
The born of Hybrid.

"This is just a normal day for a normal high school girl name Violet. Yet, she got involved with a new transfer student which unrevealed the deepest secret and terrifying truth of her identity. The love triangle between Violet, Xavier and Lewis is beyond abnormal which repeated the traumatised incident in her life. *Do read this story!

Zalloara · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Becca! BeCca! REBECCA!"

Jolt up!

Violet instantly wake up from her sleep, sweating prefusely and fast breathing.

A moment of relief, she regains back her composure and breath normally. It is still 6 in the morning yet she feel all freshen up. Violet take a relaxing shower and then walks out from the bathroom. She is getting ready for her school, wearing a baby blue sweater and black skinny jeans, while her hair tied up in ponytail which shows her great face feature. She take a look of herself in the mirror, and starts recalling her dream.

"What was that..." she breath out a frustration.

She walks downstairs and go straight to the fridge in the kitchen. Egg sandwich and milk drink is prepared and ready to be eaten. Suddenly, faint footsteps approach the kitchen and a vivid figure of woman emerge in front of her. A woman in 40, smiles at Violet and went straight to fridge, grap drinks.

"Hey baby. You wake up early again!" unsurprisingly calm with the situation.

"Hey mom. Yeah still! It seems that you're no longer surprise with my appearance." they both giggle.

"Well. I think I'm already used to my daughter weirdness." The mother teases her and sit in front of her. "You usually sleepy head. Why you suddenly change yourself?" Take a sip of milk.

Violet lower down the sandwich from her mouth and starts pondering.

"Well... Umm mom! You know... I've been dreaming about someone for couple of weeks already." She said.

"Ha Ha who is it?! Who is the lucky man?!" The mother joke around and they both chuckle a bit.

"No mom. It's not men. It is a girl name, Rebecca. I seriously don't know her but she keep on appearing in my dreams. It's weird right?!" She looks at her mom, who suddenly look indifferent.


Violet snugs her mother's hand and the mother looks at her, with unfocused eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha yeahh. It is weird! Is a girl have a crush on my daughter?" The mother teases her.

"NO WAY MOM!!" A happy chuckle booming the house.

The loud honk right in front of the house made Violet realise it is 6.50 a.m already. She quickly clean up everything and grab her school's bag.

"Ohh, I should go now or else Maria will start nagging at me."

"Hahahaha All right. Take care baby." A soft smooch on Violet cheek.

Violet immediately went out from the house and get in her best friend's car, Maria.

"Yo babe. You have a ketchup on your face!" Maria laugh at her.

"urghhh mom! She didn't tell me though!" Quickly clean up her face with tissue while looking at mirror.

"Well, Ms. Matthew is always the best!" "Urmm by the way, i heard there will be a hot transfer student come to our school. I can't wait to see him!" Maria squeals in happiness.

"Ha you always alert when it comes to men! Whatever, you better drive now or else we will be late!"

"All right, Fine!"

Violet just chuckle happily. Little she knows that her mother is in panic yet calm after she left the house.

"Is it time for her to know?!" The mother bite her nail, nervously.


The school is lively as always, full with people chattering, the sound of blaring bell and swarms of student in a hallway. Violet with her bestfriend, Maria, walk down the halls while joking with each other, on their way to the first class of the day.

"I bet that guy must be really tempting" Maria said with a big grin.

"And i bet you will seduce him!" Violet spank Maria at buttocks.

They went into the class and sit down on the empty chairs and chat like there is no longer tomorrow. In a minute, a male teacher in mid 30, holding books, come into the class.

"Okay-okay. Sit down everyone!" He said in energetic voice.

Everyone is taking their sit, looking curious and full of expectations.

"Okay guys, today we have a new transfer student. I bet all the girls must be excited."

Indeed, everyone especially girls are expecting the new guy.

"Come in!"

A guy in black t-shirt that compress his well built, black skinny jeans with chains and black boots, enter the class. He is 6 feets tall and have wide shoulders. His jawline can even tear a paper, deep silver slighted eyes and fresh black short-cut hair. He exude with confidence as he walk into the class, plaster a confident smile on his face. The guy stand tall beside the teacher and introduce himself.

"Hye! I'm Xavier Lester." A deep and husky voice that can swoon women automatically. Literally, he has put his own crown in the girls' heart.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Mr. Lewis said in curiosity.

"Well, it is nice to meet all of you!"

He remarks himself yet Violet feels the sparks as he stare into her eyes. Even though they quite far from each other, she can feels and see he is staring at her.

"OMG! He is literally looking at me just now." A girl named as Melissa that sat in front of Violet, whisper to her friends. They act all girly which is quite cringey to witness.

Mr. Lewis ask Xavier to have a seat at any empty sits and he walks his ways towards Violet.

"Is this sit taken?" Xavier looks at Violet, signalling the sit beside her.

"ummm no.." she said with shy tone.

"All right." Xavier sit beside her and mind his own business.

