

"Alison, Alison. Wake up."

Alison awoke to a little boy on her bed. She quickly scampered back towards the headrest of her bed.

"Shhhh, it's ok sister. I'm not here to hurt you." The boy whispered to her, trying not to wake her parents.

"Wh-Who are you? What do you want?" She asked quickly in the same hushed tone.

"Don't you remember me? It's me, Ashton. Your little brother."

"I don't have a little brother. How do you know that name, freak? Ashton died at the age of two, I was only five at the time."

" I know it because I am Ashton. Look," he said rolling up his sleeve, "I have the scar you gave me."

She gasped, tears welling up in her eyes. "Ashton, it really is you." She tried to hug the boy, but she just went through him. Getting a cold, depressing feeling as she did so.

"You can't touch me, but I can touch you. I am a ghost now, sister."

She nodded slowly, taking in everything that her little brother was telling her.

"And as for what I want, I want to keep you safe. Safe from those that had killed me."

"What do you mean, Ash? They wouldn't try to kill me if they already got you... right?"

"You see, that's where you are wrong. The ones that killed me are running low on power. They require a sacrifice as to keep that power. They will make you said sacrifice to keep their power."

"And do you know who killed you?"

"Yes... I do.."

"Can you tell me? Just so I can be prepared to run."

"Are you sure you can handle the truth as to who killed me?"

"Yes, Ash, I am."

"Ok, It was mom and dad."