

Annabella, popularly known as Bella recently broke up with her fourth boyfriend Kai Jonas after he cheated on her with her archenemies Pamela Jones. The truth of their breakup wasn't brought up as Bella felt as though it would be a disturbance to the peaceful life she so desired so she let the matter rest with the conclusion that she wasn't ready for love yet. And to that, there was some truth. Bella saw love as a very hard task and she didn't want to love again because this was the fourth time in a relationship where she couldn't meet up with her partner's demands. So she thought, instead of stressing herself, with all this loving and having to lose in the end, she should stay on her own, be her own company till she was ready to throw caution to the wind again and fall in love. But as soon as that decision was made and stamped by our lovely Annabella, Justin Gray, a reserved boy in the school where she studies is paired up with her on an assignment. She finds his attitude towards people and also towards her quite strange as he says one thing and does the other. She starts getting attracted to him as though he were some puzzle she badly wanted to solve, unknown to her that her curiousity would lead to an unquenchable love affair with her once again putting her fragile heart out in the line. But will their love story be as perishable as her previous ones or will this be an affair that would finally give her the peace she so desired? And what will happen when she finds out that the boy she's about to give her heart out to once again will likely not make it to the end of the year because he has, brain cancer… She wants peace but for peace she must go through extreme measures to get

Tessa_Osi_Udotor · Urban
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26 Chs


Bella walked into History class with low spirits. For once, she was thankful that the teacher wasn't always available else how would she have been able to finally talk to Miles.

She found him sitting in his usual chair. So far from what she had expected as she had actually imagined him switching seats with some one just to avoid her. So he was actually tired of the game.

She shut the door and walked in greeting some of her well known friends before finally reaching him. Her seat was next to his and it had always been so.

He turned to stare at her as she sat down placing her textbook on the desk. He then went back to what he was doing when she found him, writing on his notebook.

Bella took a deep breath staring at him for a while. The noise in the class room was loud enough as students formed group talking to each other as though it were the only free time they had to do so.

Well the teacher was never truly serious with teaching them and some students just wanted to talk to each other than learn. She used to be that student, until she got to grade 12 and realised she shouldn't be playing if she actually wanted to graduate high school.

" Hey", she said softly to Miles, the guy next to her and he turned to stare back at her. He simply relaxed in his chair facing her completely and she was glad she finally had his full attention.

" Hi", he said in response, dropping his pen on the desk. " I don't see your new best friend around", he continued talking causing her to stop what she was about to say. She repeated the words he said in her head and frowned at him.

" Doesn't he take History?", he asked and she just glared at him understanding what he meant. " Is that the reason you are angry at me?", she asked, slowly saying out each word and he just shrugged.

" I don't know, I was replaced what do you expect?", he said picking up the pen as he toyed with it. " You jerk", she exclaimed hitting him on the shoulder playfully and he stared at her without a word.

" You ignored me all through last night and this morning just because of Justin Gray?", she asked softly with a puzzled smile on her face and then she glared at him.

" Do you know how scared I was thinking something huge had happened between us?", she asked once again, her face twisting into one of complete anger.

" I wasn't the one who started the ignore game so don't you dare pin this on me Bella", he said finally deciding to talk. " You ditched me and only left a text, you called me and gave the worst apology ever when I know I deserved better than that. I'm not some throw away then pick up friend", he said to her with a straight face.

Bella fell short of words and her brows furrowed. She didn't know she made him feel that way. " I don't see you as a throw away then pick up best friend Miles", she said a bit hurt that he thought that way and a bit confused on how she made him feel that way.

" I care about you more than I care about anybody else and if you think that ditching you sometimes to hang with others means ignoring you then you are wrong", she said softly before glancing at the teacher's desk and then staring back at him.

" You are a guy Miles and you have a girlfriend. I am your best friend but sometimes I need to give you space. We spend the entire day of the week together. If we are not together alone, then we are with our friends, together, if we are not with our friends then we are living our lives, together", she said softly and he just focused his attention on her.

The fact that they were in a classroom became unclear as they could only hear each other speak amidst the noise. " What I'm trying to say is that we spend almost every day of our lives together I just sometime give you space because I think you need it", she stared at him deeply, he meant more than he thought he did and she was going to let him know that.

" You mean more to me than anyone else. You know more about me that anyone else and you know how much I care about my peace of mind yet you took it from me, aren't you shocked?", she asked running her fingers through her hair in frustration.

She sighed staring at him. He seemed to be fidgeting on where he sat and she knew why. She never really let her feelings out like this and he was just very good at understanding her that's why he could always guess her problems and help her solve them easily.

" Everyone can leave when they wish to Miles, my mom and Dad ignores me already, my many friends could one day ignore me but you, you don't have the right to just ignore me because you're literally all that I have now", she said biting her lips in order to stop herself from shedding tears in the classroom.

Miles just stared at her not knowing what to say. Did she actually feel the way he felt about her? Does she actually care for him more than a friend?

" You are more than a friend to me Miles", he heard her say and he couldn't help but stare straight into her enchanting grey eyes. She actually felt the same way as him.

"You are, the twin brother I wish I had and the crazy brother I long for", Bella said smiling softly, unknown to her that, only that statement shattered someone's entire dream world.

Miles just stared on dumbfounded. " How about, the boyfriend I wish I had, doesn't that sound better?", he asked unable to contain or control his feelings as he gripped the pen in his hand with force.

On hearing what he said, Bella actually didn't know what to say, she at first thought it was one of his many bad-time jokes but looking at the seriousness in his eyes she just felt lost.

" It's just a joke, you can stop looking like a ghost hunted you now", he said and she immediately let out the breath she was holding as he turned to stare at the teacher's desk, a fake funny smile on his lips.

She hit his shoulders playfully and held onto her chest feeling how fast it was beating right now. " Miles you scared me", she said staring straight ahead just like him.

" The relationship between us is special and I don't want it to end because of some affection. I can't lose you Miles and I don't even feel that way about you at all", Bella said trying clarify herself whilst thinking he felt the same way.

Miles was busy struggling to keep a straight face. He then decided to just write and talk but his hands were shaking and he didn't want her to see that.

" You're more like a brother to me and that would never change", she said bumping her shoulders with his and he just smiled at her. This rejection would forever hunt him and he just wanted time alone right now but just then the teacher walked in and class began.

" So we are cool right?", she asked with a smile as students moved about going to their assigned seats and getting ready.

" Yeah, we are cool", Miles said passing a side glance at her happy face and he muttered within. ' We are so cool Annabella Curtis ', he thought as his eyes watered but he quickly blinked back the tears. Why did this hurt so much more than any injury he's ever had?


Authors note:

Wow, Annabella, can't believe I created someone like you. Miles is such a good friend but can't you see that that good friend like likes you. I can't believe you are so mean. Oh Miles Jayson I'm so sorry for putting you in such a situation.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Plan to give one more by 9:00pm so stay tuned but don't put your hopes up.

Also have any of you dear readers had an unrequited love story? Pls do tell on the comment section, no insults will be tolerated.