



I watched the white air dance in front of my eyes before it disappeared once again, only to be replaced with another huff of my breath. Despite the freezing weather my body was sweating from the run. I was approaching my seventh mile now and my heart felt like it was about to beat right through my rib cage. I slumped up the steps of my house, approaching my trainer who was beyond content, swinging slowly on Cryssy's porch swing. When we moved all her stuff in a few days ago I also made room for her porch swing since she liked it so much. Not like i didn't already have room for it anyways, my house could comfortably fit a family of 7.

/"Took you long enough pretty boy, have you been exercising at all?/" he asked skeptically. I rolled my eyes at the comment. I will admit this past month I haven't been running much or keeping my endurance up. It was mostly fight training I've been doing, I just wouldn't admit that to him.