The class begun for like half and hour, yet Violet can still feels the tension between her and Xavier. She can feel that Xavier is watching her like a prey.

The bell rang laudly and everyone immediately left their sit as Mr. Lewis walks out from the class. Violet and Maria was about to went out from the class but was stop by Xavier.

"Hey! Can you show me the way to Biology class?" Xavier said to Violet with curious eyes. Violet was taken a back by his sudden request.

"ohhh... Yeahh.. Sure. You want to come with us, Maria?"

"Hahaha no. I will reserve your place. See you in class". Maria said with a big smile. She wave at them and rushed away.

"Ha that was weird" Violet mutter to herself.

As they walk to his class, they have a chit-chat on some random things and finally Violet find herself comfortable around him.

"Well, yeah this is your class." She showed him.

"Thanks Becca!" He said with playful tone.

Violet shocked by his word and look up to him.


Xavier seems to keep a poker face with underlying meaning.

"Opps sorry! Thanks Violet!" He smiles at her, warmly, but Violet still find it weird.

"ohhh all right.. I've got to go". Still feel unsure with current situation. Then, she walks to her class with multiple questions in her head. While Xavier look at her back with sadness expression.


The final bell rang which is a great news for students as they finally can went home. The school is getting lively again with students cheering as tomorrow is a holiday.

Violet and Maria get in the Maria's car and suddenly Violet spoken.

"Maria, i forgot my purse. Can you wait here?"

"Yeah sure. But don't be late or im going to kick your ass!"

"Hahahaha I'm sure it's not gonna be late."

Violet rush to the last class and grab her purse, which left under her table. She walked out from her class to the hallway and suddenly stop on her tract as she heard a voice from a toilet that far from her, seeking for help. She heads towards the location and once she step into the loo, the crying was stop. She saw Melissa with stoned face, cover with blood around her neck but she wiped it off calmly.


"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?" Violet in restlessness, touch Melissa's hand but was parry harshly.

"Don't touch me!" Melissa said with annoyance while giving a deadly glare at her. "JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!"

Melissa went out from the loo leaving Violet. Yet, Violet found it strange as Melissa behave like someone else as seems she is under a spells. A goosebumps occur to Violet as she saw Xavier is looking at her at the end of the hallway. She blink her eyes and see no one in front of her which makes her scared.

Violet is too shocked with the things she just witnessed. The wind smoothly grace her skin, leave her shivers in a cold and quiet surroundings with gloomy weather. The gloomy aura consume her consciousness which makes her stand on her feet at the same place. Suddenly, the phone ringing which breaks the ice and Violet pick up her phone.

"V. How long are you going to be in the class? Do you forget your legs now?" Maria make sarcasm remarks which ease Violet's burden.

"Ha I'm sorry! I guess i sleep in the class. I'm on my way now" Violet said.

"You better hurry!"

Violet immediately went to Maria and get in her car. Maria sense the sudden changes of her mood but she chose not to ask her. They went home while jamming to 'Play date' song.


It is 8 p.m in California. The night time is a heaven for people here as everything available during this time, especially for fun and excitement activities. The hectic city full with several ethnicity, wearing different types of clothes and fashion, revealing the other personality of themselves.

A dark cold night with a fresh breeze, softly pat the sensitive skin of a young lady. There is a dark alley at California that known for murderous place, by the sight of it, people will get a goosebumps. This restricted place seems a bit lively with people taking drugs and drunk, loitering there. The medium-height lady is walking alone in the dark alley, while whistling to 'bad guy' by Billy Elish. All eyes on her as a lady make her appearance at this dark place. The group of guys went to her with a disgusting smile and smell.

"Hey beautiful! Want to join us?" One guy with beard said and laughed at each other.

The lady walked past through them, obviously ignoring them, but one guy grab her wrist.

"YO! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" He said with hoarse voice.

"Aish! Such a loser!" She smirk and snap from his grip.

"WHATT!!!?!? YOU--"

The man rushed to her and was about to punched her, yet she able to stop it as her hand move so fast as lightning. She laugh and break his wrist! The man scream in utmost pain and welp.

"Well, isn't it fun to hear someone screaming in pain!" She grin widely.

The other men somewhat want to save him but not capable to take any steps. The young lady looked at them and in split of second, she appeared in front of them with scary face. The moment went silent for a second, and all of them simultaneously screaming due to the pain. Their neck are bitten and crimson red blood flow down slowly towards their upper body. What a horrifying view!

"Huuuuu!! Now I'm full!"

The young lady lick her lips and wink at the men. She went away from the scene and take a light walk. Once she arrived at intersection, she saw a man, exudes with confidence, looks at her. She unconditionally play with her hair while the guy make his way to her.

"Hye angel!" He winked at her.

"Hye gorgeous! What's your name?" still playing with her hair and bite her lower lips.

"You still forgot my name! HAHAHAHAH WELL I'm Xavier and what's your name, beautiful?" he plays along with her while give a small kiss on her hand.

"I'm Rebecca!" She smile.