
The botanical

“We are imperfectly perfect for each other. As the sky is for the clouds. And the moon is for the stars ” Question marks can be commas. An essential imbalance. But, chance can sometimes be sweet and smooth, showing how life has unusual ways of flowering the misfortunes and encounters of everyday life. Hinata is a dreamy, fun and docile painter and art curator. You have a fetish for getting in trouble. Not very adept at rules and conventions, hates cycles, loves sunflowers and is deliciously fickle. Just like the waves of the sea. After an outbreak, with your beliefs and emotions destabilized. She is faced with a big dilemma and decides to drive aimlessly and ends up in an unknown village, but a paradise hidden on the map. She just didn't count that in the middle of this uncalculated escape, she would end up meeting Naruto Uzumaki: a redneck, mysterious, extremely debauched and individualistic botanist. The previously obscured truths, flowering the same melody of feelings kept at the core of the soul. With inner demons, clandestine wounds, insanity hidden by the naked eye and an intriguing mystery, they can find themselves, without even waiting, at their side. Being love, the driving force to heal all the stigmas of the past and present.

_Hllo · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


It was not very normal for me to continue like this. Mentally shaken, looking constantly at the cell phone screen with no signal. My mother-in-law and I had never had a good relationship, although we had never fought so explicitly, as it had happened. However, I adamantly felt his malice in his words, his passive aggression that made me a thief in his maternal protection.

Making me question my life and my untouchable relationship with your own son. She never accepted me, and maybe she never did. And that, was the reason x for lack of peace in my life. Always fixing a defect, to play in my face. As if I were unable to be. And my father-in-law, well, we have always had a friendly relationship, although for the most part I felt an authoritarian and malicious aura in his attitudes towards people and me.

Moments like that I thought about my father, and how great his advice is. Now that you're sick, the memory of our conversations are the only things that make me happy. Madame Kurenai also misses me.

The rain poured down outside, while I listened to Naruto's snoring in the next room. I needed to find accommodation somewhere and find a way to contact my friends and Hanabi. Living with that man would certainly drive me crazy.

The room had yellowed wallpaper with several boxes packed in it. The bed was soft and had a pleasant smell of vanilla. The only visible light was from a lamp on the magnum desk. I got up zigzagging across the room, taking a deep breath. I couldn't sleep peacefully. I couldn't sleep alone, especially on rainy nights. Thunder hit the tree, clearing the window, making me start with fear. I felt cold, climbing up my thighs, wearing only that orange sweatshirt and my lingerie underneath. He urgently needed new clothes.

"I'm going to have a heart attack," I said, trembling, with my hand on my chest. I paced up and down, anxiety taking over my senses, giving up.

I opened the bedroom door, walking over to Naruto's door, I knew he would probably curse me for waking him up, but I couldn't help it.

- Naruto - I called softly, knocking lightly on his door. I heard nothing and shrugged, he would probably be ensnared by a pleasant sleep, before my feet moved away, he opened the door with a tedious face.

- Were you startled by thunder? - He said, scratching his eyes and I just nodded with embarrassment. He smirked, leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed.

- Yes - I replied and swallowed dry - Can I, um ... can I sleep with you?

I would rather hit a face with wood a thousand times than have to say those words. But for the moment, I was terrified and had to swallow my pride. He seemed to ponder, thoughtful and before I gave up on submitting to such humiliation, he gave me space to enter.

"Okay," he said, unsuccessful, and I went into his crestfallen room, hearing him close the door. My core twisted in doubt.

He rummaged in the drawers, pulling out a blanket and throwing it on the floor.

- You can sleep in bed and I hm, I'm going to sleep here on the floor - I blushed in shame, interlacing my fingers - Feel free.

- Hm, Naruto, hm - My voice seemed to break and I never wanted to hide my face, like at that moment - You could sleep with me, is that, I'm afraid ...

He raised an eyebrow, swallowing. Probably thinking that I was kind of a pervert. And before he could speak, I went ahead, nervous.

- Not in that sense, it's ... - I stammered, gesturing with my hands - Just keep me company in bed ...

I must have been red as a pepper, from the way he passed me, analyzing me. I think I was enjoying my misfortune. He adjusted the pillows, snuggling on the left side of the bed. I hesitated, and then I lay down beside him, pulling the blanket up to my breasts.

