

Annabella, popularly known as Bella recently broke up with her fourth boyfriend Kai Jonas after he cheated on her with her archenemies Pamela Jones. The truth of their breakup wasn't brought up as Bella felt as though it would be a disturbance to the peaceful life she so desired so she let the matter rest with the conclusion that she wasn't ready for love yet. And to that, there was some truth. Bella saw love as a very hard task and she didn't want to love again because this was the fourth time in a relationship where she couldn't meet up with her partner's demands. So she thought, instead of stressing herself, with all this loving and having to lose in the end, she should stay on her own, be her own company till she was ready to throw caution to the wind again and fall in love. But as soon as that decision was made and stamped by our lovely Annabella, Justin Gray, a reserved boy in the school where she studies is paired up with her on an assignment. She finds his attitude towards people and also towards her quite strange as he says one thing and does the other. She starts getting attracted to him as though he were some puzzle she badly wanted to solve, unknown to her that her curiousity would lead to an unquenchable love affair with her once again putting her fragile heart out in the line. But will their love story be as perishable as her previous ones or will this be an affair that would finally give her the peace she so desired? And what will happen when she finds out that the boy she's about to give her heart out to once again will likely not make it to the end of the year because he has, brain cancer… She wants peace but for peace she must go through extreme measures to get

Tessa_Osi_Udotor · Urban
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26 Chs

One Condition

Bella walked into English class that morning with less enthusiasm. She just dropped her notebook on the teacher's desk and slowly walked towards her seat.

Kai was not occupying the seat next to her like last time. He instead occupied the front row with Laura Dominique and two others.

She felt someone's gaze on her and she turned to the side to find Justin Gray staring at her. He waved at her with a smile and she awkwardly waved back, thinking inwardly that he was the current cause of her problems.

She checked her phone for any messages from Miles to find none. She once again dialed his number but it didn't go through.

After sitting down comfortably, she dropped her phone on the desk and glared at it. Could someone just tell her where she went wrong? It wasn't the first time she ditched Miles to hang out with another friend and literally all those times, he had understood. This time he was just being mean alright.

She ran her hand through her light brown hair in frustration as she looked up only to see Kai Jonas approaching. What now? she groaned inwardly not wanting to hear him speak at all. One moment of peace was all she desired.

He occupied the seat next to hers and she felt him stare at her for a while. " It seems as though you are stressed", he finally said in quite a loud voice and half of the class turned to stare at both of them before focusing back on what they were doing. Only fews eyes remained, eyes like Justin's.

Bella sighed and placed both her hands under her desk. " Is it that obvious?", she asked softly, warning herself to not act Impulsive on anything he would say. She turned to stare at him and his usual boyish smile graced his lips. She knew that smile all too well.

" Considering how long I've known you, yes it's really obvious", he said and she sighed once again staring straight ahead. Her thoughts occupied with Miss Josephina just walking in and beginning lecture already, she needed to fix things with Miles or at least make sure he was okay.

" So what's bugging you B?", he asked and she frowned turning to stare at him as if realizing he was still next to her. She stared at her phone and waved her free hand half in the air as if dismissing him.

" No it's okay, I can handle it on my own. You should go back to your seat", she said nodding her head in reference to his currently empty seat and he stared at the seat in front.

Just then, Miss Josephina and Pamela walked into the class together with Pam being behind Miss Josephina. The black haired teenager was first busy on her phone until she looked up at the class and saw Kai sitting next to Bella. Their faces looking in the same direction as if they were both having a conversation.

Her black orbs narrowed only for a while before her eyes returned back to its usual evil daunting look. She walked towards them and Bella sighed once more. Just then she heard her phone make a ding noise and she quickly reached for it.

She scrolled through it and saw that it was just a notification from the final year students platform and she sighed wondering why she thought it was Miles. He would likely not talk to her for a while.

Pam occupied the seat next to Kai and that was how they both literally sat in the same row together with students giving them 'the' look. Everyone knew the story about their tangled relationship but no one knew the real story.

" Wow Curtis, I am impressed, you did a great job on your essay", Miss Josephina praised as she handed Bella's book to one of the students in the front row and the person in turn handed it over to another person till it got to Bella and she smiled her usual smile, quite proud of herself.

" Thanks. I couldn't have done it without some help from Justin though, we really make a great partner", she said smiling deeply as she turned to stare at him and he smiled back at her. Her heart skipped a bit at the acknowledgement and some of the students made small noises watching the two of them.

" Keep quiet everyone" Miss Josephina ordered and the class immediately went calm. " There is one more assignment. I also want to congratulate Justin Gray, his essay was one in a million and I believe if any of you were to read it, you would definitely agree with me", she said smiling and Bella's smile widened as the entire class turned to stare at Justin who was busy receiving his notebook.

" Thanks Miss Josephina", Justin said in his usual deep voice and Bella wanted to imagine him using that voice again but this time saying her name.

Miss Josephina cleared her throat and told them both that they well welcome as she adjusted her glasses before staring at the textbook in front of her.

She was one quirky young teacher but she could really switch into action mode when needed to. Soon lectures began and the rest of the class was splendid.

As soon as English class was over. Lunch period came next. The hallways were packed with students headed to the cafeteria. Bella had wanted to leave the class so that she could go find Miles but was held back by Justin.

She didn't mind his company but Miles did and for some reason she didn't want Miles to see her with him. He was angry because he was ditched for a guy so he might get more angry if he saw her with the guy.

Yet she didn't know how but she forgot Miles as soon as he started talking. It was as if her excitement from earlier had returned.

" Miss Josephina said your essay was nice. You should let me read it some time", he suggested with a smile and she grinned uncontrollably, her eyes staring mischievously at him.

" Only on one condition", she exclaimed and he quickly frowned, his wary attitude kicking in when it came to terms and conditions.

" What's your condition?", he finally asked as they reached the cafeteria and she pulled him along towards the long line of waiting students.

" I get to read yours and you come to the party one of my friends are hosting", she said beaming at him as they moved along with the line and he grabbed a tray for them both.

" No thank you, I'll pass", Justin said out of instinct as the line moved forward and so did they. She turned sideways to stare at him and his black orbs met those remarkable grey eyes.

" Why don't you want to come to the party? I promise it's going to be nice, please say yes", she said enthusiastically as her grey orbs stared into his black ones with an harmonious smile plastered on her lips.

Justin actually wanted to take it slow on this going out to see the world stuff and though a party seemed like a good idea, he didn't want to rush it and then end up falling badly.

He suddenly wanted to reject as he came to terms with it but then his eyes met her grey desperate ones and he didn't know when he said Yes, totally agreeing with her idea.


Authors note:

Thanks so far for your loving support guys. I hope you can continue to support this book as much as you can. I have finally created an update schedule.

Monday to Friday.

' 9:00am & 9:00pm thanks'

I also promise to stay true to my schedule.