
The boy of the Universe

Alir8094 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Shadows in the Night

Shadows in the Night

As the village Mage raced through the woods, the storm raged on, the wind howling like a wild beast. Back at the old house, the baby began to cry, his wails piercing through the storm's roar. The woman, weak but determined, started to sing softly, "My baby, why are you crying? Mama is here with you."

The baby, feeling the warmth of his mother's touch and hearing her soothing voice, grabbed her index finger and began to calm down. The Healing Mage, standing by the window, scanned the dark forest, his heart pounding.

Suddenly, he saw a shadow flit between the trees, then another, and another. Within moments, dozens of dark figures emerged from the woods, their intentions unmistakably sinister.

The Mage's blood ran cold. "We don't have much time," he muttered to himself, his hands already glowing with magical energy, ready to defend the family to his last breath.

The village Mage burst through the door, panting heavily but with eyes sharp and determined. "I saw them," he said, his voice steady despite the terror outside. "We need to act fast."

Together, they began to cast the barrier spell, their chants melding with the storm's symphony. As the barrier formed, shimmering like a dome of light, the black figures closed in, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent.

Inside the barrier, the woman continued to sing, her voice a beacon of hope in the encroaching darkness. The baby, now asleep, clutched her finger tightly. The man, having regained some strength, joined the two Mages, ready to defend his family with all he had.

The storm raged on, but within the barrier, there was a glimmer of hope. The battle was far from over, but for now, the family was safe. The night was long, and the dawn uncertain, but they faced it together, bound by love and the flickering light of hope against the darkness.