- Don't you think you're a little big, to ask for company to sleep? He said, and I could see his blue eyes looking at me with some curiosity. I bit my lip, nervous.

- I know it's shameful - I said, quietly, hiding my face with my hands - Don't make me feel worse, than I already feel - I asked.

Naruto shifted on the bed, uncomfortable. Perhaps it was because he lived alone. It must be difficult to have a company.

- Are you afraid to sleep alone? - he asked and I nodded - For what reason?

I was slow to speak, sighing at the memories that came as a flashback to me.

- I was always very attached to my mother, she always slept with me, every night - I turned to him, seeing how he was attentive to my words - She sang to me and said that in her embrace I would always be safe. I think that having a company with me reminds me of her and that I am safe.

- You have to be your own safe haven - Naruto said at last. And for a moment, I felt like he was trying to motivate me - There won't always be someone to give you security.

I nodded, giving a little jump of fear at the sound of thunder in the window, hugging me, scared. Naruto could only think that I was a fool or a profiteer.

- Hinata - the voice came out a little murmured. His eyes darkened, looking for a point to fix on my face - Calm down, all right? It's just rain.

I nodded, walking away from him, ashamed. A long silence dragged on.

- How, um, how do you know my name? - I asked, I didn't remember saying my name to him.

- Hm, I saw on the cover of the notebook that was in your car - he said, calmly - Hinata Hyūga, right?

I nodded and couldn't deny how beautiful my name came out of his mouth.

- Naruto Uzumaki, right? - I asked, and he nodded minimally - A beautiful name, although the surname Uzumaki, is not strange to me.

Naruto cleared his throat, seemed to have tensed.

"It's a very common surname," he said at last, looking at me. And I looked down, he analyzed me, swallowing hard - Ah, about the things in your head ... - he smiled weakly, rambling - Did you manage to solve them?

- Not yet, but I will certainly find the answer - it was strange how it seemed that his eyes were trying to tell me something hidden, that I just couldn't distinguish.

- Life is full of silly questions, Hinata - he seemed to speak more to himself than to me - When you realize that we live in a cycle that has no way out, things are easy to solve.

- Cycles? - I said - Do you believe in cycles?

- I don't believe in anything, to be honest - he said amusedly, but his voice had a sad tone - Say, that life is not as cool as you imagine.

- Don't you believe in love?

He took a deep breath, shaking his head

"Not even in love," his voice came out hard and hurt.

- You speak with a somewhat allegorical experience, as if you had suffered a lot ... - I don't even know why I said that, but an even longer silence stretched. Naruto fixed his gaze on mine - You look like you have a lot of secrets - I rambled, wondering where those reflections left me.

- Yeah - he agreed, even though his voice was distant - And what exactly are you running from?

- Maybe from myself - I said, feeling that pressure uncomfortable in my chest - Maybe I just needed some time to put things in order.

- And ended up having more problems, imagine if someone else had been run over? - he said dryly - His escape would do him no good

- It would be an apprenticeship. Bitter, but, it would be. - I replied - And besides, you appeared out of nowhere on that street! - He smiled hesitantly, taking a deep breath. Naruto stopped and watched me for long minutes, putting his arms over his head.

"You don't look like having problems, girl," he said seriously, now slightly irritated by my problems. "Girls your age go through an atypical disappointment and think life is over." Teen dramas and endless patifaria.

- Girls my age? - I laughed, how could I be so impolite and without any empathy? - You talk like I'm a child!

- And it's not?

- Not! I'm certainly not, "I said, narrowing my eyes in his direction." I'm twenty-four, if you ask me!

He smirked, as if he had proved his theory.

- Still a young girl for me.

- Dude - I smiled incredulously, not even the sound of rain bothered me anymore. Naruto managed to be annoying - But you, it seems to be past thirty a long time ago.

- Maybe you got it right.

- You must be those guys who suffered a love disappointment, and you live bitterly, discounting your frustration in people - he said without any shame and he looked at me, with boredom. How could he be like that?

- And what was your analysis on account of? From my appearance possibly ...

- I didn't even mention anything - I cut it off - Your aura emanates this ...

- Sadness? - and rolled his eyes - I've heard that before.

