
The Boy whitout a name

The Story of a boy and his Journey for Revenge

Rouge_Uchiha · Fantasy
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10 Chs

What is your name?

And as The boy sat in the Crimson stained snow. He looked up at the blade and thought to himself "why" why had he been put through all this. 

"Why my Friends and Family, why am I left here to suffer alone?" He Shouted. As he gave the man holding the Hukyu Blade a Demonized look. The Man said no word but his Presence Spoke Volumes.

And without unsheathing his blade the man delivers a strike to the boy's left eye causing the boy to lay back on the Crimson red snow. The Man uttered the first words of which the boy could hear "I'll see you in hell" as the Man proceeded to land a strong strike to the boy's midsection. As the boy's soul danced on the line between life and death the boy faded in and out. As the boy entered the realm of the dead to join his mother and siblings. He states "well at least here we can be at peace. No more hardships to worry you mother-" but his Mother cuts him off saying "my dear boy for we can not be together just yet you still have a life to live" And as his mother finished her last word. In the World of the living a young girl who had seen the events up to now. She Waltzed up to the boy and she said "I saw what you were put through only to meet your demise to another one of your kind. Humans. Yuck, I hate even letting that word pass my lips. But you seemed to not care what pains and sorrows the world bestowed upon you.  The Boy laying there in the snow still mortally wounded. He uttered the words "shut up" but the girl would not. She stated she could help him get revenge. Revenge for his Mother and fallen family. The boy curious asked how with the look of pain shifting into a look of savagery. And the girl stated "For I am not human like you miserable creatures for I am a demon. the boy, now confused, asked, "please say that again because all I heard was a load of bullshit."

And as the girl loomed over the boy she said: " well let us see." As she was now holding a small knife to her palm. She cut the palm of her hand and allowed the blood to overflow and spill onto the boy's wound. And the boy still laying there asked her what are u doing- but as the boy was still talking he felt a hot sensation flow through his veins. The boy shouted in pain due to the blood coursing through his veins. The girl asked, "It feels amazing right the blood taking over". The boy could not respond as he was stuck in a shaking motion. The girl approached him as he was shaking savagely on the ground and delivered a blow to the side of his head rendering him unconscious. As the girl carried the boy back to her residence she couldn't help but think why are humans such savage creatures. As the boy awoke in a flurry he couldn't help but wonder where he was. As the boy heard the sound of laughter coming from the dark edge of the cave he asked "who's there?" As the voice of the girl called out "It is your savior Miru hito" and as she walked towards the boy He called out "savior"? in a confused voice. The Girl replied, "yeah I'm the only reason you're alive and aren't I". The boy, knowing it was true, looked down in shame. The girl approached and softly cupped the boy's chin. She said "well all of your other wounds healed nicely except the one on your eye "can you try to open it for me?" Also, what's your name?" The boy, not wanting to damage his eye further Says "No and my name is Taoreta Saigo no. The girl then jumps on his chest and says "well I'll open it for you" as the girl opens his eyes she's shocked by the state it's in. "Your eye it's dead ''! The boy, now shocked, asks"You sure". The Girl replied "I'm positive"

the boy says "Well that sucks' ' in a sarcastic tone. The boy gets up and wraps a cloth around his left eye. The girl tells him we should get going. The boy asks "where?" To the next town of course. The girl replied. The boy asks why. The girl replies "well I can smell one of my kind and they reek of the scent of blood". The boy asks  "Can you pinpoint the exact location of the scent"? The girl replies "Don't order me around your low life form I said I'd help not be ordered Like a pet".The boy then looks at the girl and says "ah I'm sorry would you please help by offering your supreme sense of scent." The girl replied, "that's more like it and I would love to help". The girl then lifts her nose in the air and as she smells the scent of blood she smells another one of her kind. A Demon. The girl looks at the boy with a look of glee of states ``you'll be fighting your first real enemy soon". The Boy Surprised and somewhat terrified tries to laugh it off

"haha, a good joke, I fight a demon ha". The girl gives him a dead cold glare at which instance the boy's demeanor changed. "Your Being honest aren't you?" the boy asked. The girl responds I have no reason to lie. '' The boy states "if I were to fight, what would I even fight with my bearskin isn't an option." So you require a weapon? the girl asks. If we're gonna kill that man or any demon for that matter you'll need one. The girl says. Ok, so l just need a sword well let's just to the blacksmith-. The girl looks at the boy and laughs "you imbecile for your kind words won't scratch let alone slice the skin of a demon". The boy looks at the girl confused "what do you mean?'' the Boy. The girl just looks at him and smiles. The boy asks "what are you smiling at?" oh nothing the girl replies.

The girl then tells the boy "for you need a blade bathed in moonlight." The boy with a confused look asks don't you mean sunlight? No A blade Soaked in the moonlight and laced in demon's blood should cut through their skin like a blade through a fish.

At that moment the boy's stomach growls he thinks "Yum Fish" the boy says as he starts to drool. At that instance, the girl pulls the boy to the ground as a flaming arrow flies overhead. "That's Them I guess," the boy says while getting up in a hurry. The Girl jumps in front of the boy and teasingly says "well I guess I'll protect you" only to look up to the boy rushing over to where the arrow was fired. As the boy rushes over he's tripped by a leg sticking out behind a tree but the boy quickly jumps up and sends a flurry of fast strikes towards the one who tripped him. "You still hit like a girl" the boy looks up to see his friend Yugo and Lucia. What are you two doing here? Lucia quickly replies "well the village is boring and Yugo just wants to fight" Yugo chimes in "Yeah no good enemies to fight also who's the hottie never seen her around the village? "No one you should be considered whit," the boy says. Lucia glances at the girl. The girl whispers in the boy's ear "we should leave if we're gonna get your blade" The boy Nods and tells his friends "well guys I gotta go get something"

                                         Chapter 1 End…