
Nothing .

Nothing can be what you see sometimes , in order to make nothing something you need to find nothing first. Honestly what is nothing and what is something, what is the start and what is the end ? This book started with nothing and will end in #######? It's all up to you to enjoy it or not . I'm not an author and don't have intentions to become one in the future , I am here to share my thoughts with you . For all that feel nothing feels something because nothing comes from something. Something well that comes from nothing. People have a lot of things to think about everyday. And those things they think about become the best and worst of their life. NOTHING can really clear it from their head . A book of Nothing will end with something. A book of something will end with nothing and a book of me will end with you and with you well to be honest you'll find nothing you would want to find after you read this . After all it's the book of nothing right? Maybe I'm being A-little unreasonable or a bit random per say but I'm just being me and today I wanted to say nothing . Nothing at all and I want to express it to you I'm doing it for Nothing and I'm doing it for You what will I do? I don't know because I had nothing on my mind because I didn't think of anything . All of this will be nothing Nothing NoThINg aT All ..... After this part you will find the final message . I hope you find it because it's right after this . Good luck :)