
Chapter 7 : Colton

February of sophomore year...

Alyssa is wrapped up in my arms as my mouth roves hungrily over her neck. She arches, allowing me better access to her delectable flesh. A little moan escapes from her as she shoves the key in the lock of her room.



After three failed attempts, she whispers, "You need to stop that, or I'll never get this door open and we'll end up having sex in the hallway."

I don't care where we screw, as long as I can get inside her. My cock is so damn hard that it's all I can focus on. The moment I slide deep inside her is always one of pure nirvana. I've never experienced anything like it before. There's a little voice inside my brain that wonders if I ever will again. Since that's not an entirely comfortable thought, I shove it away before I can inspect it too closely.


My name comes out sounding more like a breathy sigh and it does the impossible and makes me harder.

I'll be honest, I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. Her skin is way too damn sweet. I want to gobble her up in one tasty bite. I've had my fair share of chicks over the years, but I've never craved anyone the way I do her. It's like she's a drug pumping wildly through my system. Sometimes it feels like way too much, way too soon. And that scares the shit out of me. There are times when I'm struck with the urge to pull away so I can regain my bearings, but I always stop short of actually doing it. Deep down, Alyssa has managed to crawl under my skin. I don't want to lose what I've found with her.

My teeth sink into the delicate skin of her bared throat. My fingers reach around her ribcage before sliding up to her breasts. I glance down the hall to make sure that it's empty. Since the coast is clear, I tweak her nipples through the thin shirt she's wearing. "What's wrong, baby girl? Is there a reason you can't focus?"

She whimpers in answer as I continue playing with her.

Alyssa is so damn responsive to my touch. It's just one of the things I love about her. Sex with her is like...

I don't even know how to describe it.

There's a high I get when I'm inside the heat of her body. And the more I have, the more I want. It's never enough. This must be what addiction feels like. To crave something all the time. Even if that thing is a person. Even when you're balls deep, you can't help but wonder when you can be there again.

"If you keep doing that I'll come."

She's not kidding either.




Her whispered words go straight to my dick and make me throb more than I already am.

Why the hell did I ever fight against this in the first place? Hands down, it's the best decision I ever made.

"Hey," someone yells from a couple doors down, breaking into the thick fog blanketing me, "get a room!"

"What do you think we're trying to do?" Alyssa bellows back, unapologetic about our PDA.

My lips quirk as a chuckle slips free. Reluctantly I lower my hands until the thumbs can graze over the soft outer swells of her breasts and my index fingers settle beneath her bra.

Once upon a time, I'd thought her breasts were too small.

Needless to say, I was wrong about that. Maybe her cup doesn't runneth over like some girls, but it doesn't matter. Alyssa's tits are fucking perfect.

Everything about her is.

"Colton," she groans for a second time, writhing against me, all the while trying to jam the metal in the lock.

"What, baby?"

"You're killing me."

"Good. I want to ruin you for all other guys." The words slip free before I can stop them. My heartbeat jackhammers. It's the closest I've ever come to declaring my feelings for her.

"I think you already have."

On the fifth attempt, the key slides home and the door handle turns.

"Thank God," she mutters as we stumble inside the space. I've been dying to get my hands on her for days now. Since Alyssa rooms with Mia and I live with Beck, carving out time to be alone is a challenge. I'm not going to lie, we've done it in my car and at the library. The potential thrill of being caught turns us both on. She's definitely a girl after my own heart.

Next year, the plan is to move into an apartment or house off-campus. I'll have my own room. Then I can sleep with her wrapped up in my arms every damn night. If that thought leaves me slightly shaken that for the first time ever, I'm thinking that far ahead into the future when it comes to a female, I ignore it and refocus my attention.

"Are you sure that Mia won't be home for a while?"

A smile curves her lips as her eyelids lower to half-mast. "Yup, she has class for another two hours."


"I know."

"Hey, Alyssa," a girl hollers from down the hall, "do you have-"

"Nope!" she yells without even glancing in her direction, "I'll catch you in an hour."

"An hour?" I grumble, nipping at her earlobe, "is that it?"

Her lips twitch. "Make it two hours," she corrects, slamming the door shut without waiting for a response.

