


It was Friday at last, my final exam went by rather quickly much to my own joy. Harry planned on leaving the moment his match was over this evening and I still had yet to pack. Harry wouldn't tell me where we were going so I had no idea what to bring. Apparently he'd tell me once we were on our way.

I didn't believe him. He seemed to like surprising me with where we went.But I went with it anyways, like always. I dialed Harry's number as I scrambled down the buildings front steps, he answered on the second ring.

/"You finished your exam?/" he asked immediately.

/"Yep, last one of the day and it's officially summer break for me!/" I answered excitedly. I could hear Harry's light laugh sound from the other end of the line before he replied.

/"Right on, be there in 5. Don't wander too far/" I rolled my eyes at Harry's warning.