

After the exit of the predecessors, there must be a search for new blood that will take up the task of protecting the earth. The Bookworms.

Peach_Immortal · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

The Second BW- Ciara

Deep in the forest, a little kingdom was located. Peasants flocked the streets selling or buying wares, carts drove past carrying food and goods and soldiers marched past ensuring that at everything was in order.

There was a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.

A huge castle stood in the kingdom, its size wasn't as big as those of other kingdoms but it radiated modesty. By the side of it was a ring were youngsters were seen sparring.

A young man in armor just knocked out a sword from his partner's hands. He picked it up in a cool fashion and handed it back.

"Nice improvement, Sawyer."

The young opponent nodded excitedly and left.

Peter sheathed his sword and turned to the next youngster who wanted to spar with him. He was obviously one of the best senior soldier.

'If only my brother was this enthusiastic.' he mused.

Inside the castle, on the top floor, three girls of varying ages were being thought etiquette. Crowns were seated on their heads showing their statuses.

A middle aged woman in butler outfit was teaching them.

"Cross your legs elegantly, princesses. Very nice, Rosita. No, Ciara, not again. Do not widen your legs, I presume you don't want the kingdom peeping at your

undergarment." She spoke humorously with a thick accent that the girls had to strain their ears and brains to understand.

They all cringed at her crude statement. 'Uncultured!' This thought passed through the minds of Nora and Rosita. Ciara simply did not care.

"Impressive Nora, impressive." The teacher smiled as she watched the princess engage in a special catwalk without making any mistakes.

"And as expected, you fail, again." Her dissatisfaction returned when Ciara tried it out.

This continued for the next five hours. No matter how elegant the princesses should look, they had turned haggard from tiredness. Their personal maids led them to their quarters.

Ciara slumped on her bed in an unlikely manner and breathed heavily. It was like she just finished running a marathon.

"My princess, the bath is ready." Her maid came from the bathroom and informed her. The lazy princess waved at her.

The maid bowed and left the room.

An hour later, Ciara playing a violin. That was her favorite hobby. It helped her relax in the stifled environment that she viewed the palace as.

'Maybe one day, I could become a master violinist. But no, mom would not hear of that.'

The queen of Aristonia, her mother, strongly desired for her daughters to rule the kingdom or marry men with high statuses like magnates, moguls or barons.

Speaking of magnates, a particular one who calls himself and requests to be called Lord Devian is one of her suitors. Her mother keeps on imagining the glorious and comfortable life that she would live in the arms of that middle aged man.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips. The tune of the violin became melancholy.

Even her father, the King, had no dissatisfactions towards this man.

'He is in his 40's for the kingdom's sake! I'm just eighteen.' A bitter laugh escaped her lips.

"For the kingdom." She said the chant quite wearily.

The violin suddenly changed and a fast tune began play. It wasn't spirited though, weariness radiated off the tune.

Ciara thought of her sister, Rosita who had been engaged to a Baron's son.

'She doesn't even love him. I can see the sadness radiating of her face ever since the engagement.'

Commoners would think that they had a very good life but, unlike their thoughts, they were restricted even tighter than a corset on a lady's waist.

She grimaced as she suddenly felt the pain from the super tight corset on her.

The music stopped and hidden in the shadows of the trees, her personal maid wiped her tears and scurried away.

Ciara's eyes caught her silhouette leaving and smiled.

'Cute little maid.'

Soon, the violin was back at the music room.

"Hey princess!"

"Hola princesa!" Two deep voices sounded from the inner room and immediately, short men jumped out dressed in weird costumes. One was dressed like an umpire and the other like a clown.

'Schan, Zvan, these teachers.'

They were the ones that handled the music room and they always helped sneak instruments into Ciara's quarters, or sneak her into the music room in order not to be caught by her mother.

They understood her plight.

"Heehe, princesa, que quieres?"

"Sneaking in again?" They sounded like broken gramophones.

The princess held her forehead and waved at them. She pointed at the violin and escaped from the music room.

The dwarves sighed, their bubbly atmosphere relaxed.

"The princess is pitiful, isn't she?"

"Sí, muy triste."

As she slumped on her bed after removing her dress, she slowly drifted to sleep.

Unknown to her, golden specks appeared and outlined her body. A gentle breeze blew past.

Ciara opened her eyes to a very different world, very different that she couldn't explain it. Even the atmosphere was different.

A long glass table as tall as her was just infront of her. A little golden book sat there filled with music notes. A beautiful violin was placed near a stool and she could almost hear a voice telling her to play it.

Of course, she listened to it. Yup, she had no sense of danger. She wanted to play the violin, she would play the violin.

A gasp escaped her lips as she hummed the notes.

'Breathtaking, heavenly!' was all she could think about.

Her hands began to move without her knowledge as an indescribable melody sang out.

She was like an angel.

Slowly, those golden specks covered her and she gradually disappeared.