
Meeting The Neighbor: 2

 It can't be, OMG, it cannot be him, why him.......why me?

Panic is setting in, the walls are coming in closer as he stares at me wide eyes grinning like the cheshire cat...

"Ms. Kings.....Ms. Kings!" the principle calls, I am pulled back from my quick panic attack, I was in taking in quick, shallow breaths.

"Yes Mr. Henshaw?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yes I am fine, lets go" I say turning to look at the new boy who haunts my old nightmares.

"Don't come near me!"  I say to the kid as soon as we are out of site from the office storming off to anywhere not near him

"Tamra, wait! I have to be next to you, your supposed to show me around" I hate the fact that just his voice the way he says my name, his thick Russian accent makes me desire him a lot more than I want to.

"ugh, well then don't talk to me and when I show you around that is the last of this" I said toward him angrily catching him off guard he probably didn't expect me to be so mad at him. And as if he read my mind 

"Why are you so mad at me?"

"Is that all you wanna ask me?"

"Yes, because your yelling at me like I did something, all I did was come into the school dammit!"

"Don't start yelling at me, I have my reasons and trust me you know why, ughhh why are you even back in this town?"

"My mother got a job here apparently she misses the people over here and thinks that the people down in Carolina are stuck up"

"hmm I think you should have stayed with them they seem more your type!" I exclaimed snarlingly.

"Can you at least pretend to not hate me?"

"No" and with that the school Bell rang and I walked off hearing him shout after me. I got lost in the crowd soon seeing the front door I ran out and went home.

3 hours later

My anxiety is back and worse then ever. I get home sweating and freaking out. Why was he really back? What does he want from me?

I finally calmed down after eating 3 cups of ice when I heard a knock at the door. I get up looking out the window to see my mother outside I guess she forgot to bring her keys...again.

"Hi mom" I say opening the door allowing her to bring in the groceries

"Hey sweetie, um the boy down the block came over"

"He did?"

"Yes I didn't know it was Helen and her kid that moved in I guess they couldn't deal with their new home"

"Yeah I guess. Um mom what did he come for?"

"Oh right he wanted to see you so, I invited him over for dinner"she said, happily looking up at me. My heart stopped, she invited one of the worst people I know over to eat. I mean I can't blame her of course she didn't know that he was one of the worst people alive...I never actually told her what happened between us two, I didn't want her to worry about me.

But now i'm stuck with seeing him at the dinner table. Fuck me over and call me an ass. 

Two Hours Later

Dinner is finally ready, I set up the table as my mother brings out the food. m stomach is doing little flip flops as I wait for my father and the neighbor to come for dinner. We usually don't eat dinner together but when we do I can't say I isn't awkward. It always seems as if she picks the worse days to have family dinners.

*Knock Knock*

I slowly go the door anticipating seeing him on the door step I open it slowly and find my father holding a big box in his arms it looked heavy but I couldn't focus on him as my fear wasn't denied for their he was Jaheem Henshaw right behind my father looking mightily handsome in his polo button up and casual jeans his muscles looking as  the were ready to break the shirt into shreds if he moved the wrong way.

"Tamra what are you staring at, can you please open the door this box is kinda heavy you know."

"Oh sorry dad" I move out the way letting him and Jaheem inside. "you can just go in through the living room i'm sure you remember the way towards the kitchen right?"

"Yes, I do....mm smells nice in here I must admit"


"yeah"This was so weird for me I had nothing to say to him. But I couldn't stop staring at him, his presence made me second guess whether I should forgive him already or hold this grudge forever.

Me and my dad walk into the kitchen once he puts down the box, I wonder whats in there. Jaheem is sitting down and my mother is sharing out the food for us as we all sit down and pray over the food Jaheem is sitting next to me and I can feel his hand holding mine under the table I try to pull away without making a scene but every time I do he continues to hold my hand even firmer than before why is his so strong?

I sigh in relief as we finish the prayer and he is forced to let go of my hand to eat the food. 

We eat as my parents talk about their day and ask lots.....and lots of questions to us. as we finish my mom asks Jaheem if he would like to stay over and the two of us could do homework together I secretly wish that he says no, but of course it goes unheard as he looks me right in the eye and says yes.

I began to walk up the stairs and see him following me "why are you following me?"

"c'mon we used to always work upstairs in your room"

"ughhh!" I continue to angrily walk up the steps " Don't touch anything please" I say as he sits on the bed

"sure, anyway why did you leave at the school earlier where did you go?"

"none of your bushiness, and i left you because i could"

"come sit next to me"

"I really would rather not"


"because i don't have to"


"I know" I was to busy writing on my laptop that I didn't notice him  walk up behind me, it's when his hands rubbed down my arms that I gasped and turned around. "what are you doing?" I said standing up from the chair

"just admiring you, just as beautiful as when I left"

"please get away from me" I meant to say it in a stern voice but his closeness was getting to me and he could probably hear it in my voice. He chuckled "why should I?"

Before I could even answer his lip crashed to mine with such a force that if he wasn't holding me up I would have fallen backwards.

His mouth drowned out my words and all I could do was stand there in shock as he continued to kiss me. 


Royale_Tcreators' thoughts