

"Can I kiss you one last time?"

Lesley caught her breath at Kieran’s sudden request. Her heart rate doubled and she froze in place.

"Please?" he pleaded.

She gulped as she couldn't take her gaze off his pitiful expression, especially his eyes that had turned gray.

She slightly pressed her lips for a split second while trying her best to control the crazy beating of her heart.

How can she say no to him with that kind of expression on his face? He looks pitiful, but at the same time, irresistibly adorable.

"Okay..." she answered absent-mindedly.

Kieran wasted no time. He let go of her hand and stepped closer so that their bodies were almost touching. Then he cupped both of her cheeks gently while staring intently at her face as if he had been looking forward to this opportunity for a very long time.

She held tightly to the hem of his black t-shirt and then closed her eyes as he slowly brought their faces closer.