
The Bored Immortal Became a Teacher

1,000 Years Ago... The Earth was shaken and evolved into a much more dangerous Place. The Earth got larger by twice its size, but the Portals suddenly appeared in front of the Human Being that reduced their Population to 40% left, but hope was almost lost. They have been granted one more time to survive, a System was brought to everyone that they can use to evolve and get stronger. A Hero suddenly came upon them that slaughtered all of the Monsters that came out of the Portal. She was then given the title, "The Primordial Goddess of Death". She was given that title as no one knew her face or name, the only thing that they remember about her is her Dazzling Black hair that was dancing through the wind as she kills all the monsters, while her Scythe was dripping with Blood. 1,000 years have passed since, and new Heroes were born because of the Prestigious School that helps students to become Aspiring Hero just like "The Primordial Goddess of Death". "Ahhh... I'm bored as hell, should I go into one of my Academies and be a teacher?" A.N Sorry for the inconvenience, I might actually add Romance to the story, but that would probably in the middle part of the Story. Cover Art is not mine, if the artist want me to remove it he/she can message me.

TOYAPUS · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Welcoming Party

"Alright enough of that for now, I'll let you have some time on your own to think about what kind of request you would want, but I hope by tomorrow you are ready. And with that, the Class is dismissed, so be ready for your next Class. If you want to look for me, wait for me in the Faculty Room." Mio said as she left the classroom without looking back. She headed straight to the Faculty Room to see if Alice had already put up her Schedule, also wanted to organize her desk there since she also had some stuff that she wanted to leave there whenever she taught a Class.

When Mio finally arrived at the Faculty Room, she opened the door as she finally entered, and what greeted her there was something she wasn't expecting at all. She was greeted with a lot of balloons and confetti in her face as soon as she opened the door, at first she thought that someone was going to attack her and she was already to counter, but when she realized that it was only the sound of confetti, she stopped before a bloodbath could happen which was a fortunate thing. Out of impulse she almost killed everyone which is something she definitely doesn't want to happen.

"WELCOME TO THE ACADEMY TEACHER MIO!!" All the Teachers inside cheered warmly, even the Principal was in the Faculty Room to join the short welcoming party for her. Of course with her inside, Martin also tags along of course since he is just like a puppy for her who is always by her side. And he didn't even bother to hide the hatred on his face as he looked at Mio, the fact that he got beaten by Mio had already circulated around the whole Academy and it wasn't even stopping at that yet, the news was slowly getting outside which made him lose face, though if that was only it he can still swallow the humiliation, but he loss face in front of the woman she loves, and he blamed all of it to Mio.

But it wasn't just him who was glaring at Mio, there were also some other people, but unlike Martin who was openly glaring at her, they were hiding it. At first, Mio was confused after seeing that a handful of people were showing hatred towards her, but she soon realized it. The other people who bore hatred are the Teachers who are close with Pentil who was already fired from his job and was long gone from the Academy. But she paid no attention to them and just greeted everyone with a smile on her face.

"Thank you, everyone. For your warm greeting, I'll definitely repay this kindness of yours in the future," Mio said with a smile on her face as she accepted the glass of drink that was given to her and drank it. Because they were still working hours, they didn't drink any alcohol and just had juice. No one minds it though since all of them are professional teachers anyway, plus being drunk in a Class as a teacher would make them lose face.

"Oh, that is not needed anymore Teacher Mio. Please be more casual to us as fellow teachers! We have already heard from Principal Alice that you'll be taking over the Magic Theory Department and it surprised us because even for us, it's a very hard subject to teach after all. But you actually become the head of that department which only means one thing, you are a genius!" A female teacher approached Mio with a smile on her face as she toasted a glass with Mio and in her eyes, everyone could see the admiration in them. Though all of them were just the same, they had great respect and admiration for her. It was not like they couldn't teach Magic Theory to the Class, they can teach, but because it's not their main focus, they can't teach it properly to the students which is a pity since they are wasting time for the students.

"Oh? Hearing such a compliment is quite nice, though I'm not a genius though. I just studied enough that I suddenly became proficient in them, but if you want I can spare some time and bring the lessons that I will teach to the students to you guys, you can think of this as me repaying you guys for what you did to me today~" Mio said with a casual smile as she walked over to her desk and actually found a few gifts for her given by some of the Teachers. She was merely doing this so that the Academy that was under her name wouldn't fall after all, she's still a prideful person. Plus, the downfall of the Academy was going to take out the fun that she wanted.

"Really? Then there's no going back in your words! Yay, now I can learn Magic Theory even more!" The female teacher cheered and jumped in joy before moving forward to Mio to grab her hand which caused someone to be shocked.

"Wha… What are you doing? Why are you grabbing Teacher Mio's hand?" Alice yelled out suddenly which caused everyone to look at her in confusion because out of all people, she was the one who should know the female teacher best since she came from the same family as her. After all, she was her cousin from her Father's side of the family, Carol Grant. The daughter of her father's brother.

"Oh come on cousin, I was just properly thanking Teacher Mio for her gifts in advance. Everyone would do the same, why are you even agitated by this? Teacher Mio doesn't even reject it so why are you so agitated… Are you perhaps jealous of me?" Carol had a cheeky smile on her face as she even crossed her arms around Mio's arms who didn't show any sign of irritation on her face, she just let whatever she wanted to do. The reason was simple, she was a part of Solar's family, so of course she wouldn't simply push her away. Plus her personality was just like Solar herself, very cheeky and playful.