to accept or refuse. It is up to you.]

Liu Feng thought for a moment. He was in a desperate situation. He had no one to help him. He had no clue who killed his parents or why. He had no idea how to find them or how to fight them. He was alone and powerless.

He needed help. He needed power. He needed revenge.

He made his decision.

[I accept.]