
The boy in the closet

Isabella_Samson · Horror
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Skylar, Bella, Katrina, and Lucy the benable demon Quadruplets chapter 3

" Jacob honey I'm home" " Oh no my mom is here!" Then Jacob heard 4 little girls giggling behind him, when he turned around he saw the dog turning into 4 little girls looking at him laying on the ground like his dead dog Frankie, then he heard more giggling. " Who the heck are you guys!!" said Jacob, " We are the sisters of the demon that has been living in your closet" " So what are your names?" said Jacob sounding like he didn'tcare if the whole world was dying, " My name is Skylar" " My name is Bella" " My name is Katrina" " And my name is lucy", and we are the benable demon quadruplets!l. Then Jacob turned to the demon and asked " Well what is your name? said Jacob sounding sarcastic pretending that he forgot about his dog " My name is Noah".

Crying again Jacob asked if the girls were pretending to be his dog Frankie the whole time and has been watching grow up? The said yes they did. Stacey walked into the kitchen and asked " Oh are these your new friends from school?" "Yes mom these are Skylar, Bella, Katrina, Lucy, and Noah", said Jacob they all shook hands and then Stacey said goodnight to everyone and whent to bed. " I want you all out of my life and I don't want to see either of you again!!!!" said Jacob. Then Jammie walked in and everyone crouded around her teying to convince her to come with them and then Jacob took her out and told her to go and stay with mom.

When Jammie was gone Jacob turned around and yelled " GET OUT!!!", but everyone was gone, he thought he was dreaming the whole time, so then he went to bed. 2 hours later he heard screaming nexted door, it was his neighbor/best friend Mason then he saw the girls and Noah in Masons house chasing his entire family with knifes and Noah was holding Mason's dad's shot gun, and then it went silent and then BaNg!!!!.