
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Daydream walk: Mess in Dinner

Spawnhall city gate to the forest

After Yuki finish his quest in the forest.

Damn that brat!

He killed so many monsters in only two hours?! Including the traveling time?!

What a nonsense!

Besides, those adventurers said that they already witnessed something from the start? And that 'something' make them accepting this strange case?!

Huh! I bet it's just some insignificant things which shock only beginners!

I'm certain he stole those monsters somewhere nearby, what else?

Briant, one of the guards in Spawnhall city, grumbling of the unbelievable event that happened in his day. He's changing his suit in the guards post, prepare going home.

But...why the Guild Master involved in this?

Is it true..?

Nah! It can't be!

Even if he's a faker son of Huberg.

Still in his grumbling, Briant go to the Inn where he promised to meet his partner.

Flamerose Inn

Inn that's owned by a famous lady within adventurers, merchants, and Any travelers.

Her Inn itself is famous for its food, homy service, friendly surroundings, its great security, and the cute waitress.

*Cling cling cling*

Oh, now they put a bell above the door?

Briant recognize this simple change, which is usually not recognized by other people.

It's known the guard Briant has sharp sense even in insignificant matters, this habit of his that make him great soldier in his rank but bad civilian in his social life.

"Welcome, dear customer...

Oh it's just Briant, sorry brat i have many works tonight. Serve yourself, please."

"Uh..yeah, it's alright, Madam."

Briant answers back to the owner carefully.

Guuh, this madam. But i can't do anything since our gap is too large, no, huge.

"Briiiaaant, here, heeree!!"

Uggh that bastard partner of mine, he's already drunk before i come.

"Excuse me, Miss Manna. I want to order something." (Briant)

"Right~ a moment pleaase~"

Manna, daughter of the Madam. If i don't work in this city for a long time, perhaps i mistook her as an adult. Now she's just like my little sister. And it seems others see her in similar way, too.

"What is it, Mr. Briant?"

"Hmm i want two breast of chicken and a beer for today."

"Hee..do you have bad day, Mister?"

"How do you know?"

"It's always like this when you have bad day, Mister. Teehee, alright i'll be right back."


I think she's right. Old habit of mine.

"Kahaha you're busted, Briant. Lil Manna really hit you on the spot!"

"Shutup, you know the reason!"

"Relaaax~ we're here to enjoy the night. After all today is really weird day, kahaha."

"Haaahh you're such a shame as a city guard. But seriously, what do you think?"

"Here it is, Mr. Briant~"

Suddenly the waitress serves the ordered food to Briant. Its smell really entices anyone stomach. But the Dining hall is already full of various delicious smell.

"Thanks, Manna."

"You're welcome."

Manna back to her work at the other table.

"Wow, now i know why you like it so much! Can i have a little?"

"Get off your hands!"

"Hmph! Stingy!"

"So what do you think?"

"Oh, that boy? To me, he's an honest boy. He's quite keen, aware of his situation, cool-headed, and clever. Beside the truth of his unbelievable talent, he knows the best options he should choose. So i think it may be possible that he cleared his quests by himself."

"Hmph! You overestimate him!"

"Kahaha you can always challenge him by request to Guild master anyway!"

Hmm sometimes Felix is genius, huh.

After all Madam Emily give us a chance to demand it to the Guild master.

"I guess it can be considered."

When Briant is drowned in his own thought, he hear Manna's voice not too far.

"Ah brother. What do you need? I thought you're already asleep."

"Ah, i just need some water and taking a bath."

"A-a-ah, a-alright, brother. While you're taking a bath, i will prepare your water later, bro-brother."

"Kyaaah your brother is so handsome, Mannaaa~"

"Please introduce him to mee~"

"N-noo!! He's mine brotheer!"


"Gahaha quit it lady, Manna already get her hands on him! Gahahaha!!"

"You don't need to intervene, old man!"

"Hahaha careful with these ladies, old man~"


"B-but, but..i don't mean it that way.."


Huh? It's the first time i see her blushing!

How is this brother of her?

"Hehe you're cute, Manna. We're just kidding."

"Yes it is, we won't steal that brother of yours."

"Hahaha those ladies are right. We'll support you Mannaa~"

"Go Manna, Gooo!!"


"Aaahh you lot are meaniee~"

Manna runs back to the kitchen.

Where's that brother?

Uh? Is that..that boy?

"What is it, Briant? Is there monster around?"

"No, that's..the boy?"

"Hmm where are you lookin at?

're u just imagin things?" *Hic hic*

This partner of mine start

to drunk hard, huh.

"I guess so."


After a while,

Yuzuki finish his bath.

"Let's go hoomme, hic"

"Be careful, buddy. Close your mouth!"

"Hey, sweety. Come on, we're going."

"A moment please, big sisteer~"

"Aaah, i'm wasted. Gotta work tomorrow."

"Thank you, Madam."

"Delish as alwayysss, hic."

"Yeah, yeah go home drunkard."

"Hahaha let's take night walk bud."

"Yeah, yeah i'll follow you bud. Hahaha"

That's the usual scene happened

after party at night.

"B-brother, here's your drink."

"Ah, thank you Manna."

"By the way, where's everyone?"

"Ah it's the usual event, brother. Many of them usually have this kind of party every once a week then take one to three days off."