The moment we're locked inside her tiny dorm room, we tear at our clothes as if starving for one another. Jackets are the first to be shed. Then shirts and her bra. Shoes and socks come next. Somewhere in the mix, jeans and leggings are added. It's a frenzy of fabric thrown in every direction until we're both stripped bare and falling onto the single twin bed.

Alyssa chuckles as my mouth lands on hers. She opens immediately until our tongues can tangle. It's like this every damn time. It never gets old. I'm so fucking hot for this girl.

After we got together, I half expected we'd screw a time or two and then monotony would set in. If I'm being completely honest, I'd secretly hoped it would be like that. All I really wanted was to fuck Alyssa out of my system so I could move on and she'd stop lurking in the back of my brain.

But that didn't happen.

If anything, it was the complete opposite. I can't get enough of her. The more I have, the more I want.

Hands down, being inside her body is the best damn feeling in the world.

Nothing else compares.

Hot licks of need spike through me, making me impatient. With the way I'm feeling, there's no time for foreplay. Alyssa understands this and widens her legs until I can settle between her thighs. As I thrust my tongue inside her mouth, my dick sinks simultaneously inside her.

An appreciative groan rumbles up from deep in my chest. There is no greater feeling than her welcoming heat squeezing me tight. She always laughs when I tell her how much I love her pussy. I fucking revere it.

Eight strokes later and I'm coming with a vengeance.

Thank fuck she's right there with me.

Six months later and every time still feels like the first.

How the hell am I ever going to get enough of this girl?

Her teeth sink into her lower lip to stifle her moans. I keep my gaze pinned to hers and watch as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over her delicate features. I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as the look on Alyssa's face when she orgasms. Her ecstasy only intensifies my own. I'm ashamed to admit that in the past, it was my satisfaction that came first. I've always been a selfish bastard when it came to sex. As long as I got my rocks off, it was all good.

Alyssa has changed that.

Her pleasure means everything.

With a huff of breath, my muscles loosen, and I collapse on top of her. Her arms slip around my neck as she pulls me close.

A chuckle fills my ears as her body shakes. "More than an hour, hmmm?"

Yeah...that didn't go according to plan. I'm lucky if that lasted five minutes.

Maybe four.

"That was round one," I grunt. "I've got a few more inside me."

"Well," her lips brush across the side of my face, "I certainly hope so."

"Give me a few minutes and I'll be ready to go." I roll to my side and take her with me which is no easy feat in the narrow bed. Somehow, we manage to switch positions so that my back is to the mattress and her naked body is draped across my chest.

Is there a better feeling than this?

If so, I haven't found it yet.

As our harsh breathing fills the dorm room, a strange contentment settles over me. I wrack my brain, trying to remember the last time I felt this insanely peaceful. As if all was right in the world.

But I can't.

I don't think I've ever felt like this.

If so, it was when I was a kid. Like four years old. Before Mom decided to cut and run. As soon as that ugly thought mushrooms up in my consciousness, I squash it and blink back to the here and now. Alyssa grazes my chest with her fingers before circling the tip around my nipple. I glance at her, surprised to find her watching me. There's a sleepy look in her eyes and a softening around her lips as if she doesn't have a care in the world.

In this precise moment, I feel it, too.

The crack she's managed to find in my heart opens wider. More than it ever has.

Our gazes lock and hold as she whispers, "I love you."

And just like that, those feelings of peace and contentment vanish into thin air as if they had never been there to begin with. Everything inside me stills as my breath gets clogged at the back of my throat. It feels like I'm being suffocated from the inside out. My heart thumps a painful staccato, filling my ears like the roar of the ocean until I can't hear anything else.

There's a cautiously hopeful look on Alyssa's face. I open my mouth to say something.


But nothing comes out.

One heartbeat passes.

Then another.

The happiness filling her eyes drains away before dying a painful death.

As much as I want to echo the sentiment, the words refuse to budge from my lips. Instead, my mouth turns cottony. Deep down, I knew this conversation was inevitable and I'd even hoped I would be able to parrot the words back to her.

But I can't do it. I can't force them free.

When I say nothing in response, she turns her head away before resting her cheek against my chest so that I can no longer see her expression. But the movement isn't nearly quick enough for me to miss the pain my silence has caused her.