
The Bored Overpowered Guardian

In the bustling heart of the city, Rajeev leads an ordinary life, navigating the urban labyrinth of towering skyscrapers and bustling streets. Little does he know that amidst the urban chaos, destiny has a grand adventure in store, one that will unveil the hero within and lead him to confront the extraordinary.

Vinayak_Tripathi_0803 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Cursed Boy

In the shadowed confines of the global command center, the atmosphere was thick with a cocktail of awe and trepidation. The world's leaders stood huddled around a projector screen, the light casting ghostly figures across their faces. An image flickered to life, showing the silhouette of a human-like entity, its outline too illuminated to discern any features.

"This can't be one of ours," murmured the Russian President, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Could it be a new player? Another race, perhaps," suggested the French President, the notion hanging in the room like a specter.

The conversation swirled with theories and conjectures, each leader grappling with the implications of this unforeseen variable.

Meanwhile, Rajeev made his way home, the day's events swirling in his mind. As he entered, he was immediately greeted by the sharp tongue of his aunt. "You're late again, bringing shame as always," she scolded.

His cousin brother smirked, "What'd you do this time, Rajeev? Save the world?"

His cousin sister's voice was sharp as a knife. "You're cursed, Rajeev! Ever since your parents..." Her words trailed off, but the sting remained, echoing the dark day of the accident that had claimed his parents.

The television in the background cut through the tension, the news anchor reporting with a mix of relief and frustration. "The alien threat appears to have retreated. For now, we seem to be safe."

Rajeev glanced at the screen, his gaze heavy with unspoken thoughts. Without a word, he retreated to the sanctuary of his room.

The phone rang, breaking the silence?a call from his school friend, Riya. "Hey, Rajeev, you're coming to my birthday party, right? You promised!"

He sighed, the weariness in his voice masked by a gentle tone. "Yes, Riya. I'll be there."

A hint of anxiety lingered in Rajeev's mind, an undercurrent born from the events that unfolded. As he sat alone, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change, for him and for the world.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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