


Cryssy's P.O.V.

I held my torso as I ambled my way into the front room. It was empty again, meaning Harry was out. The week I got home from the hospital I'd typically find him out here asleep on the couch, his arms crossed and his head facing the cushion as he slept. But not anymore. He was like a robot, asking me if I needed anything and when I said I was alright he'd leave. It wasn't the Harry I knew, it was the heartless bastard I'd met a year ago. But he was here and I was thankful for that, even if every chance he got he walked out the door.

My body ached as I found my way to the kitchen, there was a note placed on the fridge. Harry's handwriting scribbled onto the white sheet and a magnet on top of it. I pulled it down and let my eyes scan over the black ink.

Out again, be back in a few hours.
