
The Dangerous Girl

When we walked into the house, I pointed at the couch, making them sit down. "Explain. Right. Now." I growled, making Zach wince. "Yes. Why don't you, mate?" Zach clenched his teeth together, shooting a dirty look at Stark. I look at Stark, glaring. He put his hands up in surrender, starting the story. "I woke up in your bedroom. I slid out through the window, afraid I would wake you," I interrupted him, confused. "How do you know me?" I ask, uncertain. He looks at me sheepishly, running his hands through his hair. He looked sexy doing that. I shook that out of mind. "Well, in my world... you were the most dangerous girl out there. They say, if you touch her, you'll fall in love.It's just a legend." he said quickly, looking away. I smile cat-like, teasing him. "So, did you fall in love with me?" I asked,

mischievously. He blushed furiously, walking away. He came back quickly, informing me there was a knock on the door. I nodded, but I already knew. I gently put my finger to my lips, silently walking to the door. I checked the window and saw a group of men. I sighed and opened the door, innocently looking at them. "Yes?" I asked, my eyes wide. "Miss, we're looking for Zachary Forbes." The first man said, almost stepping in. I stepped on his foot, leaving him paralyzed. I made my move. I threw a knife at the second man, it following from the third and so on. One was left, running toward me. I jumped on him, my legs on his neck. I flipped, causing him to fall to the ground. I swiftly landed on my feet, fixing my blue leather jacket. I closed the door and stood in the living room. "Zachary Forbes. What the hell did you do?" I growled, pinching the bridge of my nose. Stark came in completely astonished. "Did you just...?" he said, eyes widening. "I don't belive they told you I'm a killer." I replied softly, running my hands through my hair. He ran up the stairs, running to the bathroom. I heard him throw-up and I winced. "I may or may not have...stole a diamond." he replied, playing with his fingers. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "You got to learn how to not get caught." I replied as I ran up the stairs. Stark was in my room, sitting with his hands on his knees. I leaned on the frame, crossing my arms. "Are you alright?" I asked softly, concerned. He shook his head, whimpering. I kneel down in front of him, brushing his hair out of his intense gray eyes. I hugged him silently, as he grabbed onto me. He laid his head on my shoulder, quivering. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have seen that." I kept on saying repeatedly. He eventually fell asleep on my lap. I chuckled softly laying him on my bed. I turned off the light and closed the door, walking downstairs. I could sleep another night, I thought to myself.

"Alíce?" I heard someone say softly. I groaned and opened my eyes. I sat up quickly, but only half way. Stark was 5 inches away from me. I gasped softly, leaning back. He leaned back as well, blushing. "Sorry. I thought you were dead." he said uncomfortably. I smiled and pecked him on the cheek. "How can I-Queen of Darkness- die?" I asked, gently ruffling his hair. He smiled and stood up, walking up the stairs. When I laid back down, I caught him glance at me. He smiled warmly, running up the stairs.