
The Boy Who Fought Back: A Story of Revenge and Redemption

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project) Synopsis: Liu Feng was a normal high school student who had a peaceful and happy life. However, everything changed when he witnessed his parents being killed by a mysterious assassin. He swore to avenge them and find out the truth behind their deaths. He was then approached by a mysterious voice that claimed to be a system, offering him a chance to gain power and skills by completing tasks. Liu Feng accepted the deal, hoping to use the system to achieve his revenge. However, he soon realized that the system had its own agenda and secrets, and that his revenge was not as simple as he thought.

ex_berfect · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Escape

Liu Feng followed the system's instructions and ran out of the alley. He saw a busy street with cars and pedestrians. He quickly blended in with the crowd and tried to act casual. He hoped that the killers would not find him.

[Good job, host. You have successfully left the crime scene. Now, you have to find a way to get out of this area. The killers may have alerted the police and set up checkpoints. You have to avoid them and reach a safe place. Do you have any idea where to go?]

Liu Feng thought for a moment. He realized that he had nowhere to go. He had no relatives or friends that he could trust. He had no money or belongings that he could use. He had nothing but the clothes on his back and the system in his head.

He felt a pang of despair and loneliness. He wished he could go back to his normal life, to his home, to his parents.

But he knew that was impossible. He had to face the reality and survive.

He shook his head and answered the system.

[No, I don't have any idea where to go. Do you have any suggestions?]

[Yes, I do. I have scanned the map of this city and found a suitable place for you. It is a cheap motel that is located in a remote and rundown area. It is not very comfortable or safe, but it is better than nothing. It is also far away from the killers' base and the police's jurisdiction. You can stay there for a while and plan your next move. Do you want to go there?]

Liu Feng nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope.

[Yes, I want to go there. How do I get there?]

[You can take a bus. There is a bus stop near you. The bus number is 27. It will take you to the motel in about an hour. You have to pay 2 yuan for the ticket. Do you have any money?]

Liu Feng checked his pockets and found a few coins. He counted them and saw that he had 3 yuan. He felt relieved.

[Yes, I have some money. I have 3 yuan.]

[That's good. You have enough money for the bus. But you have to be careful. The bus may be crowded and noisy. You have to avoid attracting attention and stay alert. You never know who may be watching you or following you. Do you understand?]

[Yes, I understand. I will be careful.]

[Good. Now, go to the bus stop and wait for the bus. I will tell you when to get off. Good luck, host.]

[Thank you, system.]

Liu Feng made his way to the bus stop and waited for the bus. He looked around and saw many people, but none of them seemed to notice him or care about him. He felt invisible and insignificant.

He wondered if anyone would miss him or mourn him if he died. He wondered if anyone would remember him or his parents. He wondered if anyone would care about his revenge or his justice.

He felt a surge of anger and sadness. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He swore to himself that he would not give up. He would not die. He would not forget. He would not forgive.

He would make them pay. He would make them suffer. He would make them regret.

He would complete his revenge.