

They ran to the exit as fast as they could. They slowed down as they turned into a hallway. They passed several men lying on the floor. Her eyes widened as she looked at them.

"Don't worry. They're just sleeping," the red-haired man said as he matched her speed. "I’m Rio, by the way.”

His eyes were gleaming as he stared at her. It made her a bit uncomfortable. It was as if he was flirting with her. Suddenly, Rio almost stumbled when Leo intentionally bumped him, speeding up and ahead of them. Rio shook and then looked at her again.

"I'm sorry. He has issues with pretty girls."

Her lips parted slightly. She does not know how to answer him. She wanted to smile, but her lips formed an awkward shape instead.

"There!" Jacoben shouted, shifting their attention to him.