We were silent, the rain lessening outside. He cleared his throat briefly, scratching his nose. It seemed that every bit of that man screamed a constant internal battle. At times he was sweet and wise and at others he was irritating and skeptical.

- Sleep, tomorrow we will have a full day - he said dryly, turning around, pulling the blanket, completely ignoring my presence there.

"Good night," I replied quietly, wanting to understand why he willingly took people away from him.


I woke up as early as possible, facing the sun's rays on my face. Naruto slept carelessly in an unshakable sleep, it seemed even harmless. He leaves the room in small steps, frightened by the tall, animated figure humming in the kitchen, setting the coffee on the table.

- My God! - the man shouted, pointing his finger at me and gave a soft smile - Who are you, young girl?

- Hinata - I replied softly, feeling my cheeks burn. What would the man think of me, dressed in that state?

The man looked me up and down, chuckling.

- Ah, pleasure Hinata - the gray-haired and amused-looking man stepped forward, pulling me into a warm embrace - Wow, how unkind to mine, singing like that in the morning. You must know that Naruto sleeps like a rock, if I don't sing, he won't wake up - he winked, giving a brief laugh and I couldn't help but smile, the man had a friendly atmosphere.

- Is that you? Who is it?

I asked innocently and the man was furious, as if he had heard an insult.

- I don't think that brat didn't talk about me! - The man put his hands on his hips. A blonde entered the door, carrying a bag in her hands, slapping the man's head.

- Screaming early, Jiraya? - the woman said, giving me a smile - Don't mind me, he is scandalous anyway - he said, placing the bag on the table and heading to Naruto's room.

- She is like that, a well of stress - this Jiraya said, with a little smile, making me to sit down - Come, sit down and have breakfast with us.

So I did, embarrassed by the whole situation.

- How long have you not cleaned that room, huh? - The blonde scolded, with a bag of clothes in hand - Bring a beautiful girl home and not even hygienic can be. So, you are single Uzumaki.

Naruto followed the blonde, visibly irritated towards the kitchen, scratching his head.

- Tsunade, you shouldn't show up at others' houses without warning! - He almost shouted, rubbing his face - Good morning, godfather - he said, addressing the man, sitting sloppy in the chair. Treating me like an invisible being.

- What ways, boy? - Jiraya said, slapping the youngest on the head, and I gave a small laugh, watching as Naruto looked furious at me - Is that how you treat your godparents in front of your girlfriend?

Naruto, who sipped his coffee, almost choked, punching the table. By the way, I started to gesture nervously, my cheeks burning.

- She is not my girlfriend - she said, shocked and I nodded nervously - She is just a friend.

- Friend? - Tsunade said, smiling, sitting at the table - Is that how young people classify themselves today?

- No lady, I swear. Naruto and I have nothing - I justified myself, nervous, gesturing with shaking hands - He just helped me.

- Yes - Naruto took a sip of coffee, shaking his head - Do you believe this woman ran over me?

- It wasn't because I wanted to, I told you! - I screamed and Naruto gave an amused smile. How could it be so annoying - He appeared out of nowhere in front of my car.

- What a situation - Jiraya said, with her mouth full while enjoying the chocolate cake - But who knows, maybe it was not the destination, was it?

Naruto shook his head, punching the godfather.

- Fate is a roe - he said irritably - Now, I will have to help her since her car broke down.

- And as he will help me, I promised that I would help him on the ranch - I completed - We made a deal.

- Hm, interesting - Tsunade said - Now tell me, dear. How did you end up in this end of the world that is Vila da Folha?

I also wanted to understand how I got into a mess like that, I sighed, biting my lips

- Well, I went through a moment of stress so absurd, I just remember accelerating the car, without looking back - I replied, defeated - And finally, here I am.

- I'm sorry - Jiraya said, slapping Naruto on the head, who squeaked in pain - Help the girl, it's the least you can do for her.

- And where do you live? - Tsunade asked curiously, motioning for me to drink the coffee. So I did, taking a sip of the drink, which by the way was warm and tasty.

- I live in Tokyo - The three opened their eyes in surprise.

- Wow, you live far away - Jiraya said, scratching her chin - Worse, here in Vila da Folha, buses rarely pass. You would have to go to Suna and then possibly go to Osaka and then get to Tokyo. All of this would take at least two weeks.

