
The Boy Born To Be Unborn

The Boy Born To Be Unborn In a world where the line between the living and the dead blurs, Thalos finds himself at the heart of an ancient prophecy. Born with the ability to traverse realms, he is hunted by dark forces that seek to harness his power for their own sinister purposes. As Thalos embarks on a harrowing journey across haunted landscapes and through shadowed forests, he is joined by a diverse group of allies—Zalithar, Elyndra, Vorin, Nerai, Kiria, Xandar, Myrrin, and Orinth—each with their own mysterious pasts and hidden agendas. With each step closer to uncovering the truth, Thalos faces unimaginable horrors, spine-chilling suspense, and shocking twists that challenge his courage and sanity. The battle for survival becomes a relentless struggle against time and the encroaching darkness, as the young hero must decipher cryptic clues and confront malevolent spirits to protect both the living world and the afterlife. "The Boy Born To Be Unborn" is an epic tale of adventure, horror, and suspense, where every chapter ends in a heart-pounding cliffhanger, and every twist leads to deeper, darker secrets. Will Thalos fulfill his destiny, or will the shadows claim him forever?

KingShow · Horror
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13 Chs

Nerai's Warning

Their journey led them to a secluded village nestled in the mountains, a place shrouded in mist and mystery. The villagers spoke in hushed tones about a woman who could commune with spirits, a seer who could see beyond the veil of reality. Her name was Nerai.

As they approached her dwelling, Thalos felt a strange sense of anticipation. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, and the shadows seemed to dance in the corners of his vision. Neraigreeted them at the entrance, her eyes shimmering with an unnatural light.

"You have come a long way, Thalos," she said, her voice like the rustle of leaves in the wind. "The spirits have foretold your arrival."

Inside, the air was filled with the scent of herbs and incense. Nerai's home was a sanctuary of ancient relics and arcane symbols, each telling a story of its own. As they sat around a flickering candle, Nerai began to speak of the prophecy and the darkness that threatened their world.

"The darkness is not just an enemy to be fought," she warned. "It is a force that seeks to corrupt and consume. It preys on our fears and desires, twisting them to its own ends. You must be vigilant, for it can take many forms."

Thalos listened intently, absorbing her words. "How do we fight something that can take any form?"

Nerai's eyes darkened. "By understanding its nature. The darkness feeds on our inner demons, our weaknesses. You must confront your own shadows, Thalos. Only then can you hope to defeat it."

As they prepared to leave, Nerai handed Thalos a small, intricately carved talisman. "This will protect you from the influence of the darkness," she said. "But remember, true strength comes from within."

Their journey continued, the path growing more perilous with each step. The darkness seemed to grow stronger, its presence more oppressive. But with Nerai's warning fresh in his mind, Thalos felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that the battle ahead would be as much within himself as it would be against their external enemies.

One night, as they made camp in a dense forest, Thalos awoke to find Nerai standing at the edge of the clearing, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "The darkness is moving," she said, her voice barely audible. "We must be prepared for what lies ahead."

Thalos nodded, feeling the weight of her words. The journey was far from over, and the true battle had only just begun. As the first light of dawn broke through the trees, they set off once more, the shadows ever present, the darkness closing in.

Their path took them to a remote monastery perched on a cliff's edge, a place of ancient wisdom and forgotten secrets. It was here that Kiria, the seer of their group, resided. The monks greeted them with wary eyes, but led them to Kiria without question.

Kiria was a young woman with piercing blue eyes and an air of quiet strength. She greeted them warmly, but Thalos could see the burden of her visions weighing heavily upon her. "I have seen your journey," she said, her voice calm but filled with an underlying tension. "And the trials that lie ahead."

As they sat in a dimly lit chamber, Kiria began to share her visions. She spoke of a dark force rising, of battles fought in shadow and light. Her visions were vivid, filled with images of despair and hope intertwined. "The darkness seeks to consume all," she warned. "But within the shadows, there is also the potential for great light. You must find the balance."

Thalos listened, captivated by her words. "How do we find this balance?" he asked, his mind racing with questions.

Kiria's gaze was steady. "By understanding that the darkness is a part of us. It is our fears, our doubts, our deepest regrets. To fight it, you must face these inner demons. Only then can you hope to overcome the external threat."

As they prepared to leave, Kiria gave Thalos a crystal, its surface smooth and cool to the touch. "This will help you see through the illusions of the darkness," she said. "But remember, true clarity comes from within."

Their journey grew more treacherous, the landscape shifting and changing as if manipulated by unseen hands. The darkness seemed to follow them, its presence a constant reminder of the battle they faced. But with Kiria's guidance, Thalos felt a newfound sense of determination.

One night, as they made camp by a river, Thalos awoke to find Kiria staring into the water, her reflection shimmering in the moonlight. "The darkness is closer than we think," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We must be prepared for the trials ahead."

Thalos nodded, feeling the weight of her words. The journey was far from over, and the true battle lay not just in the external threats, but within themselves. As the first light of dawn broke through the trees, they set off once more, the shadows ever present, the darkness closing in.

Their journey brought them to an ancient fortress, hidden deep within a dense forest. It was here that Xandar, a master of deception and strategy, had made his home. The fortress was a maze of traps and illusions, designed to keep out intruders and protect its secrets.

As they entered the fortress, Thalos felt a sense of unease. The air was thick with tension, and the shadows seemed to shift and move with a life of their own. Xandar greeted them with a charming smile, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Welcome, Thalos," he said, his voice smooth and confident. "I have been expecting you."

Xandar's knowledge of the darkness was vast, and he shared it freely with them. He spoke of the ways the darkness could twist and corrupt, of the subtle manipulations and deceptions it employed. "The darkness is a master of illusions," he warned. "It will make you doubt everything you see, everything you know."

As they prepared to leave, Xandar's gaze grew distant. "There is something you must know," he said, his voice serious. "The darkness is not just an external force. It is a part of us, a reflection of our deepest fears and desires. To defeat it, you must understand its nature."

Their journey grew more perilous, the landscape shifting and changing with each step. The darkness seemed to grow stronger, its presence more oppressive. But with Xandar's guidance, Thalos felt a newfound sense of determination.

One night, as they made camp in a dense forest, Thalos awoke to find Xandar missing. Panic set in as he searched the area, but there was no sign of him. Just as he was about to give up, a figure emerged from the shadows, Xandar's eyes glinting with a dark, malevolent light.

"You should have listened to me, Thalos," Xandar said, his voice cold and distant. "The darkness is a part of us. And it has claimed me."

Thalos felt a chill run down his spine as Xandar's form began to shift and change, the darkness consuming him. In that moment, Thalos realized the true nature of their enemy. The darkness was not just an external force—it was a part of them, a shadow that they must confront within themselves.

The journey was far from over, and the true battle had only just begun.