
The Boy Next DOOR.

In a modern world teeming with hidden supernatural beings, Kelvin, a powerful hybrid known as a Vaewolf, finds himself entangled in a web of forbidden love, curses, and perilous choices. Born of a dangerous union between a vampire and a werewolf, Kelvin is an *Unclaimed One*, a being that defies the control of vampire covens, werewolf clans, and witches. As leaders of the supernatural realm vie for his power, Kelvin is forced into a life of perpetual hiding to protect himself and his family. Haunted by a curse from the witch queen, which promises he will never find true happiness and dooms him to destroy anyone he loves, Kelvin lives in fear of his own emotions. His solitary existence takes a turn when he meets Dave, an unsuspecting human who awakens feelings Kelvin thought were long buried. As their bond deepens, Kelvin must confront his deepest fears: how to protect Dave from the dangers that lurk in the shadows and the curse that threatens to tear them apart. This is a tale of forbidden love, unimaginable power, and the fight against a destiny that seeks to destroy them both.

Debby_Sabitue · LGBT+
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54 Chs

You must be mad.

After they were done with dinner, it was already late. Dave wanted to go home but Rebecca told him to stay for the night.

Actually he really wanted to sleepover at their house but with this guy living here he does not think it possible.

" Ma, I should get going now it getting late" Dave told her.

" Ah, what about you stay for the night?, I think it'll be better that way" Rebecca suggested but Dave refused.

" Ah..., Ma, I will sleep over another day but now I need to go home I have somethings to do and I also need to get prepared for school tomorrow" he told her and she had no choice but to agree with him

" Okay, if you say so. See you tomorrow then, kelvin will see you out".

" No ma there's no need, it just next door"

" No Dave, it very dangerous out there at night just let kelvin see you to your house please" she pleaded and he had no choice but to complie.

" Okay ma, if you suggest" he told her and after few talking Mr Haymen and Rebecca bid him goodnight giving him a warn hug, he also did the same and after that kelvin escorts him out.

" You can go back now, there's no need to follow me to my house. I'm not a baby" he stated.

" Oh really?!, You're no baby?, If I leave you all alone here you're going to get snatched by witches." He told him.

" Are you trying to threatening me?, Wait! Do you think I will allow this stupid chitchat between us?. See, I haven't forgotten what you did to me this morning, Hmm,by the time I will get back to you, you're going to hate me" he warned.

" Oh really?!, This bunny is making me scared" he laughed pushing dave shoulder gently towards th door

" Do you think I'm joking with you?, Let go of me!, Who gave you the right to touch me?" He shrugged his hand off.

" I don't need permission to touch what mine" he said making Dave look back at him in shock, apart for what he said, the way he said it sounds creepy to him.

" You must be crazy, it's not your fault, your head must have hit something when you were born that's why you're like this" he Snorted.

" Hahaha, You're are a very naughty type" he laughed and it amused Dave a lot. The sound of his laughter sounds so cool and calm, it as calm as the gentle night wave.

" What's so funny?" He asked

" Nothing, your words are just so amusing" he told him

" You think it amusing, Mtch, don't attract curse, just let me be and go back to your house"

" Yeah yeah, I don't want the double bunny to bite me, hahaha" he laughed again as he turn back and stood five feet away from Dave

" What?, Go in" Kelvin beckon him to go in and Dave gave him one last death glare before going in and when kelvin was sure that his door was locked he also went into his house.

" He really thought I was joking about witches snatching him, haha" he chuckled softly as he went into his house.


The next morning, Dave woke up and go through his daily routine. After he was done he went down for breakfast.

Sitting down on a dinning chair, he was about to put a spoon of rice in his mouth when the doorbell rang.

Who could that be?

One of the maids went over to open the door and what welcome her was a thick masculine voice and as soon as Dave heard the voice he immediately knew who it was.

' What's he doing here this early morning?, Can't he just let me be?' he asked himself as he stood up from the chair and went to the door.

" Good morning. How was your night?, Hope you didn't dream about me?" Kelvin asked stepping into the house but Dave pushed him back.

" What do you want?" Dave asked pushing him out and he closed the door

" What do you mean by saying what do I want, I'm here to take you to school of course" he told him and that made Dave smile in amusement.

" You want to take me to school?, Do I look like a baby?" He asked.

" Of course you're a baby" he replied poking dave nose with his finger.

" I'm sure you're not fully awake that's why you're acting like this, why do you want to take me to school?, Did you do so yesterday or a day before? What am I even saying?!, Were you the one taking me since the first day I've been here?" He asked eyeing him.

"I know I'm not the one but this's my mom's order"

" Really?!, See just get the fuck out, I don't want to be late because of you again" he told him.

" You're such a good student, that good" he praised ruffling his hair and that made Dave fume with anger.

" Oh my gosh!, my hair, do you know how many minutes it took me to comb my hair?!, Argh! What your problem?"

" Oh no I've made the bunny angry" he moved back a little like he was afraid of him.

" Don't test my patience kelvin, I'm warning you" he warned

" What will you do if I test your patience?, I will love to see your angry face, it gonna look cute" he told him as he gently pinch his cheeks.

" I didn't want to insult you before cause it early in the morning but that not the case anymore. You must be mad, why will you touch me?, Don't let me beat you,mtch, just get the fuck away!" He yelled as he entered inside his house and slam the door and that made kelvin laugh.

" Okay then, I will see you in school if you don't want me to take you to school." He said and with that he entered his car and drove to school.

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