

After the exit of the predecessors, there must be a search for new blood that will take up the task of protecting the earth. The Bookworms.

Peach_Immortal · Sci-fi
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3 Chs


Virgil looked up at Bookworm with deep eyes. " What did you say, Bookworm?" he asked menacingly.

Bookworm was relaxed on his throne while he looked down at this pathetic enemy of his.

" You can't have the Blood amulet Virgil".

" Call me master Virgil! Who told you about my plans?".

Bookworm laughed. " So you really think you were secretive enough?" He started to list all his suspicions.

"Firstly, the statue of the predecessors broke for no particular reason and it was completely shattered to dust.

Then, the Aristans sent me a visitor to warn me of something bad that may happen suddenly.

Oh right, then there was a new lower disciple that rose to being a higher disciple in the span of a day. A freaking day!" Bookworm said with widened eyes. " Couldn't you have been less showy for me not to notice you?"

Virgil was startled as he did not notice he was being so obvious.

" Well, where is the Blood amulet?" he asked.

"Somewhere you will never find it, disciple"

" Do not call me that!" Virgil snarled at him angry at himself for losing his dignity to Bookworm.

The last time they met, it was a very bloody battle and he just managed to escape with his life. But he needed more strength, the Blood amulet which was made up of all the powers of the predecessors would give him that.

Bookworm stepped down from his throne and flicked his sleeves. A red amulet landed on his wrist.

" This is what you want eh? Well come get it", he waved it in Virgil's face and taunted him.

Virgil hid his smile and pressed a button at his back. Immediately, the alarm lights started to blink and the butler robot, Qinx came running.

"Master, Master! the robots are malfunctioning". As he said that, no one noticed three robots who came and held down Bookworm. He struggled to be free but he couldn't fight against robots who had the power of a thousand dins each.

He watched with fear as Virgil walked closer to him.

Looking down at Bookworm from above, Virgil laughed.

"You overestimate your self Bookworm. This world has always been mine and will always be. Go join your predecessors".

He grabbed the amulet from Bookworm's hands and crushed it. Powers with different auras and forms creeped into his body and mind. Virgil raised his head up and laughed.

"No no! What have you done?! Those powers belonged to the next generation of Bookworms. How could you?!" Bookworm said in despair.

Virgil laughed more and more. " Let's test these new powers." His eyes roamed over Bookworm. " Let's test it on you".

Virgil struck at Bookworm a golden light and he was blasted to the opposite wall. Bookworm coughed out blood.

"I am satisfied with these now." Virgil said and disappeared.

Bookworm tried to get up from the ground but he felt all weak. He slowly raised his hands and saw that they had turned into leaves of a book. He sighed.

Qinx came closer and picked up the golden book. It placed it in a tube.

"What to do now, Master", it addressed the book.

"The future of earth is uncertain. You do know what to do" Bookworm said.

"Yes master" it replied.

After fiddling on the computer, Qinx turned to the book.

" Master, the first BW resides in Russia".

"The search was not supposed to begin so soon. I will get him" the book said

"Master, not now, you are weak. Do your bidding later".

Bookworm stayed silent in agreement. Two weeks from now the search for the next generation BW's shall begin.

Din - The strength of a ton