- If I'm not mistaken, Gaara is in Tokyo, isn't he Naruto?

- I don't know - Naruto said, mysteriously, sipping coffee - I haven't seen Sabaku in a while.

- The fastest would be to go by car, it would take at least one day.

- With the rain that fell yesterday, I think it's impossible - Tsunade said, and my stomach churned - The lanes that give access to the village are closed. You know, when it rains like that, it takes a month for everything to be normal.

- One month? - I opened my eyes wide. A month was too much, she had two weeks, but a month, it was almost a life.

- We can go check, if you're going to be more calm - Naruto said, he looked more serious than minutes ago - Me and Jiraya can go see a way for you to go home, all right?

I stopped crying, how could it be so inconsequential. Tsunade realized how I looked and got up from the chair.

- Um, boys.I think it's good for you to go, the faster the better - He went ahead, hiding them out of the house - Hinata and I are going for a walk in the village.

- What are you going to do in the village? Naruto asked, with a frown of boredom spreading across his face.

- Hey, girl stuff. Don't be bold, see! - Tsunade threatened and Naruto stood up, with some laziness.

- I agree - Jiraya said, and jumped, poking Naruto - And besides, we have to catch up on Lee's bar.

Naruto agreed, walking unkemptly to his room, while mumbling disconnected things. Jiraya and Tsunade looked at each other, friendly, looking affectionately at me.

- It may not seem, but, Naruto cares about you - Jiraya said and I opened my eyes wide. Since he could care for me, he didn't hide how he hated me and how I was annoying him.

- And it's been a long time since we've seen you care about someone like that - Tsunade completed and I blinked in amazement - If you are special to him, then you are very special to us too.

I didn't know who those people were and why they were being so nice to me, but at that moment I could only be grateful. I smiled gratefully.


Naruto Uzumaki | View

- Admit it, she is beautiful - Jiraya pestered me again with those questions and I finally gave up. The gray-haired old man took a sharp sip of the sake, giving me that sappy smile.

- She was beautiful, if that's what you wanted to hear - I huffed, pushing those thoughts out of my head - I just hope that you and Tsunade don't stay on the plane. I have no interest in Hinata, let it be clear.

- Ah, don't lie Uzumaki, will you say that you don't feel any attraction for her?

I shook my head in denial. I couldn't lie that Hinata was a beautiful, intelligent and authentic woman. He had pearly eyes that seemed to be the extension of the universe and a passionate smile. However, I swore I would have no romantic interest in any woman. Furthermore, Hinata was committed and very well committed by the way. I caught it remembering the cover photo of the girl's cell phone, in a passionate kiss with a young man with gray hair. She looked very happy in the photo by the way.

"I'm not sorry," I said dryly, and Jiraya rolled her eyes. How can you be so horny? - By the way, she is engaged, then, end of conversation.

- That's not a problem, if you know what I mean - Jiraya gave a malicious wink and I punched him in the arm.

- Tsc, old pervert.

- You need to allow yourself to love again - Jiraya said naturally and I cleared my throat, taking a sip of my sake. I hated it when the conversation went in that dark direction - Emi left a long time ago. She wouldn't like to see him that way. Bitter and alone.

I hated it when people touched on subjects I didn't want to remember. Just hearing her name, my body was pumping with all those sensations of pain, hatred, longing and regret.

- Never mention her name again, understand? - I growled, annoyed and Jiraya just nodded, looking sad. I know that seeing me like that hurt him deeply, but life is the way it is. It would not change. So I would be with my pains until the end of my days.

- I look at you and I remember your father, you are identical: determined and stubborn - Jiraya smiled unhappily - Namikaze knew very well how to make me laugh and also how to irritate me. And he always took my foot because I was constantly traveling and never going to see him. I regret not being able to redeem myself and giving my late friend a last hug. But you, still young, have endless chances to start again. Do not waste time brooding over pains that will not bring you what has already been lost.

I smiled with my head down, keeping the tears from overtaking me. I was not going to recover, because I knew that there was no chance of remission for me.

If you want to leave any comments to encourage me or use your Power Stones I would love it, really thanks if you managed to read this far.

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