"Hmm but is it still early at night? Doesn't this kind of party last till midnight usually?"

"Hee is that so? Where do you learn that, bro..ooph, sorry i don't mean it.."

"It's from my dad, it's okay. Considering dad's drunkard habit, i think it's true."

"Hmm then it's different case in our Inn, brother. Mom bans any overdrinking, so each person only get 10 big glass of beer at maximum. Besides she will close our tavern at eight everynight, unless it's emergency."


"Do you need anything else, brother?"

"No, i'm just hu-"

"Whaaaaatts, it's reaallyy yooouu!!"

From afar there's a voice that startle Yuzuki and Manna.

"Shutup, noisy brat!"


It's Briant who scream hysterically.

And the one got hit by Mrs. Flamerose's pan.

"Aaww..s-sorry, Madam."

"What is it, Briant? You're too loud~"

"That's the boy! I'm not imagining things, right?!"

"Oh yeah, haaaiii Yuki booy~ we meet agaain~"

"Why you're so carefree?!"

"Why should not?"

"That's...but why is he here? Are you not curious?"

"He lives here, guard brat. Any problem?"

Mrs. Flamerose answers to Briant's question immadiately.

"N-no Madam. Grrr.."

Briant got silent when Mrs. Flamerose back to her work counting today's revenue.

Yuzuki approaches them,

intended to greet them.

"Hai Mr. Felix, Mr. Briant. Glad to meet you both again."

"Don't fukin friendly to me!"

Briant lose his cool and throw his beer mug to Yuzuki.

In the second the mug close to Yuzuki, he catches it by the handle. Then offer it back to Briant.

"Sorry Mister, i have no appetite for beer."

"Hahaha that's cool boooyy~"

What the hell? Eventhough i'm still drunk, i'm sure throwing the mug with some spin precisely to his head. How he caught it at its handle, moreover without spilling any?!

"Grrr....yeah thank you."

Briant still hold his anger despite Yuzuki's manner. He's still glad that Mrs. Flamerose not take any moves.

Felix break the awkwardness by asking something different.

"So who's you goin with?"

"Hmm? Oh that's Manna here. Do you want me to introduce her?"

"Hoooo i don't expect that at aaall~ haha."

"Noo brotheeerr. You shouldn't tell hiim~"

*Manna's face got crimson red this time*

"Oh you know Mr. Felix?"

"Ofcoursee, he's known for his playboy and leaking mouth~ aaahh the whole town will know about iiit. I-i-i am gonna die from embarrassmeeent."

"Hmm didn't you say you want to accompany me? Rather than with your friend? I think you're glad strolling with me."

"Kahahahaha you're so dense with women i see, Yuukii boooy."

"Kyaaaah brotheeer!!"

That moment Manna runs to her own room.

Unfortunate for Yuki, he forgot to tell her that he's hungry.

"Stop! Stoop!! What's with this happy go lucky situation?!"

"Chiiill~ Briaant, we got druunk~"

"Why you're so proud saying thaat?!"

Mrs. Flamerose out of her patience, hearing Briant complains and it's already the time to close the tavern.

"Do you think i don't know moment ago?

So what's your prob, brat?! We get to close this tavern."

Mrs. Flamerose intimidates Briant to talk to the point.

Damn, she realize when i throw the mug?

I've got no choice then...

"It's just you dunno anything madaam!

He stole the hunt from other warriors!

Then turn them to the guild for his own ranks!!"

"Haaah?! What d'ya mean by that brat?! What's your proof?"

"Isn't it obvious, madam? He just go out from the forest then there's rumor he submitted some monster the first time he register. Three days later only in two hours he gets some Wolf and lizard to rankup! How's that possible unless stealing?!"

"Hoo you've got talent, kid. It's worthy i accompanied you to the guild."

"H-haahh?! Why you side with him, Madam?!"

"Ofcourse i am! He's my family! Got problem with that?!"

Wh-whaaat?! Before it's Madam Emily, then Guild master and now Madam Flamerose?!

Is he some prince or what?

Or is he truly the son of Huberg?

No! I still can't believe that one.

So what's special about him?

Looking at Briant clench his fist but silent, Mrs. Flamerose understand what Briant's thinking.

"Brat, just go home now. You'll understand if you ask Guild master himself."

Guild master again.

I guess there's no other way.

"Alright madam, i'll excuse myself."

"Briiaant, wait for mee~"

"Walk yourself, this is your idea!"

"Don't be like thaaat my buddyyy~"

"Uugghh! You're stink!"

Both of the guards leave the Inn

While Yuzuki's still dumbfounded.

"What's this all about, Madam??"

"Nah, dunno. You'll see tomorrow

what he will do."


The moment Briant going home

I guess tomorrow i'll ask Guild master some explanation.

"Whys your face so seriouuss, partner??"

"Nothing at all. By the way, what's wrong with you?? You're drunk like this by only two big mugs? Usually you need 5!"

"Hohoho your soo sweeet, you know me so weeeelll~"

"Guuuh..just stay still, drunkard!!"


That night guard Briant's troubled by his drunken partner. Then he sleeps early than usual, expecting tomorrow he'll get the answer very soon.

- Side story, Mess in Dinner: End -


If you're curious about any details or side story, tell me!

I'll try to make it as a story!

And we'll start a new violent story.

Hope you can read them.

Yatoshucreators' thoughts