
The Boy Who Fought Back: A Story of Revenge and Redemption

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project) Synopsis: Liu Feng was a normal high school student who had a peaceful and happy life. However, everything changed when he witnessed his parents being killed by a mysterious assassin. He swore to avenge them and find out the truth behind their deaths. He was then approached by a mysterious voice that claimed to be a system, offering him a chance to gain power and skills by completing tasks. Liu Feng accepted the deal, hoping to use the system to achieve his revenge. However, he soon realized that the system had its own agenda and secrets, and that his revenge was not as simple as he thought.

ex_berfect · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Interruption

Liu Feng listened to the audio and felt a shock and a curiosity. He wondered what his mother had wanted to tell him. He wondered what it had to do with the project and the future. He wondered if it was something good or bad.

He heard his mother's voice say:

"It's about…"

But before she could finish, the audio was interrupted by a loud and harsh noise. It sounded like a gunshot. It was followed by another noise. It sounded like a scream. It was his mother's scream.

Liu Feng felt a pain and a fear. He realized that his mother had been shot. He realized that his mother had been killed. He realized that he had heard his mother's last words and his mother's last breath.

He heard the killer's voice say:

"Sorry to interrupt, but your time is up. Goodbye, Mrs. Li."

He heard the phone drop and the line go dead. He heard nothing else.

The audio ended with a beep and a silence.

Liu Feng felt a rage and a hate. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He couldn't believe that his mother had been killed in front of him. He couldn't believe that the killer had mocked and taunted him. He couldn't believe that he had lost his mother and her message.

He felt tears streaming down his face. He felt blood boiling in his veins. He felt hate burning in his heart.

He heard the system's voice in his head.

[Host, this is the audio of the last phone call that you received from your mother. It shows what your mother said to you and what she wanted to tell you. It also shows what happened after she hung up. It is very touching and revealing. Do you understand?]

[Yes, I understand. This is horrible. This is unforgivable. This is my mother's death. This is my revenge.]

[Yes, it is. It is your mother's death. It is your revenge. And I will help you achieve it. I have some information and tools that can help you identify and eliminate the killer and his organization. Do you want to see them?]

[Yes, I want to see them. Show me.]